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Everything posted by gaea

  1. Do you have any other (object orintated) programming experience? Like C++ or Java? If so you'll find that PHP is an absolute breeze to pick up. Everything is created in a very easily accessable and sensical fashion. I really wouldn't bother with books. They're expencive and really don't really teach you all that much more than online tutorials do. As far as some good resources for learning PHP I'd point you to: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/ and http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_intro.asp. If you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask and i'll try to help the best i can.
  2. Seriously. Xisto has the most features out of any freehosting service i've ever seen. Most paid services don't give you this much power and control over your website! (though you may get more bandwidth or storage space) Come join our big happy cult...er...comunity. It really grows on you
  3. I've been working on a pet project. It's pretty much complete, but (to my horror) has a giant memory leak in it. I'm not really all that familiar with memory leaks. I've read a few articles on the subject, but I don't think any of the causes they listed (once i got past all the technical jargon) are the source of my problem. Then again, it's possible I missunderstood something. If anyone could help me fix this it'd be very very much aprecated. Also, if you could avoid using convaluted jargon in your explination it'd be helpful. I've been programming off and on for about four years now, but know next to nothing about Javascript memory leaks/interactions between JS and the DOM, etc. A "working" (quote on quote) version of this page/problem can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (I use my Xisto account for my serious political work, and so wanted another server for these kinda side projects). The main page is just a frame set. There are three frames: the main page, the script page, and the redirect page. Once the script is finished only the main page will be visiable, but as of now the redirect page is shown to aid my troubleshooting. Now for the code. Frameset, e.g. index.html: <html><head></head><frameset rows="60%,0%,40%" frameborder=0 border=0 framespacing=0><frame src="main.html" name="main"><frame src="blank.html" name="script"><frame src="blank.html" name="change"></frameset></html> Main.html contains basic info, an input box (whose value is modified by script.php), and a button to launch script.php. <html><head></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black"><table border=0><tr><!-- AD SECTION --><td width=10%><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <style type="text/css"> .adHeadline {font: bold 10pt Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: blue;} .adText {font: normal 10pt Arial; text-decoration: none; color: black;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://4.adbrite.com/mb/text_group.php?sid=97369&br=1&dk=776569676874206c6f73735f365f32"></script> <p /> <div><a class="adHeadline" target="_top" href="sitescout.com/adbrite/?utm_source=adbritemb/commerce/purchase_form.php?opid=97369&afsid=1 Ad Here</a></div></td><!-- END AD SECTION --><td valign="top" width=80% style="padding:15px;"><center><img src="title.jpg"><br /> <br /><font style="font-family: times,arial,verdana; font-size: 18pt;"><b>Step 1: Login to Gaia:</b></font><br />You may also login to your account via the Gaia homepage (make sure the stay logged in box is checked) and then come back here and continue, if you'd prefer.<br /><iframe src="login.html" width=95% height=230 frameborder=1>If you can see this it means that your webrowser doesn't support iframes. Just login to gaia and then come back to this page.</iframe><br /> <br /><br /><font style="font-family: times,arial,verdana; font-size: 18pt;"><b>Step 2: Click the button below:</b></font><br /><form><input value="Run" onclick="parent.script.location='script.php'" type="button"></form><br />That's it! Now just leave this window open (you can minimize it if you want though) and it'll continue to automatically make gold for you!<br />You've made about <form name="runCount"><input size="10" name="totalClicks" align="center" type="text" value="0"></form> Gold so far!</center></td><!-- AD SECTION --><td width=10%><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <style type="text/css"> .adHeadline {font: bold 10pt Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: blue;} .adText {font: normal 10pt Arial; text-decoration: none; color: black;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://4.adbrite.com/mb/text_group.php?sid=97369&br=1&dk=776569676874206c6f73735f365f32"></script> <p /> <div><a class="adHeadline" target="_top" href="sitescout.com/adbrite/?utm_source=adbritemb/commerce/purchase_form.php?opid=97369&afsid=1 Ad Here</a></div></td><!-- END AD SECTION --></tr></table></body></html> Script php randomly grabs a url from a text file and then redirects the "change" frame to it. It also updates the value of the form in main.html. <html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2.5"></head><body bgcolor="black" text="red"> <?php function getRandomLine() { $lines = file('urls.txt'); $line_number = mt_rand(0,sizeof($lines)-1); $killreturn=$lines[$line_number]; $location=str_replace("\n", "", $killreturn); $location=str_replace("\r", "", $location); print "parent.change.location=\"$location\";"; } ?><script language="javascript"><!--var grabVal=parseFloat(parent.main.document.runCount.totalClicks.value);grabVal = grabVal + .25;parent.main.document.runCount.totalClicks.value=grabVal;<?php $lines = file('urls.txt'); $line_number = mt_rand(0,sizeof($lines)-1); $killreturn=$lines[$line_number]; $location=str_replace("\n", "", $killreturn); $location=str_replace("\r", "", $location); print "parent.change.location=\"$location\";";?>//--></script></body></html> Any help would be very much apreciated! Thanks, --Paolo
  4. I don't mean this in a rude way, but did you bother to read the bills (which I specifically linked to)? In case you're looking for a more concise summery I'm happy to provide one. HJR0125 (the Illinois bill) calls for impeachment based on: Bush's illigial authorization to violate provisions of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, i.e. the "demestic spying" program, which actually ammounts to a felony; evidence that bush authorized the use of torture on detainees which is a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions (which are regarded as a "supreme law" per the contitution); the fact that the bush adminstration has held numerious people as perisioners of war without charging them, giving them a trial, or access to their lawyers; ever mounting evidence that strongly suggests that the bush adminstration intentionally "cherry picked" or misconstrued intelligence in order to build a case for the war in Iraq; alligations that bush and Co leaked classified information. Keep in mind that these are just the illigal travesties that Bush and his cronies have commited. The funny thing is that the alligation which is concidered (in legal terms) the most serious/harshest--the authorization of domestic spying without warrents--is pretty much undisputed. Basicly anyone with a legal background will tell you that there is really no viable legal defence against it. Note to Piper-4-Hire: I understand that you're upset, but why not present arguments with actual legal/logical backing?
  5. This is a rather interesting turn of events. Representative Karen A. Yarbrough of Illinois' 7th District has found a rather interesting, and previously unused, rule applying to the US House of Representatives: Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives. This section, effectively, allows a state legislature to issue a joint resolution in order to initiate federal impeachment proceedings. Illinois House Joint Resolution 125 does exactly that. Whether this will actually pass through the state legislature still remains to be seen. As I was writing this article I just come across something else: California has just introduced very similar legislature, only this time it also calls for the impeachment of Cheney as well! California Assemblyman Paul Koretz of Los Angeles basically completely regutted the AJR 39 Bill he had previously introduced to try and obtain a moratorium on depleted uranium. California is a much more liberal state than Illinois, and so I have high hopes of this actually passing. Ofcourse this is only the first step. Just because the proceedings are initiated doesn't mean anything will actually come of it. I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited to see where this goes.
  6. Ah, good ol' politics. Note to everyone: Lets keep the personal attacks and insults out of this, Lets attempt to have a civilized and mature discussion about these issues. When you insult someone you only close their mind off to anything that you might be trying to tell them. If you aren?t interested in changing their mind, then you really shouldn't waste your time (and ours by reading it) by writing something directed towards then. Such actions only quickly degenerate into a cesspool of flaming. So lets try to keep it civil, mature, and factual. Yes, our military does use propaganda to recruit individuals, but that is nothing new. Then again, most people who enlist are not completely ignorant of what they face. They know they are risking their lives. They know war is bloody, violent, and terrible. Though they might not be aware of the full extent of it's atrocities--for instance, images like these are common every day occurrences. In other words, I believe that most individuals see through most of this sort of propaganda. What we really should be picking apart is the web of propaganda and lies the brought us into this war of aggression (read: Iraq) in the first place. The stated reasons for our invasion were all clearly propaganda based. First was the idea that Iraq was some how involved in the September 11th attacks. The fact that Ben Ladin named Sadaam a "godless infidel" and called for his death should have been an easy tip against its veracity...but people are easily (mis)lead. Then came the claim that Sadaam possessed Weapons of Mass destruction. In this case the administration intentionally misconstrued evidence in order to build a case for war. A few good examples of this are: the so called "Mobil BioWeapons Labs"; the claim that Sadam tried to buy high-strength aluminum tubes for unrainium enrichment, even though many well known weapons specialists publicly declared that they would not work for such an operation, and were most likely for ballistic missiles; and the claim that Iraq purchased or attempted to purchase Yellowcake from Niger when the document they were relying on was a blatantly obvious forgery, certainly the signature of an official who had been out of office for years (including the year listed on the document). Not to mention that a special investigator, Wilson Plame, concluded that the entire thing was unfounded. There are more examples, but I don't want to get sidetracked from my original point. Finally we come to the reason that is currently being toted (funny how people forget that there were previous justifications): we were liberating the Iraqi people, bringing them democracy. I'll be the first to admin that Sadaam was a terrible, brutal, dictator. But we did not invade Iraq to spread democracy. Contrary to popular belief the US is not pro democracy--it is pro US interests (and when those interests happen to coincide with democracy then that's great). This can clearly be demonstrated by the number of times the US has helped to overthrow democratically elected governments, and install dictators in their place. Clear instances of this can be seen in the overthrow of Chile's democratically elected Allende government in 1973; Guatemala's democratic government headed by Jacobo Arbenz Guzm?n in 1954; Aristed's government in Haiti in 2004. Among other examples (arguably including the recent failed Venezuela coup...though proven US involvement in that is not as substantiated). So what was the real reason for invading Iraq? Anti-war people tend to fall into the trap of trying to find the "one real cause" behind the war, which is a mistake as the issue is rather complicated. A quick list of our reasons would include: creating a base of operations in the middle east, with which to exercise control of the region; having the ability to more quickly assist allies in the region (read: Israel); the, by now, infamous Oil fields; monetary gains by "defense" contractors closely linked to the Whitehouse; and the conversion of Iraq to a capitalistic society which allowed a majority of its economy to be suddenly owned by outside corporations. This list is necessarily a rather rudimentary one, as to fully explore these issues would take hundreds of pages worth of writing.
  7. gaea

    More Help With Php

    Sure, i'd be glad to help. But you need to lemme know exactly what you want. For instance, do you want a field (input box) for the user's email adderess, so you can reply to them? Give me a list of the fields you want to have included. Then give me: the email adderess you want this sent to (you can PM it to me, if you'd prefer), the subject you want these emails to have when they arrive in your inbox, and the url (i.e. http://www.yournamehere.com/) that this is going to be hosted on.
  8. Weither you should remain on a friendly level with this girl depends solely on how you feel. If you can be happy with "just being friends" with her then that is wonderful. But if being around her makes you feel depressed, or you find yourself constantly longing after her attention then that's not going to help you get over her--only prolong your heartbreak. It's a really difficult experience, one many of us has been through. I can't give you much advise except that you need to take care of yourself emotionally. If she is making you unhappy more times than she is making you feel good, then something needs to change.Much love and strength to you man. This too shall pass.
  9. Those examples (as a few others have pointed out) are much closer to the realm of instincts, than genetic memory. A better example would be birds that migrate to the same exact place every year--even if they have never been there before. Or fish like salmon which go to a specific area to breed. Very interesting questions indeed, doubly so when applied to humanity.
  10. You're about a century late, my friend. LONG LIVE THE TESLA-COIL. Ofcourse, it isn't exactly practical but the basic concepts are there to be worked upon. Check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_coil for more info.
  11. gaea

    More Help With Php

    The quick fix you were looking for would look like this: (assuming index.html was the name of your homepage file, and it was in the same directory as this feeback form). <?php$to = 'jonathanirocc@gmail.com';$subject = 'the subject';$from = $_POST['email'];//Do not edit below ---$message = "Name: \n".$_POST['name']."\n\n";$message = $message."Question/Comment/Ordering: \n".$_POST['question']."\n\n";$message = $message."How did you here about us?: \n".$_POST['hear']."\n\n";$message = $message."What is Computer for: \n".$_POST['comp']."\n\n";$message = $message."What package? \n".$_POST['package']."\n\n";$message = $message."For Custom Specs, Use box below: \n".$_POST['customspecs']."\n\n";$message = $message."Questions/Comments: \n".$_POST['comments']."\n\n";if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from")) echo "Mail sent.\n"; echo '<a href="index.php" >Back To the Homepage</a>';else echo "Mail send failure - message not sent";?> Please be aware that this script, that you are using, has several major fundamental flaws.First of all, people can send you complete garbage (or blank) responces. There is no error checking. Secondly, Spammers/"hackers" could easily use this form to send out millions of spam mails from your server. This poses a lot of hassles, and possible reprocussions from your isp/host. If you want to use a more secure script (though more complex) try looking here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34823-using-a-php-contact-form-please-help/ If you feel like implimenting it, and want any help doing so or customizing it, just lemme know. --Gaea
  12. There is one problem (ignoring the current scientific obsticals)--would that still be the same person once they were teleported? Or would it be creating an entirely new person in the same form. Another way of phrasing the question is: would the line of conciousness nessacarily be congruent? The second, teleported, version of you would retain all your old memories, but wern't they just "born" a few seconds ago? And didn't you just "kill" the origonal person. Congruent appeariances and reactions are great, but don't nessacarily entail the streamlining of an individual.
  13. It'd be more apt to compare php and cgi, not perl. As cgi is usually implimented via perl...but it can also work with c++ or java. Anyways, the quick answer to your question is another question: are you going to be making this for purely web applications? Or do you want it to be able to run offline as well? If you want it to be just online then i highly suggest using php. It is simpiler (easy opening and closing tags, little use for escape characters, etc), more powerful, and more secure than cgi. On the otherhand, if oyu want to do local applications i suggest that you use c++ (for PCs) or java (for universal platforms) instead. Just my 2ce.
  14. Just a heads up: Your script doesn't provide any error checking or validation...which means people can leave it blank or just enter garbage values. It also doesn't have any injection protection, which means spammers could use it to send out craploads of spam. If you're interested in a script without these issues check out: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34823-using-a-php-contact-form-please-help/
  15. Thanks for the tip...but that's not exactly what i meant. I wasn't trying to write new styles to the header, only trying to get the text created by document.write to follow the formatting rules of my stylesheet. Anyways, I resolved that issue by creating the table cell in the document.write call. document.write('<td class="counters" width=45 height=3 border=3 bordercolor=#000000>'+casualties.total_value+'</td>'); Only problem now is that it is completely ignoring the hight, width, and border values. Quite strange. Maybe it's just me, but javascript seems a great deal more fickle than something like php. I always run into the weirdest of problems.
  16. Have you seen the vietnam era photos of monks pouring gasoline over themselves, and then striking a match? Talk about powerful. As far as ways to die...drowning and suffication are kinda the same thing, or atleast one leads to the other. It's actually supposed to be rather tranquil and euphoric after you get passed the freaking out stage.
  17. The is the default mailserver. If you it's displaying as that the "from" field in your script is probably misformatted.
  18. There is probably a mind numbingly easy way to do this...but it's driving me nuts. Basicly I use javascript to write out a varaible <script src="http://antiwar.com/ewens/counter/casualties.js"></script><script>document.write(casualties.total_value);</script> So good so far. But then I want to formatt in in a specific way using css. But I can't get it to actually change the formatting. I tried: <script src="http://antiwar.com/ewens/counter/casualties.js"></script><script>document.write(<font STYLE=font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt> +casualties.total_value+</font>);</script>as well as using the <div> tag, and even setting the <td STYLE=> (forgot to mention that it's in a table). All of that doesn't make any change. This is starting to get really obnoxious. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. That's rather vague. Do you remember any more of the details...a name for instance? Your words to ring a bell for me, specificly in relation to something called Zero Point Energy. The concept is rather complex, and requires about a college level understanding of phsyics to comprehend. The link is to wikipedia's artical on it, which is fairly concise yet informative. It was first "discovered" by a man named Hendrik B. G. Casimir. While it seems that his theory is scientificly sound (or I gather that the majority of the scientific community believes so), it is usually ignored because we have yet to see concrete results from it. For more info about that see the "Free energy devices" section in the linked artical.
  20. Both of these are good points (though the script *does* return error messages...so im not quite sure where you got that from). Adding the origonal information back into the form would take about 2 seconds worth of time, and so is deffinatly worth doing. As far as header injection attempts...that is also a good point. But where do you stop? There are sssooooo many possible exploits that if you wanted to write a 100% secure script it'd take you a rather long time. What would you say qualifies as "good enough?" Removing any occurances of "\r" or "\n?" And 0x0D/%0D, and %0A? Or stopping all the MIME vulnerabilites? Or other vunrabilities that randomly appear on the net? Where do you draw the line? Also, no offence, but paying money to use a feedback form script seems rather ludacris to me. Except if you are really desperate and don't know how to write your own code. ---------- EDITED: ---------- Anyways, after a little work i added both of your suggestions to my script. It only protects against the From field being exploited by "\r", "\n?", "0x0D/%0D", and "%0A". Which means that it isn't 100% secure...but should stop virtually all attempts to use the form to send email to other people instead of (or as well as) the origonal hard coded email adderess. Which means that your feedback form can't be used by a spammer to send out unsollicited emails. I also had it email the spammer/hijacker's IP adderess back to you incase you wish to report them. The new code is something like this: (sendmail.php) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html><head></head><body><table bgcolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="28"><tbody><tr><td><?php$passedTests = "yes";$Hijacked = "no";$HijackAttempt=$visitormail; if (eregi("\r",$HijackAttempt) || eregi("\n",$HijackAttempt) || eregi("%0A",$HijackAttempt) || eregi("0x0D/%0D",$HijackAttempt)) { $passedTests = "no"; $Hijacked = "yes";} if($Hijacked == "yes"){ echo "<font color='red'><h2>Email Header Injection Attempt Detected! Your IP Address has been logged, and will be reported shortly.</h2></font><br />"; $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a"); $subject = $subject; $subject2 = "EMAIL HEADER INJECTION ATTEMPT"; $notes = stripcslashes($notes); $message = " $todayis \n EMAIL HEADER INJECTION ATTEMPT DETECTED from $visitor ($visitormail). \n IP Address = $ip \n Subject: $subject \n Message: $notes \n Browser Info: $httpagent \n"; $from2 = "From: YOURNAME@YOURWEBSITE.COM\r\n"; mail("YOURNAME@YOURWEBSITE.COM", $subject2, $message, $from2); }if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,"."))){echo "<h2>The following error(s) were encountered:</h2>";echo "<font color='red'>*Invalid email address. <br /></font>";$passedTests = "no";}if(empty($visitor) || empty($visitormail) || empty($notes )) { if($passedTests == "yes"){ echo "<h2>The following error(s) were encountered:</h2>"; }echo "<font color='red'>*Please fill in ALL of the required fields. <br /></font>";$passedTests = "no";}$todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a");$subject = $subject;$subject2 = "Feedback from YOURWEBSITE.COM";$notes = stripcslashes($notes);$message = " $todayis \nFrom: $visitor ($visitormail)\nSubject: $subject \nMessage: $notes \nAdditional Info : IP = $ip \nBrowser Info: $httpagent \n";$from = "From: $visitormail\r\n";if($passedTests == "yes"){mail("YOURNAME@YOURWEBSITE.COM", $subject2, $message, $from);?><p align="center"><h2>Thankyou for your feedback!</h2><center><br /><table border=0><tr><td>Date: </td><td><?php echo $todayis ?></td></tr><tr><td>Name: </td><td><?php echo $visitor ?> ( <?php echo $visitormail ?> )</td></tr><tr><td>Subject: </td><td><?php echo $subject ?></td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Message: </td><td><?php $notesout = str_replace("\r", "<br/>", $notes);echo $notesout; ?></td></tr></table></center></p><?php}else{?><br /><form method="post" action="sendmail.php"><?php$ipi = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");$httprefi = getenv ("HTTP_REFERER");$httpagenti = getenv ("HTTP_USER_AGENT");?><input type="hidden" name="ip" value="<?php echo $ipi ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="httpref" value="<?php echo $httprefi ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="httpagent" value="<?php echo $httpagenti ?>" /><center><table border=0<tbody><tr align=left><td><font color="red">*</font>Name: </td><td><input type="text" name="visitor" size="51" value="<?php echo $visitor ?>" /></td></tr><tr align=left><td><font color="red">*</font>Email: </td><td><input type="text" name="visitormail" size="51" value="<?php echo $visitormail ?>" /></td></tr><tr align=left><td> Subject: </td><td><input type="text" name="subject" size="51" value="<?php echo $subject ?>" /></td></tr><tr align=left><td><font color="red">*</font>Message: </td><td><textarea name="notes" rows="7" cols="50"><?php echo $notes ?></textarea></td><tr align=left><td></td><td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Send Mail" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form><?php}?><p> </p></td></tr></tbody></table></body></html> Once again, Don't forget to change YOURNAME@YOURWEBSITE.COM to your actual email adderess. If you have any other requests/suggestions I'd be happy to attempt to impliment them or help you do it yourself.
  21. My website, http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.facesofwar.org&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222, has offically launched today. It is a political art website created to foster discussion about the realities of war, as well as desminate various images. ****Warning:**** The image section contains graphic (violent) photographs not suited for children, or those easily offended. Please do not view this section of the website if you are under thirteen years of age, or do not wish to see such content. These images were released to show people the realities of what actually occurs in war, not the sanitised version we get through the news. If you are so inclined, posting the url or actual posters around would be very very much apreciated. Any feedback you care to share would be nice too. There is much more content to come (new, less graphic, posters will be up within a week), this is just the beginning of a project which will span many many years. Please pass it on.
  22. Do you think massive enternal hemeraging is a bad thing? Do you think AIDs is a bad thing? Do you think the antichrist would be a bad person? Well, he'd probably destroy the world by flooding it with popups.Whoever first invented the popup ad should be shot, drawn and quatered, and then dragged through the streets as an example to others.------All sillniess aside...they're really really really obnoxious.
  23. Yeah, that is deffinatly an indenty theft scam.Dumbledore? Wasn't that a harry potter character? Funny stuff.
  24. If you don't care so much about slight flickering you could load your chatscript into the main page using an iframe. The code to reload the page automaticly would look something like this: <html><head><title>Auto Reload</title><script language="JavaScript"><!--var time = nullfunction move() {window.location = 'http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/URLofIframe.html&%2339;}//--& onload="timer=setTimeout('move()',3000)"><p>The second argument (3000) is the amount of time in milaseconds to wait.</body></html>
  25. I'm not quite sure why you'd want to have it in java script...php is sssoooo much more powerful, and easy to use/code. If you really want to use javascript there are many premade scripts out there. A fairly customizable form validator script can be found at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. There are many good tutorials out there as well. I'm partial to htmlgoodies.com, mostly because i learned alot from their tutorials. The relevant page would be: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/jsp/article.php/3589631 If you really have your heart set on using javascript i can help you costumize the code to suit your site...but if i were you i'd *strongly* recommend trying to do it in php...as you have to use it to send the email anyways...and it is easier, less buggy, more secure, and compatible with 100% of the people looking at your page.
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