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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. I am having a hard time keeping up my posts here at Xisto. I think it is a little more advanced than I am. From what I gather, Xisto is less technical in nature. When I went to the websites for Asta and Trap, they were essentially the same except for maybe bandwidth and MB. Is that info up-to-date? Is it possible to switch a hosted Xisto account to a Xisto account without having to go through all the 'post until you have enough credits' thing again?

  2. Well it's sad to see one of the old greats go by the way side. It will go down in my book as a classic. But I also look at it this way: although PS1 games can still be played on next gen systems, maybe their prices will go down even more and I can buy up all the games I've been wanting for so long! And besides, now Sony can focus its energy on making the more up-to-date gaming things that people are looking for.

  3. When I was a teenager I had a portable tape deck that I used to listen to at full volume. People around me could hear it very well. I didn't listen to it all the time but I listened to it often enough for it to damage my hearing. Today I'm 31, but it was back in my mid 20's when I started to get a ringing in my ears, rather loudly. Dr.'s called it Tinitus. Its a condition that cannot be fixed that they say was caused from listening to music to loudly. So I would say yes to MP3 playes causing a form of deafness if listened to too loudly.

  4. The most addictive game for me is Civilization III. I love strategy games, and I love to conquer over everything. Advancements in technology, different era's, Wonders of the world. Civ IV is out right now and I cant wait to get it. Its supposed to be even better than III. The gameplay is supposed to be smoothe and the grapics beautiful. Just a great game.

  5. I got a Photoshop 7 from my sister and I love it. Never used GIMP though I've thought about it when I couldn't find my copy of photoshop. I can't compare the two, but have heard alot of good things about GIMP. But I don't think I would want to use anything other than Photoshop, I'm so used to it. Actually, I'm still getting used to all the features it has to offer. But I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it, I hear it's very expensive, just means I cant register it.

  6. My second computer, which belongs to my girlfriend, died (motherboard). I want to get another one but I'm trying not to spend a whole lot on it, but I am a little picky. I would think $500 approx. to spend, maybe a little more, hopefully not. Building it myself is not an option right now, I don't have enough knowledge on the matter to do so. But basically what I'm asking is does anyone know what would be best for this kinda thing:---I want it to have good speed, she download music alot on it---good sound ---graphics aren't all that important---good amount of memory---Windows XP---CD-RW driveWas wondering if anyone knew the best manufacture to go with for this. I don't know if I even gave good information, but any help would be appreciated.

  7. I don't think it will take to much longer in the game industry to start filling up the bluray discs. Figure PS3 has already announce they are going to be using them, which means they must be starting to think big already. You know XBox and PS3 love the competition. Once bluray comes to gaming who knows what will happen. There was a forum posted somewhere else about the future of gaming, well here it is. They will start by making bigger and better games now that this is here.

  8. That reminded me to put in a new antivirus program. I recently got my computer back and they had AVG installed in it, but I'm not to keen on it. But for some reason it wasn't working anyway. But, I was going to give AntiVir a try. I've heard some good things about them. Only thing I'm not sure about is it was free, but it says it expires so i guess maybe it is just a trial period or I downloaded the wrong one. My girlfriend would go nuts if her instant messenger went haywire though, so I have to make sure I have some sort of protection :lol:

  9. I installed a program called EasyPHP because it was an easy install and I wanted to be able to learn php and still be able to down the road learn MySQL. But I can't figure out how to use MySQL. Does anyone out there use this program that could tell me alittle about it. Alot of the product site is written in a different language, but everything on the program is english so that is good. Any help would be appreciated.

  10. Thanks so much for that site Samya! I am now on my journey of learning PHP so I can work on my text game creation. I learned some Qbasic in a trade school. I never hear anyone talking about that so I'm not even sure why they were trying to teach it to us, that was about 2 years ago. Anyway, I'm so psyched that I can now focus on PHP and get my game underway, thanks again. And I recommendW3schools to anyone who wants to learn PHP. I'm finding it very easy so far.

  11. Heard this on the radio yesterday and thought it was unfortunate that the man would not be able to see the future if in fact there were to be one for him. I don't know how you get the whole page to come up in a box so I will just copy and paste it.

    Cryonics founders cremated
    March 19 2006 at 03:02PM

    Two founder members of the cryonics movement - whose members are frozen after death - have been cremated after a freezer mishap.

    The bodies of Raymond Martinot and his wife Monique were stored in a freezer with the hope that modern science could one day and revive them.

    But, after two decades his mother's body was put into cold storage, their son discovered the freezer unit had broken down, reports the Guardian.

    RĂŠmy Martinot said he had no choice but to cremate his parents' bodies after the technical fault had seen their temperatures rise above the constant level required of -65C.

    "I don't feel any more bereaved today than I did when my parents died, I had already done my grieving," he said.

    "But I feel bitter that I could not respect my father's last wishes. Maybe the future would have shown that my father was right and that he was a pioneer."

    Raymond Martinot spent years preparing for his demise in the belief that if he was frozen scientists would be able to bring him back to life by 2050.

    However his wife, Monique Leroy, died first, in 1984, and was the first to enter the freezer unit in their Loire Valley chateau.

    In 2002 Dr Martinot died of a stroke, aged 84, and his son followed his orders to inject him with the same anti-coagulants and store him alongside. Ananova.com

  12. I agree Jeigh, these movies do keep you off your guard. I'm not much of a horror movie 1kinda person so I was skeptical in watching Saw, but it wasn't scary. It was more of psychological thriller. I wont give away any spoilers but Saw and Saw 2 (which I think was a great sequal) did a great job of capturing the viewer into the world of what could be, leading you with suspense and some gore along the way. I loved them.

  13. I installed AntiVir and I liked the look of it. The problem I had with it was I couldn't get it to update... it always timed out. I tried six times and gave up. If I'm going to have an free anti-virus program, I at least want one I can update. I've had AVG before and wasn't happy with it. McAffee pick up alot of viruses on machine even though AVG was installed. So after all this I went with Avast. I'll give it a try. It has a resident shield scanning my machine all the time, checks emails, networks, and IM's. Seems good so far.

  14. This sounds like something I'll definitly have to think about more thorougly. It seems there are more options then I thought. I would probable start out keeping it simple, as I have only done a few simple web pages for my own amusement and would need to practice more first. But if I could get a client base and expand in the future, I might want to check out having my own space. But all that would come in time.

  15. O.K. I feel totally computer illiterate right now. I just downloaded PHP 5 with the installer, and I can't get the test page in the tutorial to come out. I was using WAMP but I couldn't figure that out. Let me explain my problem.

    When using WAMP, it said to make a directory in the www folder which I did. After doing that, I did a test page from a tutorial in notepad and saved it in that directory then tried to open it using WAMP. That didn't work. Then I tried opening using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and that didnt work.

    Now when using the PHP installer, it asks if I want to install with PWS windows 9x or some things called IIS 3,4, or 6. I don't know if I picked the right one. But once again, I did that test page, but when I went to open it, I browsed for something in PHP to open it with and there was nothing.

    Shouldn't PHP just come up on the screen normally? Or do I have to open everything in a PHP folder? I'm confused and frustrated and can't get anything to work.

  16. No porn sites here for sure! Seems to be all the regular sites I go to. Thanks for telling me it's not always bad. Hopefully it's just a downtime for it or something, because I do like it. It's taking some getting used to, but overall, I can see myself switching if the popups stop.

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