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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you have porn? where do i sign up! what's wrong with porn? haha oh ok...well, i know certain sites have certain ip's blocked automatically. there has to be a list somewhere. they include ip's of spammers and proxies. i haven't researched it but there has got to be a list floating around somewhere. then just import the list. and yes, use a simple captcha. not those hard to read ones though. just a simple one or like the ones that ask for simple addition. also, you might try implimenting something where they have to enter a correct email, and verify it before they have any privileges. now...where again do i sign up for the porn? i'm there!
  2. i have always had idea floating around in my head about Xisto. i always like thinking about how i can make things better. i don't really offer my suggestions much but i thought i would throw one of them out there...we get mycents for replying to posts and creating new posts and topics. my idea surounds what posts we create with the "new topic" button. yes, we get mycents for that. i would like to see a system where we would actually get a % of the mycents that people would normally get by replying to the topics we create. this, i think would be an exciting feature that would promote more users to start new topics and be more creative to start topics that would be of interest to many people since their mycents would rise with the more replies to their topic.so lets say i create a topic. i get 30 mycents for my post. someone replies. they now get their mycents for their own post. let's say they get 20 mycents. since i started the thread, i would get 5-10%(or whatever % seems adaquate) of the amount the replier made. in this case it would be 20 times 5-10% which would be an extra 1 or two mycents just for starting the thread.anyway, i really like this idea to be incorporated since it WILL promote more topics which would mean more new topics to be replied to. if everything goes as planned, it will create more posting and more originality as well. it will also create GOOD topics that people think others will reply. there are some cons to it, but overall, i think it would be a better system as we have now and everyone wins in the long run. it benefits everyone. not just the users, but the owners.anway, that's my suggestion. feel free to knock it apart :Dand btw- i have another suggestion. fix the shoutbox!
  3. this question has been asked many times. a long time user just decided to up and leave because one of the problems he had was not knowing the algorythm trap uses to determine how much mycents a user would get by posting. the admins have never said specifically. yes, length of post and quality of post has been mentioned by the admins, but aside from that, it's anyone's guess. personally, i think the title, and the keywords from the title spread out throughout the post will make a difference in quality and relevancy. best way to come close to knowing is by setting up an experiment. post, record information about the post and how much mycents you recieve after it updates, then do the same thing with another post. do this 30-50 times, and you might have a clear idea after using many scenarios and experiments. personally, i am too lazy and don't care enough about it to worry about it. although it takes a little bit to finally get hosted with a tld, after that, people will find that the credits are very easy to come by after that and more than enough to keep up hosting and the renewal of the domain. now if you want answers from a programming perspective and questions about what kind of code and how the code works, you can always post in the programming thread
  4. i dunno if i believe this or not. cell phones creating cancer would be troubling to believe. if this was true, then cell phones or other electronics capable of doing so should not be on the market. i'm no doctor or scientist but i am curious what type of cancer cell phones would create. there are many different types of cancer, how they start, and how they spread. usually the type of cancer is named after where it started in the body. even if it spreads to a different area like an organ, it will still keep it's original name. so what type of cancer does cell phones create. and is radiation that bad? because from what i know, they use radiation to FIGHT cancer. i have no doubt that the radiation that could be out there through the use of cell phones might be able to destroy cells, but create cancerous cells? i really have a hard time believing that.
  5. no problem. i was thinking the way you are now a few years ago. especially when my account got suspended for copying content from other website without using the quote tags i really read all the rules backwords and forwards and it IS very vague in some parts. like rvalkass said though, it's impossible to include every situation so some of it is just learn as you go and it's not really as strict as it sounds either. most of it is just common sense. i am curious though about a suspension or banned account. i hope an admin can respond about that. i am sure if you pay with your own money at Xisto - Web Hosting, that account wont be affected if someone was ever banned or suspended privlidges from Xisto. BUT! i am still wondering what would happen to someones account at xisto or Xisto - Web Hosting if that account was paid for through mycents on trap if their trap account was suspended or banned. what would happen to their website and domain, and what would happen to the credits collected where the mycents were already converted. i knopw xisto has a policy of what you can't host and a site being taken down for breach of hosting terms. my question is directly related to trap and a suspension or ban. opaque? buffalohelp? or even a moderator who knows the policy without doubt?
  6. those are all very good questions. the readme though isn't worded poorly. it's worded just fine. some of it however is vague and i can understand why people can get confused at times. i am not going to answer your question even though i do have a basic idea. i will let a mod or admin answer so there isn't any discrepency in how i translate it. i will say this. i've seen your posts. they are pretty good quality. what is not allowed is copying and pasting from other websites. this includes your own(unless you put the copied content within' the quote tags). you are however allowed to copy and past from trap 17 to your own website as long as you give credit to the author. so that's the trick around that one since we have a creative commons license that can be found at the bottom of each webpage here. just use common sense. links are ok. if you want to talk about your website, you can talk about it in the website discussion or review section. if you want to let people in on information on your website, post in an appropriate section, give a quick review of the post and include a link so people can go there if they are interested. don't just be posting your links everywhere where it just looks unprofessional because that could be considered spamming. again.....just use common sense for now. put up your sig the way you would like it. if there is a problem with it, i am sure a mod or an admin will give a warning and all you have to do is change it a little. if you are in conflict with a mods decision, then, it best to discuss it with the mod. i know from experience that admins trust the mods and will support any mods decisions even if it seems like a wrong decision and you have a good arguement. the important thing to remember is that there are rules for a reason. even if they aren't stated clearly in the readme or elsewhere. i got banned once and whined like a little girl to the admin and didn't get anywhere. it was upsetting. i think the best way to handle those situations is just roll with the punches. trap is a GREAT place in my opinion if if i have had altercations in the past. i just love this place.i hope you get your questions answered soon. but dude, i wouldn't sweat it so much. yea, things are confusing. just use common sense and respect others and you will be a pretty cool member here because i think you can add something here that is needed. good quality posts...which evidently earns more mycents that get converted to creditsi wish ya luck here....... you don't really need luck. you DO seem like a cool memeber though so hope to see ya around!
  7. yea, that's good advice. sometimes it's good to take a break from everything when one is confused. and she seems pretty insightfull. life IS a learning experience. we all make mistakes and it's important to learn from them. with that outlook, one wont have to look in their past to regret their choices. there is a moral line though that should be drawn with that thinking because people can use that excuse to cover up their own errors quite easily where in fact their choices hurt others when they DON'T learn from their mistakes. such as her fiance. if i were him, i would dump her. she wouldn't be worth my time after she made a commitment and broke it. people should have to wait their whole life for someone to get unconfused....even when they love them. that's just me though. that's why it is REALLY important for this girl to not be confused and not make choices when she is confused. taking a break is good because she should really start figuring out what SHE wants out of life that doesn't have anything to do with a man....unless she just wants to stay barefoot and pregnant and raise kids the rest of her life. once she can figure out what SHE wants out of life, she can find a guy that will be supportive and complimentary to her and find someone they she as well can be supportive towards and complimentary to his life. a true couple that has much more to the definaition than just love or a crush.
  8. yea, since it doesn 't happen all the time, it may be stress related. i remember certain periods of time when i was really stressed and my thoughts were on overload, hard to sleep anyway, when i did fall asleep, that second, i would catch myself because i would be holding my breath. when i wake up, i would let my breath out and try again it is a somewhat discomforting feeling and sometimes scarey. if it IS stress, i would suggest trying to clear your mind before going to sleep and thing of GOOD things only. things that relax you. also, if it's just stress, you might want to consider taking a medication that will help you put you to sleep.but yea, i would seriously consider talking to a doctor. i personally don't trust everything they say and sometimes they use people as guinae pigs, but they would know better than the average joe.
  9. my best advice is for her to play the field and not be committed to anyone right now. also, i wouldn't suggest jumping in to any marriage either. she's still young and going to school. she seems confused when she can say she wants to marry someone one minute and second guess herself the next minute after she met some other guy. decisions shouldn't be based on confusion and marriage shouldn't be taken lightly. it's for the rest of ones life.also, i have to be a little suspicious of someone who comes for a summer and makes plans to marry. that is WAY to soon to know about a lifetime commitment. some foreiners will try to trap others just to marry. once they are a citizen, they will divorce. so all this confusion with your friend and false commitments and cheating on someone she said she would marry leaves me VERY suspicious of that.all in all though, she should follow her heart and see where that takes her. decisions should be based on location or religion if two people love eachother. love doesn't create happiness though. if you just want her happiness, then you should tell her to look around and be gratefull and happy for what she has NOW and not compare happiness to love or finding a guy. she is hurting this other guy and that isn't fair to him. he deserves to be happy tooso she should just play the field. at the same time, follow her heart until she is sure of what she wants. once she is sure, she should stop talking to other guys and commit herself to one.
  10. try this other link on trap similar to your case.... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54971-dying-in-my-sleep-forcing-myself-to-wake-up-to-avoid-my-heart-from-stopping/
  11. oh snap! your right. when i went to your site, i just quickly checked it out and didn't read anything about it. i also read your signature which made me think your site was about ebooks haha. ok now i see that your signature will confuse readers. so yes, now i think transfering everything to another host would be beneficial. so would you have to just copy and past everything then? that's going to take a lot of time. and no, most likely, you wont lose any juice from the search engines or pr. what i would suggest though is keep your blogger up until you have transfered everything to publish so you don't have dead links. because if you do take your blogger down, then decide to switch and then start transfering stuff over, google might recognize the dead links and that WILL hurt your serps. also, you don't want users to find any dead links either. they might just unsubscribe or take you off their bookmarks. possibly even your pr would be affected if external links are pointing to certain posts that haven't even been published yet. there is also so much room for error in copying everything over in the right directories. i am not familiar with blogger, are you going to be allowed to have the same theme, format, and ads where your site will look exactly like it does now? i dunno, if you have the time, i would still suggest getting another domain name and start from scratch, keeping your other one and linking the two similar blogs.....that is unless you don't have too much content to transfer and is a new site. but i think having two blogs would actually HELP your rankings and pr if you are concerned with seo only. so if it were me, i would have two blogs going and really concentrate on the newer one to get it up and running and continue publishing what you would normally publish on your new one. i have the time so that would be what i would do i noticed you changed your sig. good job. now i might suggest either centering what your blog is about under your blog name, or centering the free ebooks and other stuff you are giving free when someone subscribes under your blog name, or BOTH. anyway, good luck with everything....whatever you choose.
  12. i love playing games over again personally. the way i do it though is that if the game is solvable, and i solve it, the next time, i will try to beat my time. see how fast i can solve it. also, video games are like movies. the more you watch or play, the more things you see that you missed the first time around. anyway, that's my take on it....
  13. i personally like paying for more than 6 months at a time. also, you forgot to mention that if you pay for a year at Xisto - Web Hosting or xisto, it's not 1.95. it's $1.60 so it would be close to around $19 for a year. not too shabby when you pay for a year....especially considering it's pretty cheap for what you get....
  14. also, in the united states, you cannot enter in to a contract until you reach adult status of 18 years of age. you're 14 or 15? i don't think this is a paying taxes issue. i hope you are using an account that someone set up for you.....like a parent or your account could easily become frozen....especially with their random security checks they do and when you will be unable to verify your account any further.
  15. i was never a big fan of jackie chan movie. i have seen him on a couple talk shows though and he is a very funny, interesting and overall nice guy.i LOVED shanghai noon though. and i can deal with him in rush hour. other than that, i tend to avoid his movies....
  16. congratulations! you found a name for your website and guess what, it is available! you're so excited. it's the perfect name and you know it's going to attract a lot of visitors. you go through the ordering process, but before your sale is processed, 2 seconds earlier, someone took it. you were too late in ordering it. so although you thought of the perfect available domain, you are back where you started.... I WISH california loses to washington today in pac 10 basketball
  17. you are using "passionateblogger.net" for your domain on blogger. what i would do is keep that account, create another domain, but this time, a .com, and host another blog on wordpress with your hosting here. i would obviously link both accounts and send your old visitors to your new site. since you deal with ebooks and other free stuff, use use one or two keywords in your new domain that relates to your site specificall....not "passionateblogger" which doesn't tell anyone ANYTHING about your site. you can then copy your content little by little to your new site, but at the same time, i would reword the content so the content is similar, but just worded differently and better with good keywords within the content related to your title blogs. after you copied everything and reworded everything, just keep adding new content to your new site. when your .net domain is about to expire, then you need to make a decision to keep it or let it go. if it's getting traffic, i would keep it and try to transform the blogger site in to something else gradually....different, but something similar to your new site. that way, the related content would give your external links a better pr value in the long run if you are able to be dedicated to two sites also, change your signature. your signature is redundant and unnecessary. you use the word "free" twice. take out one of the "free" words. it will look more professional. whenever you are advertising your site, you want to create a professional image also, if you don't feel like keeping two domains and your older one IS getting traffic, you might consider selling it. a domain getting a bare minimum of traffic can still be worth $100 or so...but the .com will always be worth more. i don't know why people decide to go with a .net address when people just have to do a little research and use some creativity for a .com
  18. i think it's a matter of personal preference. the link to the dell seems pretty reasonable. even though dell makes good computer, i abolutely hate them for their customer support alone. i bought one and will never go through that again. BUT, the laptop seems pretty reasonably priced. i bought a toshiba satallite l305-s5968 and have never looked back. bought it for $500 from walmart. it has pretty much the same specs as your dell you listed except a bigger hd and 1gig less ram. mine is also 2.0mhz rather than 2.1 mhz and screen size is 15.4, not 15.6 with built in mic and webcam. i have been pleasently surprised with toshiba. i was very hesitant like you were right now but decided to go with toshiba from reviews like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i think toshiba has raised their prices recently so it may be hard to find a comparable price with comparable specs. a thread that asked the same question you're asking now. anyway, good luck with your new purchase!
  19. well, i don't see it as the same as the dummy who said it's the same as leaving your door unlocked for anyone to walk in and take full advantage of a house that isn't theirs.i have my own service, but if i didn't and found a connection, i would link to it 18mbps? if someone needs so much speed, then they know how to lock others out of their network so maybe they are leaving it open. and who says it's a home anyway? could be a business. a motel maybe? who knows.it's like when people put things out on their lawn for anyone to openly take. but people have to be carefull because if it's on the lawn, you can't take it. it has to be on the sidewalk. the part of the property the county or city owns.i will assume that if people aren't using a password, then their intent is to share a connection and i would never feel bad in sharing that connection. especially an 18mbps connection. maybe if i knew it was for home use only and the connection was 1mbps or less. but if i need to log in, i need to log in if i can find an open connection knowing nothing to bad will come of it. i am not a theif, but i am no angel either.....but i make up for it in other ways....
  20. sorry to break it to you, but they already have those types of games. instead of one big campaign, they break the game up in to smaller, but more compaigns.it would take a alot of money to build(let's say....) a zelda game where after you beat ocorina of time, it automatically unlocks majoras mask, and after majoras mask, maybe one more campaign. not only would it cost a lot of money, the originators are taking a big risk because what if someone goes through the first campaign and doesn't like it? they wouldn't bother playing the rest and the negative publicity would ruin any potential future profits. in fact, the company could even LOSE money to construct games like thisanyway, it IS about money. the players would like this only because it could potentially save them money in the long run. and i don't think any gamer would pay $150 for a video game that did this and take a chance that he wouldn't like it. he would wait til a buddy bought it to try it out first or rent it. so although it would be VERY COOL to play if the game was good, i doubt we will ever see something like this in what you are talking about specifically if i understand you right.
  21. oh. i have no doubt money is getting sent over there. the question is HOW MUCH since it does cost money to run a non profit corporation and the board can set salaries pretty high in some circumstances.personally, i feel bad that i couldn't help. i have very limited funds. i went through the northridge earthquake when i lived in northridge at the time. fema came in to help. i remember driving and taking pictures of all the rubble, broken bridges, and even a train wreck(not a passenger train). stores were selling watter for 10 dollars a gallon, the grocery stores were empty, and the one fast food place that actually stayed open(in and out) had a line 2 miles long. inside houses, there was debri up to our knees. it took about a week before things started getting back to normal and for the most part, most of us didn't lose our homes. i cannot imagine what haiti has gone through and i really hope the charities and people aren't being taken advantage of. more importantly, i hope haiti isn't being taken advantage of during a time of crises.but yea, i feel for them. they need some HELP! i am just sorry i couldn't contribute financially.
  22. i am all for a loyal pet. but those little ankle biters will bark at anything and not get too close to anyone but it's owner. say NO to the rat dog!
  23. i have a saying to. the most good and trustworthy people are those that will get hurt the most. now knowing this to be true, should that influence you in saying you should stop helping people? is it worth the hurt? it takes a strong person to be kind and generous and to not expect things to come around right away in karma. people will get greedy, some will take advantage, others will take your help for granted, etc....whatever the reason, other people don't define who you are. YOU define who you are. also, if helping others was so easy, then it wouldn't be that rewarding, would it. some people write a check to charities. they feel good about themselves, sure, but how rewarding is it when one doesn 't have the ability to help more directly? we choose what we are capable of depending on our time and emotional strength to help others. nobody ever said helping others is easy so sometimes we have to be mentally prepared when we do we also have to UNDERSTAND those we are helping and the consequences of our "help" because sometimes we can be blinded. when sometimes we think we are helping, we really aren't.
  24. ofcourse they should be allowed to carry and use cell phones! in fact, i wouldn't mind seeing some of the grant money being spent on vouchers where the major companies can offer free cells and a discounted service plan to the homeless.it would not only allow the homeless to stay in contact with their own family or friends and have a tool to stay sane longer, it's a tool that can help them in emergencies and bettering themselves. sure, finding a place to live and finding a job would still be hard as hell when they are still on foot(most of them), but at least.but if someone feels like giving someone homeless a cellphone, then by all means, i am all for it! people look at the homeless and think they shouldn't have the same rights as anyone else because they don't contribute to society. they have harder lives than we do and although some people do in fact want to remain homeless, the majority don't and just want to survive in this cruel world where there is little hope in a country where we promote the american dream.
  25. yup! all the pros you mentioned is what i was talking about being "convenient". but look at all the cons. they totally outweigh the pros. and yes, TERRIBLE customer service. you're talking to a robot who has memorized a two page manual....and forget about talking to a supervisor. they are worse than DELL.you say paypal is a smart company? i disagree 100%. the built their business on convenience and they take advantage of it. i was a paypal user ever since they were offering everyone $10 just for signing up. i am not going to say i didn't make money off them, but their practices ARE amaturish and definately not smart.i look at paypal and how it has grown over the years. i also look at their competition now and i personally think that if it wasn't for ebay buying them out, they would already be out of business because their are better companies out therenow that paypal is limiting their field in india, my only question is.....who's nextthey have no vision and they think short term. they can't forsee problems so when problems do arise, they screw over their members who entrusted their money with them. from the very start, paypal was unstable, and FAR from reliable....BUT....paypal is convenient. i will give them that....until their screwups make them inconvenient....
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