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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. O.K. you caught me, this is my first time using SQL. Anyway, what I was trying to do was make sure the info input into the database named 'csps....' went to the 'admin.php' file. As I said, this is a login script I got, so what it is essentially doing is getting the users name, email, etc..., and that info would go to my admin file to keep track of. Hope that helps.

  2. No, actually I'm trying to get the typed in answers given to the database to go to 'admin.php'. I'm not looking to access the database with that script. And yes I am VERY new to this, no offence taken. What this is, is a login script that I downloaded, so the results from the database need to go to an admin file. But thanks for that info.

  3. I did what you said and this is what it came up with, no error message, so I'm not sure if I did it right:MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0005 sec) SQL query: SELECT * FROM cscp_mojt_prefsWHERE 'admin.php'LIMIT 0 , 30 The cscp... is the database I made and admin.php is where I wanted it to go. Does this look correct to you?

  4. I am new to MySql and have just created a database after using a script. My problem is not the script, but what it says about putting it into the output file. I cant figure out the right terms to put it in, I keep getting errors. I try using; SELECT*FROM 'database name' WHERE 'location' but it isnt working. I'm lost with this stuff, I really am. Can someone please help me out?

  5. I have downloaded a couple of PHP scripts and have tried to open the with XAMMP in PHP but it isn't working. The page pops up for a quick second, then disappears. I have no clue what is going on. I am opening it with the PHP.exe file in XAMMP, is that what I am supposed to be using? When it comes up for that second, you can see the writing, but like I said, it just disappears. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, probably something simple.

  6. I hate AVG personally, but i havent yet figured out what I want to use for an Anti-virus program. I have Anti-vir right now, but I really love to the many different opinions that are given here on these forums. I just don't know what would be good. I had Avast for a little bit, it seemed pretty good, and I'm not quite sure why I didnt use it again. So what do people think is the best free anti-virus (please don't mention AVG)?

  7. Woohoo! I've struck gold. I'm not the complete nincompoop I thought I was. Thanks everyone. My mistake was making an index.html FOLDER not an index.html FILE. Now it shows my page directly when ftv.astahost.com is typed in. Not that there is much there, but at least I know how this thing works a little. Got to fiddle around a bit with the file manager while I was at it, so I got a little bit of practice in, hehe.

  8. From what I read in some of the other articles, they have already found other planets out there, this is just the only one that circles it's 'sun' the same distance as the earth. But being a red dwarf star, it feels like Uranus on this 'super earth' planet, because a red dwarf is not as hot as our sun. Scientists will still keep searching for planets to live on because they know ours is in trouble, but they'd have to go a long ways away, which would require some advanced space travel for people to get to it. O.K. now I'm just rambling.

  9. Alright, I'll start from the top. I am totally new to all this, so everyone please bear with me, I'm not great with alot of high tech talk. What I am having a problem with is just putting a page in place. What I mean by that is say, coding a page in the HTML Kit program, and wanting it to appear at my soandso.astahost.com site (no that's not really the name).


    Anyway, what I have done is, made a folder in the public_html folder named FTVmain. Then I clicked on the folder icon to the left of the FTVmain folder then clicked on upload file. I browsed to where the file was and clicked 'upload' and it said it was successful. Someone told me to turn the indexes off in the public_html folder, so all folders there have no indexes showing. But now, when I go to soandso.astahost.com I get an error message. It reads as follows:



    You don't have permission to access / on this server.


    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.





    Apache/1.3.34 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80


    The '/' I'm assuming is what they were calling the current folder when I was in the Index Manager. But I have no idea what this error message is about or how to go about fixing it. I tried to be as specific as possible. I am getting very frustrated, I hate being a beginner at things and just feeling so stupid. If anyone can help, Please let me know!

  10. O.K. I don't know what the problem was, but it gave me a hard time trying to download XAMMP with Firefox, but I did it with Internet Explorer just fine. Just one more reason why I make sure I keep IE, and only check out what FF has to offer.

  11. I have posted this somewhere before a while back, but seemed to get nowhere. I looked in the search, but it kept giving me an error. I'm not exactly sure how to use search. Anyway, I accidently changed the program that opens MD5 files. Someone told me to go to Start>Control Panel>Folder Options>File Types and find the MD5 file and just restore it to it's default. Well, there is no option for that. I was just wondering if someone could go to folder options and tell me what it is that opens it. I am trying to download XAMMP, but it is in MD5 form. I am not computer literate enough to figure out all this checksum stuff that comes up when I google it. I hope someone can help.

  12. This crosswalk thing is crazy where I live. Most places around here don't have a signal to stop traffic, so you have to rely on the driver to see you and to stop. Most don't, even though it is the law. But in spots where there is a pedestrian crossing signal, sometimes I can't even make it across a regular two-lane street before traffic is allowed to come again unless I jog it a little. I can't count how many times I've seen people with young children running across the street just to make sure they were out of the way in time. All the crosswalks with signals I've come across have never been long enough for just me, so why do they think it would be long enough for the elderly or disabled. Something needs to be done about it.

  13. Well I think the cell phone rule itself is kind of silly. You can have the phones in school, you just cant use them? Why do they even allow them in the first place? Thats like bringing a kid to a candy store! But in this matter, I think the kid had every right to want to talk to his Mother. I don't think it would have been possible, as mentioned earlier, to have the boy paged, because the mother has only limited time to talk being overseas in a war. Being a school that is 'home' to military base kids, they should have more compasion when it comes to these matters. A simple detention for the use of profanity maybe. But a 10 day suspension, reduced to 3 because people made a stink about it? That's just plain ridiculous.

  14. Ok, I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm doing wrong. I went to the 'index manager' and to the 'public_html' folder. I clicked on / which was the 'current folder' then checked 'no indexes'. When I went to my webpage, I got this error message: You don't have permission to access / on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apache/1.3.34 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80Is it something in my scripting that may have caused an error, or is it something I am doing wrong in the CPanel? Does anyone know?

  15. I saved a little project I was doing that I wanted to use for my new webpage. Well, I saved it in regular old notepad and it is strictly in HTML. The space where it says 'type of file' I put 'all files' because there is no option for HTML. For file name I put FTVmain.html. But for some reason, when I go to notepad to open the file, it shows it as a Internet Explorer file. I don't remember an HTML file being shown as an IE file before. Is that what it is supposed to be or am I doing something wrong?

  16. What I ment by that was, I added some did some work in notepad: a small title and background effect, and uploaded to a folder I created in Cpanel. I did get to delete those files in the public_html folder, but what I was wonder was if when I did that, would I be able to see MY title and background effect page that I uploaded. I must be doing something wrong, because now when I go to my webpage, all I get is a list of directories, starting with the parent directory then some things that start with vti. I don't know what to do.

  17. I am American and I must admit that our country as a whole is very greedy (as you can tell from this topic). I know from experience there has been a time or two when I've done something stupid and thought 'Hey, can I sue for that?' But that stems exactly from that McDonalds case. Sure I'd love to have lots of money in a hurry, at least as fast as the system works, but REALLY, that stuff is really ridiculous. I said I've thought it, I would never really DO it!!

  18. I hate when I have to rearrange my living room or bedroom and it involves moving the TV. If I have to move the TV clear across the room, I have a bunch of wire to move with it. I wish to have some sort of way to have a connection on the back of each TV and on the house where the cable/satillite comes from so there would be no more wire hassles. Though I am unsure of how that would be done.

  19. 'Giant Meteor to Hit Earth', 'Sun Dying Out'. These are scientist horror stories I've heard since I was like 6 years old. Granted, maybe someday they will come true, but of course that would only be a matter of time anyway. I don't think that is something they can really predict. Meteor courses can change, the sun will obviously die out, it is just a star. Yes, there will be an end of the earth someday, but I don't think it is really predictable. Take it as it comes, one day at a time I always say.

  20. I have posted in the hosting and support area about the difficulties I have with keeping up decent posts on Xisto. The replies I've received from M^E have directed me here in search of OpaQue, to see about switching to the 'easier to post' site of Xisto.My question to OpaQue is: Can I switch directly over to Xisto or do I have to do the posting til hosting thing all over again?

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