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Everything posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. wow, thanks every1. I still want to get photoshop, I made these all in the gimp with free plugisn and brushes, so I think I will download some more...
  2. there's three programs that have widgets that are free: Kapsules- My favorite- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ wxWidgets- still good, just more aimed for applicational use- wxwidgets.org Macromedia Central- one big bar, many apps- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope that helps you, but do a little reserch next time
  3. ok, well here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acty&cmd=si&img=45
  4. yeah angelfire stinks, and I live in the subburbs too (look at my location<<) so yeah, it's an absolute timewaster, like a slinky, but fun. or in this case funny.
  5. thanks, I wanted one of these to carry around at school if you know what I mean...
  6. ok, this is hysterical. It's a parody of a safety sheet (you know, like on airplanes + stuffs) about terrorism. The lingo is a bit mild, just a warning. Other then that, they are also working on one for an airplane (not done yet...) Here's the link: http://www.angelfire.com/nc3/readyparody/
  7. sounds like a virus, or a really weird problem in the motherboard. Did you actually check to see if the wires were cut or not (sorry, but I'm not kidding, that happened to me once- my freind got mad and unplugged everything while I was in the bathroom one day )I don't know, that dosen't sound good. Take it to your local computer store, they should know what to do.
  8. I'll take you on!I am really good with wallpaper, I don't need brushes or renders!
  9. Here's some sigs I made over the weekend, just ignore the 'gift from truefusion' and 'my first sig' Please tell me some suggestions, cuz I think the sigs are much better then my first now that I have a better Idea of graphics designing. Here's the link to my Xisto sig album: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actw_album&album=9
  10. actually, you can just go to the library computer lab and do a who-is search on their IP.
  11. good, I just think you shouldn't have put those shadows on, that's all.
  12. or you could wait for one to reply to this topic... anyways.Nice list! I think I'm going to try google adsense sence those all work by pay-per-click, right? I like google's services, so I'll give them a try.
  13. That's pretty cool. If they had clear microbead things "networked" with fiber optics to a clear bead on the opposite side, then you could actually use it without the camera thing. Then it would be all pixely, but it would still work, err... mabie? That's cool though. You would be less visible if it was tight against your skin, like tights or something, but that woulden't be too cool. Then again, nobody would see you... arghhh!
  14. no, that's definatly timberwolf. I luv mechwariorr! I have mechwarior 4, and timberwolf looks way cooler in that game then that, but nice job! I'm gunna use that in my next sig.
  15. paypal is from e-bay.. or mabie amazon, I forget..Anyway, you give them your credit card number, and it's basically a secure online way to pay for stuff, rather then just typing in your credit card number and having them use it to by shirts. Lots of shirts. Pure silk shirts. Scared yet? Anyways, the paypal system is all third party, so you don't even have to wory about them stealling your paypal account. If anyone remembers, there was a site that had "fake" paypal pages that changed the address in the location bar and everything, so it was a scam, and it was reported to the FBI, scary stuff.
  16. wow, I don't like that. If it was a live feed it would be cool though. Like having a spy satilite for free! YAY!anyways, the reson why it's better then google maps is bcause it's a three-d view of the earth. You can see actual landmarks and buildings that "pop" off of the landscape. It's basically mapquest, google locals, and stuff like that for free and it's downlodable.
  17. dude, I love these guys!I just coulden't get to their site for a while. And then gave up on them. Wow, that's cool man. That's definatly cool.
  18. I have a 1024x768 resolution on a 15" laptop screen, with a Nvidea gforce 2 go video card
  19. I uploaded it to the galery so everyone can see at Xisto. Thanks alot, you will find it on my site's gallery soon!Ps: how did you do it so quick?
  20. uhhh, what kinda thing is it, is it something X-rated? :ph34r:Pm the specks to me...
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