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Everything posted by saxsux

  1. Yep, sorry - you're right.Burning Methane creates one carbon dioxide molecule and two water molecules.It would still be adding to global warming though, just not as much.
  2. But isn't methane worse at speeding up global warming than Carbon Dioxide?
  3. Yeah, it was happening to me earlier too, but it seems to be fine now.Do Nils or Vujsa know what happened?
  4. On the subject of glasses; don't you think that more people wearing glasses is due to better diagnostic techniques, and opticions being much easier to access than in the past? Personally, I don't think a sole thing, eg computers, book, can be balmed for bad eyesight.
  5. I see what you mean there. I really should have mentioned this above, but sometimes I cannot stand how much oil - and other resources like water, electricity, wood (paper especially) etc - are taken for granted. Just looking round and seeing how many things are made of plastic, and how little of it will be recycled. Oil is taken so much for granted, when it runs out soon, the whole world will be put into dissarry. If the hydrogen engine has been invented by then, the impact may not be so great though.
  6. I really like the look of the new (old) Mac Mini, even though it does come with an older version of Mac OS X.As for the new OS X - Tiger - it looks awesome. The fast user switching animation (with the cube) looks brilliant, and the whole dashboard thing with the widgets seems to be the most beautiful, and most useful thing on the planet.Coupled with the fact that you can download Firefox and use it on Mac, I love it!!!
  7. A 1000 mile long oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea has been opened today. Oil will soon start snaking down the 42 inch pipe, through Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Turkey. Throughout the ten years of its construction, nothing has been allowed to stand in its way. As The Independent so fittingly put it: It is hoped that, when it reaches normal working capacity in 2009, the pipeline is hoped to transport one and a half million barrels of oil a day, and will keep doing so for aproximatly fifty years. Despite the rather long lifetime of the pipline, the Caspian Sea oil field itself is estimated to hold only 220 billion barrels of oil, enough to supply the world for only eight years. The pipe itself is capable of holding a million barells of oil, owing to its enormous size. What I was thinking is the enviromental impacts of this pipeline. As I mentioned earlier, nothing has stood in its way, and its construction has lead to a large amount of destruction too. Plus, more oil means more Carbon Dioxide emmissions. Also, how would you feel to find a thousand mile long pipeline streching through your bacdk garden? To be honest, I can't stand the pipeline. I can't stand it at all. What do you think?
  8. Hey Midaz, welcome to Xisto :)Enjoy it here!
  9. No, I think the way it works is that you download the programme, and then the IMP connects to the BBC and gets the key to play it - the key will only be available for the seven days after the programme is aired. When you get the key, you can play the programme in the IMP itself.
  10. Aren't just copying and pasting almost all of this? You really should have quoted that (put it between quote marks), after all only one sentance of it is yours. If a moderator finds out, your'll probably have your hosting credits lowered.
  11. You've probably already heard it somewhere else, but the BBC is working on new P2P software which will allow people to download episodes of thier favourite shows up to seven days after it has been broadcast. They'll be testing it with 5,000 people around England (I'm gonna try and get a place!!) Heres the press release - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The software is going to be called the IMP (Intereactive Media Player) and will use P2P software a bit like Kazaa and Gnuttella. You will download the episode from the BBC or another member. When the download finishes, a "key" is downloaded from the BBC which unlcks the program. When the key expires after seven days, the program can't be watched, shared or listen to.
  12. I used them. They're quite good, but the German aspect is annoying. Many of the english pages link to German pages, and the translation in some places is very dodgy, as if its been translated by something like Google or Babelfish.
  13. 150mb is nothing in email storage. In case you hadn't noticed, Gmail offers over 2GB and Yahoo offers 1GB, Hotmail offers the least with 250mb - but thats all still over 150.Could you provide a link, so we know exactly what your talking about?
  14. I thought Google Web Accelerator was made for broadband. The reason it didn't work was probably because (if you look on the Google Web Accelerator homepage) they say that they have reached the maximum amount of users, so ven though you managed to download it, it wouldnt be supported by Google.
  15. If you want one yourself, you can install one through your Xisto cPanel. Down, near the bottom, there is the option to install phpBB, or if you go into Fantastico, there is an even wider variety available. You could also try installing a CMT (like PHP Nuke) they provide a forum, and also allow you to run your entire website through them.Ezforums provide a message board hosted with them, which means you would have to link to it through your website. You would have much less control over it, and it probably has adverts on your message boards (I haven't looked at it yet).
  16. Uh, mate, you've just copied and pasted it. You at least should have put it in a . If a mod finds this, you'll probably get hosting points taken away. You've got to write your own stuff, not copy and paste it straight from other websites.
  17. Don't most of those not work through firewalls though? The PHP/CGI based works through firewalls etc, but all the Java ones I've tried can't connect properly.
  18. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here, and the excellent hosting - can't wait to read some of your posts on the "bigger" forums.
  19. It could be useful, like if you search for something you want, and later you want to search for it again but can't remember the exact words you used. Or, perhaps if you need to access a previous search you did from a different computer.Of course, the privacy issues are huge, personally I wouldn't trust anyone with everything I've ever searched for, etc (I have no real need for it anyway).
  20. If you look in your Xisto cPanel, you get the option to install a PHP Chatroom.You could install it on your account, and "take it apart" firguring out how it works. Then you can make your own chat room based on something similar to that, before adding your own graphical parts and everything else you want.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Look what I found It uses Google New's aggregator and displays it visually. You change your country at the top and choose subjects at the bottom - click on one to view only it, or check and uncheck the boxes to view a medly.
  22. No, you still need a Gmail invite. You've always logged in with your Google Account, Google have just made it more obvious.
  23. Nobody on who knows about Gmail needs an invite, there are so many going around, supply has exceeded demand.I think, every day or so Gmail reset everyone's invites to 50. If you get rid of all of your invites, they'll soon give you more.
  24. It doesn't use ActiveX, its Javascript and DHTML. Its a known fact that Google X is Google's tribute to Mac OS X - look at the bottom of the screen "Roses are red, Violets a re blue, OSX rocks, homage to you".Gmail doesn't use ActiveX either, and Firefox and Opera haven't changed to support it, to the best of my knowledge. Why would a mianstream browser suddenly change its ways for one - albeit brilliant - email service?
  25. I think Apple threatened to sue Google for copyright infringement or soemthing...I'm not 100% sure about that though
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