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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. we will never live in peace because it is human nature to be aggresive and to be greedy. The only way there will be a lasting peace is if everyone is brainwashed to be exactly the same as everyone else. We will all have to wear the same clothes, drive the same cars, and live the exact same life. Basically, we would have to be robots.Differences is what causes "disturbances". Some people have more money, some people have a better looking wife, others have a better job, and yet more people have different religions. Even in some religions they say that you must convert non believers. No tolerance religions exist and an example of this is the middle east.Even if we do achieve peace between all people, that will probably only mean that we are fighting aliens. Something that is even more different than us. In any event, I highly doubt that even if I were to live another 500 years I would see peace between all people. Wars between people have been going on for thousands of years and there is no indication that we've resolved ANY of the reasons for wars.

  2. hey, about those chicken nuggets. I was in canada for a while and had chicken nuggets at a few different mcdonalds there. They are TOTALLY different than in the US. In the US, there doesn't seem to be any quality control or they have two different types. In the US, I've had chicken nuggets that had darker colored meat and other places with whiter meat. In Canada, the chicken nuggets at EVERY store were white meat.

  3. i think it is a good advertisement becaue all the competition were too stupid to think of it first. Gmail was the market leader when they promoted their 1 Gig email. Then all the "me too" guys came in and said, we give 2 gigs... and others were like "so? I give 3 gigs".. Google is now saying, screw the competition. We will give you whatever space you need and more.

  4. actually, Mozilla IS Netscape. Not developed from netscape. Mozilla was the development name for Netscape 4.x a long time ago. After Netscape came out, soon after, Mozilla source was released and it became its own browser. Then, other browsers were spawned from the Mozilla source. One of them being Firefox.Mozilla was named Mozilla because Netscape wanted a browser that would kill Mosaic which was the major internet browser back in the day. Mosaic had the same market share as IE does today. Mozilla is derived from Mosaic-Killer and Godzilla. So, Mozilla is basically godzilla killing mosaic.

  5. no9t9, you just rubbed me the wrong way with your earlier post, that's it. it felt you are so callous

    First of all, I have EVERY RIGHT to be callous if I want to. Who are you to judge someone if they are not emotionally moved by an 84 year old man who's time has come? Face it, you are a bigot. I merely pointed out that the pope had a long and full life so I it wouldn't be that bad if he died. There are MANY MORE PRESSING issues in the world than the death of ONE man.


    and you ask: "Why don't other important issues get the same attention?"

    would you have learned of teri shrivo if she was not in the news, and she didn't get attention and not publicly discussed and debated?


    1. that post came AFTER my post. Look at the time.

    2. just because I heard about Shrivo doesn't mean she is got the SAME type of media attention or public attention. Do you understand the concept of MORE and LESS? Simply having SOME attention is not the same as having A LOT of attention. Besides, this is just ONE example. How many people are dying in Iraq right now? How many people are dying in Indonesia? How many people are dying in Iritria? How many people are dying in the Congo? I'll bet half the people here have never even heard of Iritria...


    i thought that would have been a post you made, with your constant moaning about important issues and how you feel like they get sidetracked. but i was wrong.

    You are a jackass. Maybe if you learn to read, you would realize that when I said "there are other important issues SUCH AS TERRI SHRIVO AND INDONESIA", I was RAISING AWARNESS FOR THOSE ISSUES.


    I am done talking to you because you are ignorant and unable to grasp any concept beyond your own. You automatically hate people who do not feel sad for the pope and you hate people who would rather see people concentrate on more concrete issues. Hating people based on their views is quite simply bigotry. Feel free to reply. I am done and will not read this thread anymore.

  6. and we pray for souls like yours too.

    That is so amazingly offensive it's not even funny. I don't need you to pray for me. In fact, DON'T. You think you're better than me? From that comment alone, it shows you are a bigot.

    I never said NO ONE prayed for Shrivo or the Tsunami/Earthquake victims. In fact, I made a point to explicitly say that. I never said it was wrong to pray for the pope. And I never said he was a bad guy.

    I am pointing out that there are many more things in the world that are equally as IMPORTANT as the passing of the current pope. Why don't those other important issues get the same attention? How many people were in the streets outside the hospital supporting Teri Shrivo? I guarentee it was 100's of times less than the number of people that will be out when the pope dies.

    The simple fact that there is a post on this board about the pope and nothing about Teri Shrivo indicates the disparity between the importance of the pope compared to a "regular" person.

  7. boycradle, i see you are in the phillipines. It is actually normal that your region of the world is issued checks slower because Google sees a lot of click fraud from that region. They scrutinize checks going to that part of the world, especially china and india.Anyway, I am in canada and my checks have never been late (I get one every month). I've now signed up for EFT, so hopefully March earnings will go straight in the bank.

  8. I'm guessing that you haven't read too much of ann coulters stuff, going by how you just quoted her.  I don't even believe that she's a christian, but what she was saying by that quote, if I remember correctly, is that it's the only thing she's seen that works, as in, christianity calming people down.  It was something like that, It's been a while since I've read her latest book.


    you should probably read it again then. She is a political and religious extremist. Don't kid yourself into think she isn't. She is so far to the right, she is about to fall off the edge. BTW, she is a christian.


    Like i said in my previous post. She uses WORDS and PHSYCOLOGICAL attacks (Brainwashing and propoganda) which is WORSE than physical attacks. The quote shows how she thinks.

  9. what will happen if he isn't here? He has to die eventually. I don't think the pope really is doing much good for anyone in his condition. Quite simply, the pope is just a person and there will be another pope. He is what? 84 years old I believe? He had a long life. Let him go. IF you were gonna pray for anyone it should be for those people in Indonesia who just suffered through another disaster. Or even Teri Shrivo (who is gone now). These are the people that are often forgotten who shouldn't be forgotten. I'm not saying NOBODY prayed for them, but I'm saying more people care about the pope than they do about those I mentioned. I feel it is more important to consider the orphans who lost their parents, or the parents who lost their children in Indonesia. Those children never had a chance. Again, the pope is old, he lived a long and full life. Of course it is sad to see people die but I don't feel that bad for him. People get old. People die. Such is life.

  10. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that ozgrrl is young... probably <25 years old. Which probably also means you were really young when the relationship started (highschool i assume). In my experience, the "love" for someone when you are that young may not be. Although it does seem real at the time, relationships later in life tend to be more real and built on more solid ground. This is not to say that there won't be a chance to get another crack at your relationship with this guy. The second time will probably end better because you are more mature and have gone through this "Breakup". If you are able to get through this hurdle and somehow end up with him, then you've gone one step closer...Personally, I believe he may not be such a good guy. You may not agree right now but think about it... how could he hide the fact that he has a child??

  11. This woman has absolutely no credibility and simply spouts nonsense. She is quite simply a political extremist. She is basically the same type of person as bin laden except that she uses different techniques to attack people.

    Bin Laden vs Ann Coulter

    1) they both believe their "cause" so blindly that they will say or do anything to prove their point. Mr. Bin Laden resorts to physical attacks but Ms. Coulter goes the phycological route. She calls ALL democrats "traitors" to the USA. Trying to turn people against democrats. Democrats are literally SCARED to voice their opinions for fear of being labelled a traitor. How is that the land of the free???

    2) they both are religious to the Nth degree! Mr. Bin Laden believes it is a holy war against the west (mainly christians). Ms. Coulter is glad to oblige. One little quote of her mental state is below:

    We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity

    She is a religious, political extremist no different from Bin Laden and his gang. She is not credible and really makes herself look STUPID to ANYONE who has half a brain.

  12. boycradle, they pay on time and if it is late it is never months late. I got my check for feb earnings a couple days ago. I have never recieved a late check. Your check probably got lost in the mail if it is that late. Also, did you actually make enough for them to issue the check?? Their minimum payout is $100. Anyway, they now have EFT so checks are a non issue for me now.realsheep, you don't have to pay for google adsense. It is totally free to join. I would say it is worth buying a domain name if you are going to use adsense. First because adsense says you should own the TLD your site is using. SEcond, if your site starts making money and you are hosted on a subdomain... as soon as that subdomian is gone, there goes your money too. I would guess that if you have around 100 page loads a day, you should be able to make the $100 payout by the end of one year. Also depends on the subject of your site.

  13. i hate it when people who aren't engineers call themselves engineers. Example: MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer). the MCSE is basically a self study course where you simply pass a few tests. Getting the certification for MCSE is a joke compared to getting an engineering degree.ya. it does sound better to call your self a systems engineer and add MCSE after your name. But, it's really just a glorified title that isn't justified.

  14. PHP code does not display in frontpage or other WYSIWYG editors. You should upload the files to your web space. (1) Save this code directly in your HTML file.

    <?php $quote=file("quotes.txt"); $totalnumberofquotes=count($quote); $rdm=rand(1,$totalnumberofquotes); echo $quote[$rdm]; ?>

    (2) rename the HTML file so that the extension is .php (3) Upload the file to your webspace (4) upload the quote.txt file to your webspace (same directory as the php file) (5) access the php file by typing


    Note: if you are putting this code in your index file, you must rename your index.html file to index.php and delete the old index.html or index.htm.

  15. that's right. you get paid when someone clicks. they don't have to actually buy anything. But, don't click them yourself OR tell your friends to click. This is a sure way to get cancelled (which is probably what happened to those people who didn't get paid).As for the ads, it is is simply a few lines of javascript code that you insert into your HTML. Google generates the javascript for you based on the type of ads (size/colors/etc) you pick from the Adsense website. IT is very easy.

  16. these posts are too long and frankly, I don't really care that much about the topic. It is just a good way to get some hosting credits... Don't bother explaining to me why linux is better than windows. I've been using unix systems and linux systems for a long time (at least 10 years). I'll just state my main point again. I am not supporting bill gates, I am not supporting linux. I support the CORRECT operating system for the CORRECT application. I am taking issue with linux users who "diss" windows just because they are too wrapped up in their high and mighty linux complex to see that linux is NOT FOR EVERYONE.Get it? Don't bother me with Linux propoganda... it is NOT the best, it DOES crash, and frankly... only computer nerds use Linux. Try finding me a person who isn't a computer nerd that has heard of Linux and actually CAREs it exists.

  17. 1. OEM does not simply mean you they will install it on your computer. OEM is a DEAL with MANUFACTURERS not resellers and distributors. A store in your area is willing to install it for you when you buy the computer, doesn't make it an OEM installation. Hence, Linux has no OEM market (home users).2. "Were not all jealous..." - I don't claim ALL to be jealous, but enough ARE. The problem is that the hate and jealousy (which you have admitted) has blinded the linux "gang" to the BENEFITS of a company like MS. That's what I have a problem with. Linux is not the panacea it claims itself to be. Linux is not the BEST operating system for EVERYONE. If you claim it to be, which most linux lovers do, you are a liar.3. If ideas were free, there would be no such thing as trademarks and copyrights. Open source cannot claim to be the BEST either. The best lies with having the two models COEXIST. I believe this is happening now. Open source model is good for generating ideas but it is not good for business and the development of standards. Look how many distro's of Linux there are. Open source is a step away from standards. Finally, MS is also partially open as well.. which is one of the reasons why it has been so successful. It is the combination of the two models that really works. Going to the extremes is never good, and I believe that is what the Linux gang represents. How many people who are linux lovers STRIVE to completely remove any traces of MS? What you people don't understand is that even though I am arguing against you, I am not saying MS is the BEST. But, you are so jaded that you automatically ASSUME since I don't agree with you I (1) don't know anything about linux and (2) like MS. 4. "Windows = less work = lazy people" - Another attack on people who CHOOSE not to spend unneccessary time with their computer. Just because you LIKE to fiddle with your computer doesn't mean other people do. Most people use the computer for the internet, email, work, and games. There isn't a big benefit in spending the time to setup linux for this. In fact, linux is WORSE for games and for work. So, it is not laziness. People simply DO NOT CARE or WANT to spend the time on the computer.Look at it this way, do you like USB devices like USB drives? I personally love how I can goto any computer and simply plug in my USB drive and transfer files. You might call this being lazy because the computer sets up the drive for me... So, would you want to have to install drivers, setup drives, configure the device simply to transfer a file using a USB drive?? I don't think so. Does that make you LAZY?? NO. It makes you smart.5. Windows a hassle? Please. Windows is less work and therefore LESS HASSLE. See 4. Now, you may say that Windows is a hassle because of spyware, viruses, trojans, whatever. Well, this is a STUPID arguement. Let's say Linux suddenly became the dominant player in the market. Hackers, spyware and stuff would OBVIOUSLY target Linux. Suddenly windows would be the "safer" alternative. You might say that Linux is open source and they will find security holes quicker. Well, that will be of little consolation to a company that had already been hacked. Quicker doesn't mean instantaneous. The other thing is, the user has to actually UPDATE the comptuer in order for the fix to work. Since I am actually talking about home users, I'm sure you will agree, most home users do not update their computers.6. $229? Why don't you jack the price up to $500 like when it first came out? The price is meaningless. XP OEM comes with computers and even if you didn't want it, you will not get any money back. So, if you buy a computer and it comes with XP, does it really cost you $229? NO. The actual cost of a Windows XP OEM is somewhere under $35 for consumers. And yes, I am talking about the Dell's, IBM's and big box stores like bestbuy and circuit city. Most home users buy their comptuers from these places which means most home users get XP bundled as OEM. They don't actually go out and buy XP for $229 or whatever your ridiculously high price is.Summary- Linux gang is like the Al qaeda, they are extremists. MS=USA and must be destroyed. There is no middle ground.- I don't have issue with Linux. I have issue with people who say Linux is the best and MS is useless. It is not. Everything depends on the user and the market

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