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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. Great website. Although, I'm not sure it has enough content and webpages within the site to do very well in the search engines (unless you have 1000 incoming links).I'm trying to learn CSS myself, I've always found html and tables to be okay. Can anyone reccommend any links to "CSS for dummies" websites lol?CSS sounds good if it can help webages to load quicker.
  2. I'm looking for a low-cost hosting package that has the following features. Or better.I can host multiple domains on the one account (2 or more) for no extra charge.Must have at least 2 mysql databases.500MB Bandwidth/monthHas stats program (awstats)Has cpanel.I can run php scripts.I'd appreciate it if you'd post any ones you know of. Xisto is great an all, but I really need a hosting package where I don't need to spend time posting. I've got a site on Xisto as well as on thier $1/mo server. I'm really looking for another server to host this site on (I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket).Thanks,Andy
  3. try stumble upon, its a toolbar like the google toolbar except that when you click "stumble" it takes you to a random site from the categories you say you are interested in. It's a great way to find new sites! You can also share any website by clicking "share" and putting it in the appropriate directory. It's brought my sites roughly 40 visitors in the last month, so not too bad considering they're neiche sites. http://www.stumbleupon.com/
  4. do any of you remeber this whole panet x and y thing that went on a few years back? Apparently two far away asteroids were classified as planets orbiting our sun?If pluto is a dwarf planet then what are they????
  5. I have to say well done to bill gates for his success and bringing us all such wonderful computer interfaces.BUT come on Bill can't you stop the damn things from crashing! lol I mean, in the 1970s we sent a whole host of men to the MOON! Now we can't build a PC that won't start up qucikly and won't freeze or crash on a regular basis? lol
  6. does anyone have any statistic about how many people surf the web using 680x800 compared to 1024X768 ?I pretty much build all my sites to look good in 1024X768 but just to be passable in 680x800 viewers.You should also make sure that your keywords are in your title tag and to check all your links, as having a typo in a link that leads only to a non-existaent webpage will hurt your search engine rankings and PR.You can use google sitemaps to help identify missing pages now. but its best to clear it up before google notices it.
  7. I didn't know you cvould use title tags on images either! I wonder if having your keowords in both a titile and an alt tage is considered spamming?Does anyone know what the search engines think about this?If you had a site that was rated well in the seprs and then added title tags please post to tell us what happened.
  8. what are title tagas for llinkign text? how are they used? just for SEO? I know they're kinda like alt tags, but does the SE's like or loath them?Thanks,Andy
  9. I don't understand the tool. yahoo doesn't have any ranking system like PR as far as I know. this is just a toll that feeds into an algo that this person uses to rank sites based on the yahoo serps.
  10. I don't think msn is behind google for quality search results. google's pr system stops newer sites getting listed in the serps even though their more relevant. msn doesn't have this problem.
  11. as for all the new stuff google brings out, I don't think they market it enough. they pretty much just put a link to it on their homepage and then they get 100000000 visitors to it. I guess they don't think they need to market them...
  12. I'm in the UK and I'd either want to visit australia or canada. I wouldn't mind going back to florida to visit disney land though, even htough I'm in my 20s! lol
  13. yeah, msn is probobly the quickest search engine to crawl your site. since google added its sitemaps program it's become faster than yahoo to crawl your site now.
  14. I really wouldn't want to live in a grand theft auto game, every day you'd get shot, beat up, robbed, run over, become a vistim of gangland violence and be set on fire!
  15. I think san fransico, the city, is also trying to do this.Some concerns though - there has been no research into the question of does radio waves (those coming from cell phones and wireless internets) cause cancer. No one WANTS to know, better to live in ignorence.
  16. Walking a dog?! I thought that only worked in romance movies! It is a good idea though, I bet the girls would be all over the cute little puppy!Internet dating I'd stay away from. Although meeting "friends of friends" on online communities like myspace.com and bebo.com would be different.Any other ideas? What sports/activites do lots of girls and guys do? All the sports I can think of would either be all guys - football or all girls - yoga!
  17. lets make a list of places, sports, things to do etc twhere you've met romantic partners. That way we'll all find some new places to meet girls and guys.Things I'd suggest are:-SchoolCollegeWorking in supermarkets, as this tends to be where alot of younger people (people my age) are employed.
  18. to turn her from a friend to a lover equires the following.1) her view of you to change2) chemistry between you twoDon't be dishearened. Most women want to be friends first when they describe their ideal relationship.Try to flirt with her, annoy her abit (tease her), keep up the nickname thing but make it funny.
  19. yeah I like the "cheesey" joke by google as well! lol.I think it is a very nice addition to the google database. To be honest I can't beleive we haven't gone back tot he moon since the end of the apollo space progarm decades ago. I guess for any consistent space exploration there has to be profit involved, i.e. mining a profitable material.
  20. I agree with the eduction part. I used to be quite shy until i learned in my teens how to chat up and flirt with girls. the best thing to over come shyness is to take babay steps, always advance ... just slowly. start now. it may take 6 months, but if you started 6 months ago you'd be done already!
  21. follow your heart mate. when you're young if you are "loyal" to one girl and ignore the ones you're smitten with you could end up marrying her and... guess what... she won't be the REAL one for you.
  22. you can do better. sound slike this guy is pretty immature and isn't ready to be "alone" with you as he's always bringing his friend. you need a guy who'll put time aside just for you two.
  23. are there any websie sout there that explain thos elist fo factors? i.e. are pages with more images better?I didnt know google took thinks like page size and images into consideration.
  24. I use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . its a meta search engine that will take the keyword you entered and show the results from the top 7 search engines. Its a good way to see your "spread" of the search engines.
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