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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. hey- HAPPY BIRTHDAY deadmad! hope all goes well and you don't have to end up shooting anyone :)

  2. hey- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope everything is looking up!

  3. hey- happy birthday! hope you had a chance to enjoy this day! hope all is well!

  4. hey- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! where have you been???

  5. hey- Happy Birthday!

  6. hey- you should post some more cooking stuff! :) your comment section looked too clean. i had to dirty it up a bit :)

  7. hey! Happy Birthday bud!

  8. hi webster! thanks for the traffic! btw- i have some duck tape for your broken nail. works like wonders! :)

  9. hope you had a great birthday, bud! stay cool!

  10. hope you're doin' ok. haven't seen ya around in a while!

  11. host gator rocks! when i had a problem the first day when i opened an account there, i called them voice and they fixed the problem in 5 minutes. go host gator....down with xisto! also, host gator is cheaper! haha i got unlimited shared hosting for $6 a month. yeaaaaaaaaa! xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less



      "xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less" When we asked Windstream about updating our internet service, They told us that it would cost $10 more. We updated, got a new modem with built-in wireless router. Got our first bill, it was $10 cheaper. We asked why, they said that due to where we live and our plan, it actually costs $10 less. Like you, we payed more for worst service/less for better.

    2. anwiii


      i never changed my tune. xisto support always sucked. but i don't like dwelling on it day after day. this time they went too far however. they have a debt to pay and i will seek it in blood soon. they will see how it feels like to lose money....

  12. how do i read the newest posts?!?

  13. i almost ate all my slim jims! what am i gonna do now!

  14. i am drinking juice. who wants to talk to the drunk guy? i will be in the chat room. BEWARE! i might make fun of you.....

    1. web_designer


      yeah yeah...look who talking about juice now... :)

    2. deadmad7


      lol... how does making fun and talking advantage of something cross on the same line?

    3. anwiii


      i know it's hard fo you to understand some things deadmad, but please try harder...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. i am gaining my wings slowly and gradually. you are also one of the best friends i ever had and still have. our friendship is like when an infant kicks the mother before it's born. both pleasure and pain.....

  16. i am ready to conquer club you! :)

  17. i am soooooo hung over!

    1. chini13


      yes ..i hope the party season carry on for long

    2. rob86


      Why weren't we invited to the party?

    3. anwiii


      everyone was invited! unfortunately, people wanted me to leave my own party! :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. i am thinking of running a contest. it will be called "spam a spammer". i am not sure what it will involved yet though. i am thinking it may involve stalking people....

  19. i am waiting for an update and not getting one! sheeeeeeesh :)

  20. i can't find my lighter! bani???????

  21. i didn't yell it like that....sheeeesh. and here's $5 :)

  22. i feel i am becoming lazy :( something is sure to change soon!

    1. chini13
    2. mandla


      hahah you lazy, dont think so.

    3. anwiii


      hahaha! see? chini agrees! haha

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  23. i hope certain people undersrtand how important this community was and still is

  24. i just noticed it and was thinking the same thing! very original and not original at the same time. made me laugh. i needed a good one! haha

  25. I just uploaded a new avatar of my best friend. He(Bruin) is very loyal :) I had to take the picture with my laptop because I don't have a digital camera, but it turned out ok....

    1. Hurt4love


      Where is it I can't see it?

    2. web_designer



      GOD..i knew you are dangerous...hahaa

    3. anwiii


      H4L- it's in my avatar. the picture next to all my posts. :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
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