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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. Well if we are adding suggestions, I have also heard not to use wild looking text/fonts. Stick with something pleasing to the eye, not abstract like comic sans, which isn't very professional looking. Even though I am making a game site, where I want it to be fun, I've found that the odd looking fonts are just not good to look at over and over. Personally, I like Veranda, but thats just me.

  2. From a quick scan, it doesn't look like I'd use any of those anyway. But that is a very handy reference indeed. I thought there must have been some words that were specific to MySQL. I've seen where words have specific meaning in other stuff I've done, although memory fails me as to what it was. I will have to copy/past this list somewhere for future reference, as I may need it someday.As to that list, aren't some of those just attributes? I remember in PHPmyAdmin that the second column I believe, is where you find things like AUTO_INCREMENT. What purpose would be served using that as a name for a database/table?

  3. Thanks for the info. From the sounds of it, I'm going to need to a little more research into MySQL before I can actually do my database. I've only dabbled in it. But at least I know I can use almost any words I want. I suppose I could have tried to look this question up by googling it or something, but I come up with the weirdest things that way. I have the hardest times finding good resource material in one spot on subjects, and I'm getting tired of going from site to site. But I guess, since I can't afford to go to school, this is how I'll have to learn.

  4. I've made up a database before so I know the very basics of how to do one. I followed an outline of a script for a login/registration page once. But now that I'm a little further along in my site, I want to make up one specific for things I am doing. My question is, can you use any regular words in the tables of you database, or are they specific in MySQL? I mean, does MySQL only recognize certain words when making out your database.Example: What I am working on is needing a database for seperate 'stations' (as in T.V. for my game). In each station, there is a certain number of crew, sets and advertisements it is allowed due to it's size. Can I be specific like saying crew, sets, ads, in my database? And actually, now that I think about, how exactly do I go about that?

  5. Does this mean you have to have a Gmail account. I'm having all sorts of trouble with mine. They keep telling me I have the wrong username/password even though I know its right. I sent them a report about it and they sent me a email back saying they know about the problem and they are working on it.But sounds cool. If it doesn't involve Gmail, I'd love to be a part of it. Another place to be a part of the Xisto community? Count me in!

  6. Well, I woke up this morning and had that very same idea, to add the full address... but that didn't work. I've checked exactly for matchups and can't find the problem. It was a direct copy from the other page and all I did was add the http thing but it was a no go.Funny thing about making the 'includes' folder into a 'javascript' folder though. As soon as I did that, the menu no longer appeared on my main page anymore. I moved the config.js file there and changed the name to javascript. I changed the script so it said javascript/browser.js and javascript/config.js, and what do you know... It just didn't work. Checked the spelling twice. Changed it back to includes and it worked fine. I don't know about that one.Anyway, still don't know what to do about my other page. Even after adding the full address it didn't come up. Could it be the way my page is laid out?

  7. Thanks for that advice Vyoma. I think I have figured out why I am having such a dilema here. I know some stuff to get me started on my game site: HTML, some basic PHP, and a little MySQL. But at the moment, it's not getting me to the point where I can get where I want to go fast enough. I have put some coding books on my wish list at Amazon.com, and my birthday is coming up, so hopefully my family will get me some. I've been to many sites online about how to do things, many tutorials, but the problem is, they are never all in one place and never completly what I am looking for.Now I know with a programming site, I already know the content that would be there, and am fairly sure I would be able to make it. Just not sure if I would run into the some of the same pitfalls in making the pages, as I am now. But I guess only time would tell. But now I almost have my 30 credits to upgrade my site, and I don't think it would take much to run a programming site. And for now, until I get my own computer back with Xammp on it, I could keep both on there.

  8. Finally, success! I've gotten one of the many tries to work (with some help :unsure: ). But one more problem has popped up. I've worked it out so the menu shows up correct on the page I wanted it too. I don't have all the links working yet, but the menu is there. Now, for one of the pages that the menu links to, I wanted to put the menu on. Ok that was confusing. I wanted to put the menu on another page in other words. Therin lies the problem. I put exactly the same coding that was needing in the first page, into the new page, but it doesn't work. It requires a couple of javascript files and a body onload thingy. I guess I'll just post the code for the page I'm working on here:

    <html><head><TITLE> Buy Studio</TITLE><script type="text/javascript" src="includes/browser.js">/************************************************ Jim's DHTML Menu v5.7- Š Jim Salyer (jsalyer@REMOVETHISmchsi.com)* Visit Dynamic Drive: http://http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for script and instructions* This notice must stay intact for use***********************************************/</script><script type="text/javascript" src="config.js"></script><LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; TYPE="text/css"></head><body background="http:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;   onload="init()"><center><font color=red size=12>Fantasized TeleVision</font><center><table border="2" Cellspacing="1" Cellpadding="1"><Caption><font color="red"><h2>Studio's</h2></font></Caption><TR><TD Align = "center"><u>Public Access</u></TD>	<TD Align = "center"><u># Sets Allowed</u></TD>	<TD Align = "center"><u>Max Crew Allowed</u></TD>	<TD Align = "center"><u>Ad Type</u></TD></TR><TR><TD Align = "center">Level 1</TD>	<TD Align = "center">1</TD>	<TD Align = "center">4</TD>	<TD Align = "center">Local</TD></TR><TR><TD Align = "center">Level 2</TD>	<TD Align = "center">2</TD>	<TD Align = "center">5</TD>	<TD Align = "center">Local</TD></TR><TR><TD Align = "center">Level 3</TD>	<TD Align = "center">4</TD>	<TD Align = "center">8</TD>	<TD Align = "center">Local</TD></TR><TR><TD Align = "center"><u>Local Station</u></TD></TR>.....
    The table does go on and it is correct, but I figured I'd save some space and not show it all. That part worked fine. This is just a basic work-up of my webpage, it is nowhere near complete, but none-the-less, the menu won't show up. Any suggestions?

  9. But suing over a luxury that you went out and bought for your own personal enjoyment? You just know that people like these will look for any reason to sue. I'm an American, and I know from personal experience, that I have joked around with my friends about suing for various *stupid* reasons. Like, 'I cut my finger opening a CD with a knife, they should have a warning about not using one to open it'. Just really stupid things. Americans are just so *sue happy* because we see it everyday. And not only do we see it everyday, we see stupid cases winning. It's like the new American Dream. Win a huge amount of case by suing some huge company because they don't have a warning label. Get rich quick. Most Americans are just plain lazy, or really would prefer to be that way.

  10. Ahh, there now. I just found my reason not to clone indidual body parts. Overpopulation. If we can make people live longer by giving them better organs, then life expectancy will go up for sure. I'm probably reaching for straws on that one, but maybe we shouldn't be messing with things we were given. I mean really, life is a gift and should be taken as such. We get one time around, live it to its fullest, don't try to tweek it like you do your computer. We are humans, we have brains and feelings, not motherboards and microchips. C'mon now, leave well enough alone.

  11. Yes, he will probably win. I live in the US and know how lawyers can 'fast talk' their way around anything. For instance, I know a guy who got arrested for shooting an unregisterd gun in public, fleeing police, being under the influence while driving, and having marajuana in his car. Should have had jail time right? All he got was 6 months of probation, just one night in jail until he got to court. Lawyers are slick people.

  12. I know we are nowhere near the point of selecting certain genes, but the point of it is just (to me) unreasonalble. I understand that it might be good to block out a certain gene the parents know the definetly have, but what happens beyond there? What else might get blocked as a result? The reactions of changing things will be in testing phases far beyond the imagination, even after it is appoved to be done. Lets say you expect to change a gene that the parents know causes oh.. lets say something simple, like terrible near-sightedness. Now lets say by changing this gene it changes the path of a few genes behind it and it causes something wrong in the brain, maybe a cancer of some sort. Yeah I'm a doomsday kinda thinker, but ya gotta think of all the things that can go wrong here.I mean maybe I'm even wrong for thinking they should be able to clone human organs, I don't know. I haven't given that one a whole lot of thought like clone a whole being. But my opinion on cloning humans and changing genes is a very strong and unchangable, NO!

  13. I had a background on my site that i got on the internet. I don't remember the name of the site but from it I was able to save the background (which was a textured blue background) to photobucket.com. I've had it there for awhile, but now, all-of-the-sudden it disappeared. I guess you can only keep things on photobucket for so long. But how do I keep a background on my site if I can't host it somewhere? Is there a way to put the picture in cPanel and use it from there? If there is, I cant figure it out.

  14. Oh wow, sounds pretty exciting. July 29th? Oh, that is soon! Can't wait to check it out.

    The release date for Fantasy film-maker got moved up a day. The new release day will be July 30, 2006. Just thought you might like to know. I love to get people involved in the game. I am a tester for the new release, and it's looking great. They've added a new feature to help-out the newcomer get through their first movie and some other neat stuff. I hope that you do join.

  15. Yes, I did say I've already started the text-based game. But in regards to that, I've only completed about 3 or 4 pages. My girlfriend doesn't want me to give up on it, and it is something I do want to do too. But I feel really strongly about this programming site. It's probably because I know I can get it up and running alot quicker than the game. The game is going to take a very long time. I am only new to programming, and I am the only one doing it. That's the way I want it to be. I am stubborn like that (Geman roots :unsure: ). I want to be able to say "look at what I did all on my own". I guess I was looking for advice on whether or not a programming site written by a beginner for beginners would even be a good idea.


    But on another note, let me think this out. Maybe if I work myself up to 30 credits and get the upgrade, I can do both, and only show one. Argg! Now I'm blabbering.

  16. I think there is a major problem with cloning. There are too many scientists out there. Why do I say this? Because we are only human aren't we? And humans are diverse, you get the 'good' and the 'evil'. What were to happen if you come across a few 'evil' scientists. Who knows. They could clone the ultimate master mind like Hitler for all we know! O.K. enough of my ranting. Now I will go on.

    Also, about our filtering out undesirable traits--we've been doing that for a long time with other animals. So what gives us the right to breed certain dogs together just because we want certain traits from them? Why should we be allowed to control their lives? At least in the case of filtering out undesirable human genes we're only controlling our lives (though this may affect others' lives too, but I mean of immediate relevance), but with breeding dogs, we're manipulating others to fit our needs.

    Dogs (or other animals for that matter) are quite a different matter. Humans are the number 1 living being on this planet. If we start cloning humans, and it becomes the 'mainstream' thing to do, in the end we are destroying nature itself. By the time its all said and done, Our clones will be making clones! That just doens't sit well with me.

    I don't want any kind of mutation personally. I really don't care if it would be competition on a higher level or not. I like the competion the way it is now. We were made a certain way, and if they wanted to maybe improve something, go ahead, clone some organs. But stay away from everthing else for crying out loud. It's terrible to see people dieing young of some liver disease or something. I see nothing wrong with more organs. But a 'best of the best' kind of clone would just spoil it for the rest of us trying to get by.

  17. I may be missing the point but, why put a whole computer in a car/truck? Why not just buy a laptop. I mean yeah it is neat that you can do it, but isn't it (in the end) just a waste? What about the heat, the cold, theft, people who would just want to ruin it? Like I said, Maybe I just missed the point.

  18. I saw something on a T.V. show called Attack of the Show about boy scouts in Hong Kong searching the internet for people who download music illegally. I looked it up on the internet today and found a site about it. The boyscouts, girlscouts and 9 other youth groups. They are hoping to have 200,000 of them starting this summer ranging in age from 9-25. Here is the site I found it from: Boyscouts may be watching

  19. My website is nowhere near complete, but I am already having second thoughts about it. The main idea of it is a text-based T.V. Station Management Game. I recently read a post here at Xisto where someone wanted to make a text-based game, and they got some negative feedback about it. Although I think it was one of those RPG kinda text-based games, the fact that there are so many text-based games out there can not be denied.Now the second part to this post is what my new idea would be for a site. What I was thinking was (and yes this is also out there alot too) an beginners guide to programming. The spin would be that it would be from beginner to beginner. I would put what I have learned and already tried and tested out on my site. The site would be updated regularly. I have learned quite alot in the last few months since I've started doing this. Yes I still have my problems, but I am working them out.I don't know. I just love programming. I was also thinking that if I did a programming site, I could do the Amazon.com Affiliate program and put some programming books on my site as well. Like I said, some advice would be great on this topic.

  20. I'll add my 2 cents about text based games I guess. I've been playing a game called Fantasy Film-maker since Oct. 2005. It's not an RPG, it's a movie studio simulation game. I like it because you play with people from all over the world to be the top film studio. They have a database of real actors with stats for them in different film genres. You can write plots for films, send them to a scriptwriter (takes 1-10 days to finish), cast and put into production, then release the film to cinema. After a week in cinema you can release it to video/DVD. They have assests you can buy/sell. A court where you can sue other companies.Right now the game is finishing its testing after its update. It will be open to the public again on July 29th, 2006. Great game, I recommend it highly.

  21. I use PHP Designer myself. There was just something about HTML Kit I didn't like. Maybe it was the plug-ins that you had to get for certain things. But PHP Designer is good for me. It has syntax highlighting, debugging scripts (I have Xammp installed), you can code many scripting languages: HTML, PHP, Javascript, VBscript, Java, C#. I don't use most of those, and it has more. It has a folder for SQL too, but I haven't used that yet. I would recommend PHP Designer.

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