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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you really need to be more specific in what you want visual basic to do. just open up a command prompt? then it would be something like... Private Sub CallApp() Call Shell("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", 1) End Sub and to have your name appear in the window, you would have to write a small "bat" file. something like... @echo off echo Hello "name" pause i put a pause there only because i know if you just run a bat file directly, the window will close after the whole file has been run. so pausing it allows you to see your name. i am unfamiliar with vb.net, but i googled it and came up with this code here.... using System;namespace Learn{class cmdShell{[STAThread]static void Main(string[] args){Declare New ProcessSystem.Diagnostics.Process proc;Run test.bat from command line.proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\\test.bat");Waits for the process to end.proc.WaitForExit();}}} so then all you need to do after you have this code to execute the .bat file is to create the bat file itself and make sure you point to the right directory and subdirectory where your .bat file is saved you write your .bat files in your text editor....usually just in note pad and make sure you save it as a .bat file and not a .txt file
  2. do you know why it comes during those times? new year? your birthday? do you keep a journal. do you know it's name? do you try to talk to it? why is it there. does it ever do something for you that is good? do you get more tired when it's inside you and you talk about it? i am still curious why you insist it is a "demon". do you think it goes away after the 3rd of february or just lies dormant inside you. i know you already stated you don't want to get rid of it. are you at all curious about answered questions about it? what made you post about it? that's not really something people share openly....
  3. same as com1 or com2. big deal. certain filenames are reserved. that's all.
  4. a quick search found this.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://wakaba.c3.cx/releases/ http://wakaba.c3.cx/releases/Wakaba/wakaba_3.0.9.zip those are the first two on your list. if you want me to try to find the others, let me know...or just practice better googling techniques also, if your friend uses kusaba, then you can get that script from your friend. why is it even on the list???
  5. well i wouldn't be playing games in any relationship. did you ever get over the hurt or the resentment and anger fully from the first breakup? because it wouldn 't be wise to take it in when trying to start a new one with her or anyone else. getting hurt once should be enough for anyone. love can sting BAD.sounds like your woman is on the rebound and looking for something from others even if it risks them getting hurt. this doesn't sound like a good woman to me. she also sounds selfish, insecure and i don't even think she even knows what she wants.just seeing her will bring back emotions and set you up for getting hurt again. i would stay away completely! she had her shot in knowing if you were the right one for her and you weren't. move on. believe me, when a door closes, that closed door allows new doors to be open. to open a past door that has already failed is to close the new doors that you will never get a chance to see what's behind them. do you really want to set yourself up?what's getting hurt one more time by the same woman? see? you are already setting yourself up and don't even realize it. it's your choice bud. i think it would be a defferent story if she remained faithfull and abstinate until she figured out what she wanted, but this isn't the case. now you're getting seconds. but hey, it's your choice. unless you changed somehow, she is just gonna leave you for the same reasons as before....don't be needy. be strong. don't give in to loneliness or any of that. you're better than that and some woman out there that you haven't met yet is just waiting to meet you so you can give her your unconditional love. a love she deserves and wont leave you because she will know what you have to offer....and vica versa.or....hey.....go back with the B**** that already hurt you and go backwards instead of forwards.....see where it gets ya....
  6. well i think we were DEFINATELY in a depression and i think the economy is definately getting better. not worse. although still unstable. if i want a quick guide to know how the exonomy is doing and how much faith people have in business in the united states, i take a peek at the dow jones industrial average or the nyse. it will give you some idea without hiding to much of the truth.
  7. first of all, i think the picture is awesome. i always wanted that gift to create something out of nothing...or at least using my creativity in other ways besides on one end of a camera.secondly, i really hate it when people create something and others have it in them to tell others how THEY would have done it when the fact is, they DIDN'T do it. trying to take credit off off someone elses work is just really CHEAP in my opinion.
  8. that's a good plan. name servers just hide where your hosting is coming from and they see YOUR domain rather than your hosting companies domain. no other real advantage. looks more professional and a company more worth trusting....that's really the only true andvantage in my opinion. name servers are a one time fee. dedicated ip's you have to keep paying for them i believe so when you have the $5, update the name servers....then when you have your 500-100 visitors, you can probably afford the dedicated ip. again...your plan is good to wait. it's not really necessary right now.
  9. there is a low risk since xisto has hosting rules for shared hosting. custom name servers will make your site look more professional to those who do a "whois". they will see YOUR domain and not Xisto - Web Hosting. looks better, doesn't it? also, this is still a debate that google will lower a rank of one website who shares an ip with another with a low rank.....i don't believe it though. especially when using two different domain names.
  10. those are all good reason. also, you don't need a dedicated ip for ssl if your host is willing to share theirs.the most important part of a dedicated ip though is that it will seperate you from the other websites sharing the same address. it it good or bad for seo? NEITHER. BUT, if one website has a bad reputation, search engines can ban the ip. so you suffer for a mistake of someone else. this is already going on with some gambling sites and porn sites and other sites as well.so, use your own judgement. when you start getting a lot of traffic, i highly suggest getting a dedicated ip. i also suggest switching to custom name servers.
  11. no. their are no limitations. there use to be, but not anymore. the host isn't free. you need to post and earn "mycents" which are converted to credits. once you have enough credits, you can purchase a domain or hosting and hosting features. the cheapest plan is $1.95 for the hosting(which is a darn good plan!) and if you need a domain name, they run around $9.99. so if you are inactive, it doesn't matter. if you don't post, it doesn't matter. although you can't earn mycents without posting
  12. unwanted flower is a fake account. she is pretending to be someone she isn't. she isn't 22 and she is using a fake picture. i think everyone should know this

  13. is it just a theme you want to create or do you actually want to publish something too? a suggestion for inspiration. look at the content you will be writing. what does it say to you. what should it say to the users. i then suggest you close your eyes and try to visualize the picture that will be unique only to you and the users who visit. your theme should flow with the content and the content should flow with the theme. visualize how you would draw a picture of the content. also, if it's also about publishing right away, think about creating something off the top of your head even if it's not perfect. you can always edit the theme. nothing is perfect when you start, but over time, it should begin to take shape. think of your theme as a sculpture. whatever you come up with, it should be a part of you. don't think too hard on it if you don't know what that is....maybe it's a combination of everything you didn't like originally. good luck with it. i have been there. everything just needs to flow out naturally.....like when you're playing the drums....
  14. why not just store your important stuff on dvd's....or better yet, create a partition and store them there where you can then just clean out your c:i really don't like vista too much but i love the feature that allows me to shrink the volume of my c drive where then i can create another partition and store files. windows7 should have this feature too in disk management. if you were planning on reformatting your whole hard drive, then this would present a problem, but you said you only wanted to back up your files before installing xp.if it's only around 8 gigs of your important data and programs, the flash drives are cheap. around $20. or, like truefusion said, an external hd with a crap load of storage(between 2-400 gigs) would run about $100.
  15. yup. you do sound strong willed and stubborn. nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in. fact is though, you DO have a problem. you broke the law. cigarettes and alcohol are legal when you are the right age. but they ARE illegal at YOUR age. you ain't gonna change any laws and all you are going to look like is a teenage fool if you start spouting your mouth like you did here. i am sure you would make a great role model for all kids your age. heck, let 'm all smoke a bowl and their weed on them at all times. especially on school grounds. it would be great because pot should be legal. you sound rediculous bud.counseling? you need it. maybe you don't have a problem or weed doesn't cause you any problems. drugs controll peoples lives though and i think it would be good for you to see how and hear other peoples stories. maybe you aren't too stubborn to be taught something there.....because that too is real life. i watched a stand up comedy show recently. he said weed is the "screw it"(substitute screw with the word that begins with an F). doesn't make you care about anything. makes you hungry and tired and not givin' a crap in the world. basically those three things.i smoked it. heck....alot in the 7th grade. now maybe every once in a while. no biggie. it's illegal....but if i ever get caught, i will take it like a man because i know the consequences of my actions. i wont squeel on other people or whine like a female dog saying it should be legal just because i like it once in a blue moon. but don't jump on the bandwagon because of the other female dogs out there whining about how it should be legal and how it doesn't hurt you and how it's safer than alcohol. you just show your teenage immaturity when you do that and spout b.s.now my recomendation is to lay off the stuff. if you were a parent, you wouldn't want you kid to be doing illegal stuff and CERTAINLY wouldn't want them smokin' anything or drinking anything. sometimes it's not even you people will worry about. it's the other people who you hang around with who do the same things they have to worry about. the good and bad influences in your life.but yea, i wouldn't go in to counseling with your ignorance and stubborness. go there with an open mind. it ain't gonna kill ya bud. it will just make you a better person by one more experience in your life that is REAL. just remember. everyone has problems. so do you. it's just the degree of our problems that we judge. you may not have a bigger problem than the other guy, but it doesn't mean you don't have problems.the cops were right. you have no real friends....especially if they are gonna rat you out. this is the lifestyle you want? or maybe you want some real friends? do you know where they may be hiding for you to meet one day? think about that. and think about if you have a little brother or sister and how you think it would be ok for them to take a toke with ya.....everyone should try it, right?i hope you have the decency to appologize to your family and everyone who cares about you after finding out someone they loved got handcuffed, arrested, finger printed, and the whole 10 yards. you care about them too and not just your own self. they want the best for you. do you want the best for you? if so, then start now to live up to your potential.personally, i like ya....so i never want to see you on cops one day.....especially if weed wasn't enough for ya....
  16. you can pm an admin with what you want. sometimes, they will help you out with that. the other option is to pm to have your account deleted and then resubscribe under the user name you want. this might not be a bad option for you since you only have 27 or so posts and haven't collected a lot of mycents. there is no option to change user names ourselves.
  17. i know they perform different tasks but it really looks tacky. might i suggest having one search bar to perform both tasks? you can have one search bar to control google searches and site searches. it is usually directed by radio buttons that the user will select. but if you were to make a choice to illiminate one, illiminate the google one. i know it makes money for searches, but people are going to be more used to doing their google searches within their toolbar or browser. everything else actually looks nice to the eye and everything seems to have conformity....except the date, but i like that extra touch for some reason.
  18. i really like your site in general. seem like a lot of thought and work was put in to it. it's not really that plain or ordinary looking. that's the theme itself. i would do away with the two search bars though and limit yourself to one and one only. looks tacky.also, i would have suggested getting your own domain and not using a subdomain. i would have waited to publish it when you could have afforded a top level domain. it would have been easier in the long run. i do suggest highly you go and get yourself a top level domain name when you have enough credits though.anway, i do like your theme. good job on it!
  19. you need to log in to the google apps account and your user account will be admin@yourdomain.com the password would have been automatically created and sent in an email titled something like "Web Hosting with Google Apps Activated" if an email wasn't sent or was accidently deleted, then yes, write a support ticket and they will resend the email containing the password or the password itself. xisto makes it pretty easy to like the domain to a gmail account but you will still need to verify the domain ownership after you log in. bani- how would there be an alternate email to a band new account?
  20. sure it did. you just aren't really listening. if you take a trrip somewhere and a month later, you forget taking it and don't remember any details, did you really experience traveling? and sky, what was the point of your post? just tell a story? did you even want a response? i am confused on your intent and purpose of your post. also, when you claim a demon can come and go as it pleases, you lose ALL credibility here and outside this forum since nobody will really know who we are talking to. "i like my demon. don't make him go away". is this something you tell your friends and family too? your first hand experiences that you remember are different than ones other peoples are saying. what you are saying you remember has nothing to do with demonic possession. but what your family has stated does sound like demonic possession. problem is, you are only basing things on what your family has told you that you don't remember. that's why i say start talking about what you KNOW personally. start with the truth. no doubt, someone is in your head. but if there is a chance this entity can control you physically, then there is a danger here because this entity now found a weak host and this entity will protect it's host. there is a place where they put people who aren't responsible for their own actions....demon possessed or not. this entity may not harm you, but it may harm someone else through you. you should think about that. oh. i know. it speaks to you all the time and maybe even convinces you over time that it isn't bad. you have trouble sleeping at night. that is a good thing, right? because you like your demon? maybe you were possessed when you over clocked your computer. but i still think there is a possibility that it's not a demon possession and something else. but you talk about it like it's a demon possession and that is ignorance on your part. especially when you say you don't remember anything if you are possessed and just going by what other people tell you.
  21. sky didn't experience it. he only told us what HE was told. also, laws of gravity have nothing to do with this discussion. what comes up, must come down right away? i beg to differ..... it's important people don't feed in to everything that is being told though. if what is being said is false....then no harm, no foul. but if things said are true......to any extent, that what is said in this thread should be thought out very carefully because anything said can be used to either make the energy that is controlling sky more powerfull, or it can be used to make sky more weak which would hold the same effect on sky. this is not a time to post theories or opinions. i am sorry! i will believe sky until he gives me a reason not to and i will test sky as long as this thread is opened.....to what ?*I* know and have experienced in the past.
  22. you're beliefs have no ground right now.....only what you KNOW.....
  23. yea shadow, it will also feed off your own b.s. you write in the forums when you have never experienced things like this. this is why i suggest people don't feed off this topic and make it more real than it already is.....
  24. you might not want to believe everything you read, sky. speak what you KNOW not what you have been told. speak the truth in what YOU know. what *I* know, is that this is not a demonic possession. the energy could be coming from someone you already know. you know....i do have some experience in this area sky wether you believe it or not.....
  25. sky already admited he doesn't want to get rid of the demon who speaks to him. sky also admitted he has fear over the aggression the demon can possess over him. so sky is afraid and the demon is using it against him. wow. so cliche.....hey sky....if he hasn't hurt you yet, then what are you afraid of? you've seen his anger yet he hasn't hurt you? why not push the limits to see if this demon c an actually hurt you.....
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