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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. thanks, its still abit rough around the edges as I'm not a professional web designer. But I know enough to get by.
  2. Hi, please review my website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think its okay, i need to change the colour of the forum though. working on that. Andy
  3. nice idea, I couldn't get it to submit my site though. it just kept saying that the word in the image didn't match the one I typed in. And it did. I tried it 3 times.
  4. I don't think you need to go to that amoutn of bother. you can tell good keywords and bad keywords by looking at the websites already ranked for that keyword.
  5. I hated working in retail. ti is the only job in the world where everyone is your boss!have you met these customers yet?1 - the old guy who just wants to chat away with you forever but doesn't want to buy things.2 - the scum bag looking guy who's sneeking around the store with half the security team shodowing him.3 - the customer who thinks that you are a member of his personal staff and right from the start grabs a retail worker and has them basically follow them aroudnt he store explaining things?
  6. alot of people drink to get drunk, I do. for me its a social thng. the only time I see my mates is at the end of the week and we've been working all week and want to blow off some steam. pubs and clubs are very social places, and you get to like the atmosphere when everyone else is also drunk as you're all less restricted and can be happy.
  7. the trouble with religion is its run by people. the actual religious text are peaceful and promote clear thinking and good behaviour. howver, every religion has a leader and followers. the leaders are often mixed up in political views and use their followers as a base of power. wither it be taking physicalaction in groups or just canvassing for votes.remember, the only think more powerful than a king is a priest. Throughout history the only real force that has toppled kings and queens was the power of the church.
  8. I doubt that is going to be the case, they'd never make a profit. Maybe at the start, but within 6 motnhs they'll have dropped in prive. I usually get the consile when its about $150 (roughly 2 years after its release).
  9. I do my seraches manually. go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (a meta-search engine) and type in your keyword. It'll display the esults for msn, google, yahoo, altavista, netscape, aol...
  10. I don't think google will be bigger than microsoft. MS has been doing eerythign else for way too long. If bill gates woke up with hiw bank account at the same level as google's yearly profit, he'd jump off a building. he wouldn't even be able to fill up his fleet of jets...
  11. I think microsoft are wanting to pre-empt google on just about every category they can related to the net. They obviously want to become blogger's number one writing application to beat blogger.com .I think their riverly has become abit extream now. Google and msn go head to head now over little things.
  12. beleive me, girls "double click" their mouse! lol but, ewww... everyone should wash their hands afterwards! gross!!!
  13. I don't think india having a "space program" is a good thing. It is obviously 99.9% related to their nuclear weapons projects and only 0.01% related to actual space research. And don't bothe rtrying to quote some indian propaganda about how much researh they do, they'd need to do a lot just to cover up the nuclear missle program.
  14. ha ha ha. i thought the american statement was very funny (and true!) lol.Have you got one for us brits?
  15. alot of people who think their site is banned, have found out months later that it wasn't. I think google's just slow at adding new websites. I'd be worried if your site just suddenly drops off of the results though...
  16. trace-uk

    My Rap

    2/10 - you rhymed! :)Try to rap about something, a thought, event or make a statement. i don't really know why you're trying to say the above stuff.Nice effort though, better than i could have!
  17. that book rocks!!! 100 times funnier than the move! a trillogy in four parts! There's five arts now isn't there? The author died half way through writing the last book and someone completed it for him?
  18. you could perhaps ask someone who owns a similar online business to take over the site for you. i.e. an online rock newsletter. then they'd add an advert on the site for their news letter.
  19. pop up and pop under are soo annoying, especially now that they're using java so that the pop up blockers can't get to them.sites that use them will suffer from lack of visitor interest.
  20. I failed the personality test.... lol :)Guess I don't have a personality....old, old joke I know, but it is a classic...
  21. I just found out that the listings (rankings) for my sites in google sitemaps have changed after being pretty much static for a few months. I've now got sites getting top 20 positions for their keywords. I think google may be updating their list of new sites, or possibly gearing up for an update.anyone else notice this?
  22. I just got the PS2 game GTA: Liberty City Stories! Just released in the UK last week.Have any of you played it? What'd you think?I think it's better than GTA 3, but worse than vice city and san andreas. still a good game though!
  23. psychological studies show that its the act of talkign on the phone that causes the most problems. hands-free phones are only slightly safer than regular cell phones. the difference being that you have 2 hands on the wheel. but you experiance the same level of concetration drop as a regular phone.
  24. I have yahoo as my homepage as its my email account. I think that's the reason yahoo an dmsn get alot of their searches, people use their email accounts and search from there.Do you think gmail will impact heavily on this?
  25. I think the biggest improvement of lycos UK mail recently was that they allowed you to search your saved emails using the search bar at the top. not as good a the yahoo mail function as it only searches the titles of the emails...
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