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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. So in order to have specific books listed on my site, I would have to know XML? Is that what you mean? From the sounds of what you said though, I might be able to get something like regular programming books in general, just not the specific ones I wanted. I will look into it. Especially if they are not picky about the amount of traffic to your site.

  2. Are there any new additions with the cPanel upgrade? What is the upgrade about? I havent accessed cPanel in so long I don't know if I'd notice anything different. Should I check to make sure all my data is still in place? At least the data I think I remember putting there. I've been very preoccupied lately, and unattentive to my website, though I would like to get back to it soon. I hope the upgrade is good for all, and didn't hurt anyones work in anyway.

  3. I am just starting up a new website. It is going to be about programming, well basically scripting. It's from a beginners point of view teaching someone who knows almost nothing. I will be able to show people exactly what I have learned in my journey through HTML, PHP, and MySQL, at least what I know. And keep updating as I learn. What I was wondering about the Amazon Associats Program is, how customizable is it? I want to be able to have programming books on my site, but I don't know if Amazon just puts 'whatever' on your site, or if you get to chose. Can you place your ads where you want on the page? I just would like to know more before I really get extremly involved in my site, because I would like to include Amazon, if I can do what I want with it.So if anyone has had any experience with this program, can you let me know about it. And I guess it would be a neat idea to earn a little money, which may be my motivation, but also a good idea to let people know what books are out there too. But what kind of money can be made with the associates program? I know not alot, but I am just curious.

  4. Just a thought, are you buying a different brand of shoe? I started having a problem with shoes too, thinking my feet were shrinking, but it was just a different brand of shoe that I was buying. When I went back to the brand that I normally bought, but bought them at the smaller size that I thought I now was, they didn't fit. So I think different brands differ slightly.

  5. I think this is great that there is yet another way to support Xisto. I am a member of Xisto and Xisto, and now I can sign up for Imagefilez. Currently I use Photobucket, but I'm not so attatched to it that I can't change over. I just wish the watermark said something that included Xisto in it, so people could know where my full support is. But at least I do.

  6. I don't want to make an image that is a tile kind, it wouldn't look right the way I am doing it. And as for the CSS and the scrolling, I was asking how to do something like that. Is that what I would need to make it look right in all browsers? I don't know if backrounds look different in different browsers so I don't know if there needs to be some sort of coding done. I wanted to know how to code it to make it look good.

    *Edit* Take a look at my website. You will understand why I am asking for help in making it viewable in all browsers. It doesnt come up right in my Firefox browser. My Webpage

  7. I'm using Photoshop 7 and I want to make my own background. I'm learning how to do some neat things with it now. My question is, once I open up a new file, what size do I make it so that every person who visits my site will be able to view it correctly? I know people don't all have the same screen resolution, so what do I do? I want to make a banner too and am having the same dilema. Do I just make it one size, like 800x600 then have to do some kind of code to make sure it looks good for everyone? If so, can someone please tell me how it goes?

  8. Ok, this is the header.php file in the PHP-Nuke folder, so what exactly am I supposed to do. I just got done making my design for the top of the page. Am I supposed to make it 16x16? and what is that, inches? Or am I supposed to figure it in pixels? And what is ICO? I am not familiar with PHP-Nuke at all as you might be able to tell. From what I can see from the header.php file that I posted, there is something that says ico in there. Is that what you were talking about?

  9. I have installed php-nuke to a website and am trying to understand it. I want to change some things about it: the colors, put links in, and change the top of the page. I'm starting with the top of the page. I believe that is the header. Now, I found the file in the PHP-Nuke folder, but I'm not exactly sure what to do with it. I haven't quite made my design yet, as I'm not sure what height and width to make it. But I would upload it to my site, then from there, I just wouldn't know where to put it into PHP-Nuke. To anyone who would like a refresher who might be able to help, I'll post a copy of the header file. Here it is:

    <?php/************************************************************************//* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System						 *//* ============================================						 *//*																	  *//* Copyright (c) 2005 by Francisco Burzi								*//* http://phpnuke.org												   *//*																	  *//* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify *//* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *//* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.	   *//************************************************************************/if (stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "header.php")) {	Header("Location: index.php");	die();}require_once("mainfile.php");################################################### Include some common header for HTML generation ###################################################$header = 1;function head() {	global $slogan, $sitename, $banners, $nukeurl, $Version_Num, $artpage, $topic, $hlpfile, $user, $hr, $theme, $cookie, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $textcolor1, $textcolor2, $forumpage, $adminpage, $userpage, $pagetitle;	include("includes/ipban.php");	$ThemeSel = get_theme();	include("themes/$ThemeSel/theme.php");	echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";	echo "<html>\n";	echo "<head>\n";	echo "<title>$sitename $pagetitle</title>\n";	include("includes/meta.php");	include("includes/javascript.php");	if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/favicon.ico")) {		echo "<link REL=\"shortcut icon\" HREF=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/favicon.ico\" TYPE=\"image/x-icon\">\n";	}	echo "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS\" href=\"backend.php\">\n";	echo "<LINK REL=\"StyleSheet\" HREF=\"themes/$ThemeSel/style/style.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\">\n\n\n";	if (file_exists("includes/custom_files/custom_head.php")) {		include_once("includes/custom_files/custom_head.php");	}	echo "\n\n\n</head>\n\n";	if (file_exists("includes/custom_files/custom_header.php")) {		include_once("includes/custom_files/custom_header.php");	}	themeheader();}online();head();include("includes/counter.php");global $home;if ($home == 1) {	message_box();	blocks(Center);}?>

    I was under the impression that things like PHP-Nuke and other CMS's didn't require you to know any languages, but this is a little confusing to me.

  10. I don't see how it's possible to teach yourself martial arts. I took up Tang Soo Do for awhile, and I can imagine trying to learn from a book, TV, or online. I don't think it would work. I would need a physical instructor, hands on, teaching me the exact positioning, correcting mistakes. And what about when the techniques of sparring? You would never learn that well from any other source then from live teaching.

  11. You are talking about marijuana right? Where I come from, dope is heroin. But anyway, I see it as another useless way to waste your mind personally. I'm so sick of people saying it's harmless. I know sooo many people that I grew up with that started on marijuana that just kept right on moving up the ladder to harder drugs. Why put yourself in that situation. So it makes you mellow, calm... so what. Learn other ways to deal with stress. I was hooked on drugs for a while because I started smoking pot. Sure not everyone moves up to something more, but why take that chance. It's illeagal for a reason. Not just for the fact that it's a 'gateway drug', it's mind-altering. Yeah, alcohol is too, and yes I have a problem with that being as popular as it is. But after years of experience with pot and other drugs, I just don't see the need to ruin my life like that.

  12. I may be wrong here but, wouldn't an easier way if you have no experience in HTML or CSS etc. be, to use a Content Management System? I'm just leaning about them myself, but from what I understand, you really don't have to have any experience in coding. I have some knowledge already, so my other site was done different, but I am going to use a CMS this time. sweet_princess, Why don't you look into a CMS. If your already hosted, go into your cPanel, then fantastico, and look at the Content Management Systems (CMS). It might be what your looking for

  13. PHP-Nuke looks pretty awsome from all the stuff I read. I'm just worried that it will be hard to install. I heard you have to edit all sorts of files in cpanel to get it to work, and I have no clue about all that kind of stuff. Joomla sounds good too, but I'm really interested in PHP-Nuke. I know if I spent some time at it I would probably be able to get it, especially with all the different sites out there about it. Like Houdini said, I could always try others after. I would just rather get one and stick with it, which is why I want to get the best I can.By the way BitShift, you site looks great!

  14. I have some questions about Zone Alarm. I have people staying with me, and of course, they want to use my computer. I have had a few incedents already where Ad-aware and Spy-bot have picked up quite a few things, so I guess the people using my computer arent to careful.Now with something like Zone Alarm, what would be the benifits of having it? Is there really more protection to it then the regular Windows XP sp2 firewall? But then again, I'm not totally sure what the firewall even does. I have a router, which I thought was suposed to keep some things away in itself, by haveing something like a different IP address then your computer. I don't know, thats just what I heard. I'm not great with security issues.If I were to get Zone Alarm, or a similar program, what would I do with it? Do I have to customize things to it to keep my computer running right? I know I ask alot of questions, but I don't wanna have to go out and buy a new computer if this one gets hacked into and messed up or something.

  15. I was looking over the PHP-Nuke website, and it was very confusing to me. Is it a hard thing to use? I briefly read some of the HOW TO sections at the site, and it looked like it had some good features, but I don't want it to be so confusing that I have a problem getting it into my site, then have problems using it.

  16. It may seem like all fun and games now, but it can quickly get out of hand. I don't know about brain cells (though I've probably lost a whole bunch), but I started drinking around age 15. Part to fit in and part to escape a tough family situation. I found it was a great escape. I loved being drunk, kept getting drunk, and eventually stayed drunk as often as possible. My friends didn't want to be around me, my family knew something was up with me, but I wasn't about to tell them. I was hooked. I stayed good and drunk for the better part of 7 years. It's a hard thing to stay away from once your that involved. Think of why your doing it, how it makes you feel, where your see yourself in the future. Believe me, you don't wanna be where I've been. It lead to much worse things.

  17. lemonwonder

    Another thing on power, if the electricity dies out, your dead!

    As a matter of fact, this has already happened. Not that I remember his name but, the man who came up with freezing people, then froze himself died. Him and his wife were in the same 'freezer', and somehow, something happened and they got defrosted. I mean really, that sucks. The man with a dream to see the future dies in a pool of water.

    I wouldn't want to do it. Imagine the shock you must go through coming out of it, if you were still alive when you were frozen. And all the above mentioned things about the future, I just couldn't imagine living in a world I don't know.

  18. I had many problems being picked on in school, and have done similar things. If you don't let anger out, you will explode in more violent ways, maybe taking it inward on yourself. Sure, people may see you a little differently, but maybe they will see you as standing up for yourself too. Yeah maybe it could have been toned down a little, but for that moment, did it release the frustration and anger built up? I used to do it by beating up walls/trees and cutting myself. So if a little yelling in class helps, it is much better than doing anything to yourself.

  19. Just for anyone who is wondering, I looked up Sim City 5 online and it is only rumored to be coming out. If anything they are just working on it. There is no release date, there is no screen shots that I have found, no nothing.But the Sim City games are not ment to be 'pick up and play'. You need to have a little understanding of what your doing. If you so confused, try reading the particular parts your having a problem with in the instruction book, THEN tell us why you don't like whichever game you are talking about.

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