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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. you've probobly got a ton of adware though. look for a free download of "adaware" on http://download.cnet.com/windows/ to find and remove it. Do you go on your PC alot? I've only had one virus before, and it as relativly minor. But if you use your c for busness then its usually better to be safe than sorry.
  2. Yeah, they're just trying to avoid spammers. your netwrok probobly uses google alot and if there's enough traffic then google will try you out from time to time.
  3. Hi, Recently I've started up my affiliate program, won't go into details on it. Info on it here:- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Anyway, I'm finding that promoting an affiliate program takes as much work as promoting an entire business! I was thinking of this idea to recruit affiliates, could you rate it or try to help me improve it? 1) I'll buy the domain name (I'll set the retailer and the price) for the affiliate. I can either buy it directly or give paypal payment to the so they own it. 2) I'll provide hosting for the site. How would I allow different webmasters to log into different sub-accounts in my hosting package? 3) All the affiliate does is build a site and SEO it and I'll pay them the agreed commission and deal with the customers. Includes UK and USA cases. No minimums, payment every month by paypal. 4) I'll provide some standard site content which they should reword etc or add to. As well as the industries that generally use my services so they can build a site targeted to them. 5) they can put other things on the site i.e. adwords or whatever that will be 100% theirs. I'd probobly need them to sign an agreement just to say that we both have rights to the domain and site etc and what's to be on the site - my services. And agree not to SEO for my main website's keywords. Print it off and mail to me (I'd pay the postage) ? What'd you think? Is it a starter or a no go? I'm obviously trying to target good webmasters who have the ability to build a site and rank it better than I can (links from thie other websites etc). It's a program with zero start up costs for the affiliate coz i'm paying them.
  4. I don't think it possible at all, at any level of technology. evolutionary the human being has no more ability to mutuate over a long period of time. we've become stable, there's not likly to be any more adaptions to our form evolutionary or biologically. and if mother nature can't change us then how can we?
  5. girls are more impressed by persoanlity traits than physical appearances. show confidence and be a leader. in the animal kingdom the leader of the pack is responsible for 90% of the mating acts in the pack. we're not that different girls like a leader.
  6. that's soo obviously spam. and the guy is intending to defraud anyone who replies. he'll take you're sick kids medical money and college fund. what a loser. should be executed with a blunt instrument.
  7. that's soo weird. i've never really loked at rendered people images before. its very realistic. that said there's no blemishes or tiny imperfections at all which makes it stand out as computer generated.
  8. and don't forget to use plurals. "footballs" will rank for "footballs" and "football". and use all the other terms of the word. "footballer" "playing football" etc "footballing"
  9. hi, mate! you should look up the website sof your old pals here and see if they're still hosted by Xisto. then you'd know if they are still here. what about checking http://www.archive.com/ ?
  10. I'd love an invite to gmail. panther3007 "at" hotmail.comThanks in advance!
  11. what am I saying?! I do pay google to search if you count the $100s I pay adwords for the ads! lol I mostly use yahoo though. If I'm looking for new sites I use MSN.
  12. I don't think google would ever charge for you to use it's search facility. But its a nice question for finding out how muc people feel depenadnt on google.
  13. registerfly.com does cheap domains (especially info) and uses paypal. they send alot of low-cost stuff to their email newsletter members only.
  14. well, when I was at univeristy I met people on the online forums and then met them around the campas or at parties. it was quiet weird actually. but good-weird.
  15. a can of tennants lager (don't think you have it int he usa) was my first.my fav - budweiser (beer) or morgan spice and dr.pepper (spirit) Notice from jlhaslip: Edit out duplication of post
  16. I actually noticed this myself!! I thought it was script error rather than google's , as that page shoudlonly be temporary for the person to type their reply and then when submitted then its posted permanent?
  17. no the addon domain would only impact on your search position not on your inclusion. google are horrible at indexing new stes. expect a wait of 3 months before jumping to the conclusion you're not on their list.maybe getting more links from other blg to you blog will help.also googlebot goes to your site, and makes a note to crawl it later based on its PR. so you coudl still be on the list next time your domain is crawled.have you checked your stats for googlebot or msnbot etc?
  18. the only people who are into these things are kids who have never had a job. the only way t make money from the is to have a large active downline. and your earnings are limited to how many advertisers they can get to pay them.
  19. I hope it does well! anything to being down the price of a ciopy of microsoft word.
  20. oh no! how google has fallen! Google is supposed to be the fountain of knowledge, it is only lessening its image by selling us crappy promotions like this.
  21. that's a problem you're never going to sort out. ever! arabs hate and kill jews, jews hate and kill arabs. its been happening for 100s of years. Hundreds! Since before the bible!!!! It's all just compounding the problem. it'll only get worse....until they all get nukes and wipe each other out. end of story.
  22. mcdonalds do it not to get the kids obease, they don't care if they kids eat their food or not. they do it for the money! every kid in that mcD's playarea has a parent paying. And a noticeable side effect is that kids get to like the food. Cha-ching $$$$$
  23. I'm not sure you should go onto a webmaster forum and ask such basic questions. i mean any of the things he wanted to know can be easily learned from searching google or wikipedia.org.acting like an amature will get you labeled as an amerture.
  24. that's really good! I wonder of you can use that in frames on your website as well, to have one frame show another page on another website?
  25. can you list the features of the ps3 you hate or like?
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