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Everything posted by saxsux

  1. I don't use Yahoo Messenger much, Google offer a much better alternative - Hello! /en/index.html
  2. Trust me, it works brilliantly. To get started, text help to 64664.
  3. Since these message boards are full of adverts for it, I thought we could have a discussion about Smiley Central.I know that say that thier software is 100% spyware free, but everyone says it is full of it. Microsoft Anti Spyware picks up loads from it. Why else would they spend so much money advertising it and so much time making it?
  4. While you're on the subject of the technological develepment mobile phones you might find this (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18024173-900-3d-tv-as-youve-never-seen-it/) intersting. You can't read it all unless you subscribe, nut it goes on to say how Japanese mobile phones currently are adopting the technology, and how the menus, etc are 3D, and "pop out" into the users face, etc. Its quite interesting. It would be great if that technology would be in everything, so we could watch 3D TV, etcAlso, I think that America would have more nukes than ever, and would still be no closer to world peace. Greenpeace (woo! go greenpeace!) would be protesting against them 24/7 and the world be on the brink of massive climate change (as I said earlier) and the population would be much, much, much larger than it is now.
  5. How many of these threads are there about Gmail? Anyway, in my opinion, Gmail is awesome. Its fast, easy to use, ingenious, and best of all - from Google!!!Did you know you can sign up and help translate Gmail into other languages? I'm on the list helping to translate it into Pig Latin!
  6. Like the millenium bug (or Y2K as you Americans called it). I can remember there was a load of panic about it. Everyone was worried about absolutely everything not working, planes crashing, banks loosing everyone's money in a massive computer fault, etc, etc. In the end, practically nothing happened. It was really silly.
  7. Wow! That site is amazing! How do they manage to do all that?
  8. WTF? I din't understand a word of that!! WOuld you mind explaining what on earth you were talking about? Is WML the mobile equivilant of HTML?
  9. I know I'm posting again, but I'd just like to say thanks to Rudy for pointing that out to me - thank you
  10. Here in lovely england, loads of companies have s similar thing. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I assumed it was cheaper than actually buying your own domain, but I guess I was wrong.
  11. That's pretty useless. How will you get visitors get to your website?If you try and advertise it, no one will be able to visit it. I don't think all your potential visitors will go to the trouble of downloading that plugin just to visit your website.
  12. But I thought we weren't talking about a company. Jesus Christ wanted to know how he could run .AVI files from ebaum's world.That seems pretty much like personal use to me.
  13. And perhaps the pollution caused by all the rockets launching into outer space will cause massive climate change because of global warming. But that will probably have already happened, because of the large amounts of cars, factories etc releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. And the fact that the US hasn't ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
  14. I started off by reading a book, which told me the basics. It was quite old and outdated, and never wnet past the basics at all. I was able to make really basic pages with text, images, etc, but nothing amazing.Since then, I taught myself. Sometimes (not extreemely often) I'll look at a pages source, and plough through it, figuring out how it works and teaching myslef new tags and techniques and so on.
  15. I know this is a bit of advertising, and I did mention it in another thread, but have you tired Irfanview?It can play practically anything and you get it from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Have you tried Irfanview? It support almost al media files, pictures etc. and its very simple and easy to use.http://www.irfanview.com/
  17. I've just gone onto the . Everything was fine until I reached the bottom.It saysDisk hda1 (/boot) 93 % and theres a red flashing animated GIF next to it. Is it meant to be like that? All the others are green.Sorry if this is a bit of a n00b question.
  18. I know what you mean. I can't see why anyone would want to buy a .tk domain. Because so many people have free ones, buying one and using it for something looks crappy, espically when you could buy a better, more professional one for the same (or a lower) price. Any website I see with a .tk domain, I assume is a free, and rather rubbish site (that the was probably made in less time than took me to look at it) probably hosted on Geocities or some other low quality host.
  19. OMG! I never realised, but Google SMS is in the UK too!Does anyone here use Google SMS?64664
  20. All our school computers run on windows, so that wont work unfortuanately. Thanks for the help anyway. I've just found that there's a function built into our cPanels that can find IP addresses. In cPanel you need to look for Advanced tools (near the bottom, just above Preinstalled Scripts, where Fantastico is). When you find it, click on "Networking Tools" and type a domain into the "Domain Lookup" box. Hey Presto! You've got yourself an IP address my son!
  21. Thats very interesting. You never realise how technology rules our lives until someone points it out to you... also, I've never been to McDonalds (I'm vegetarian) and I live in the country, so we don't have as higher dependency on machines as some people. In the city though, you just take it for granted I guess... That would be up to the programmer wouldn't it? I don't think they need to actually understand it, as long as they can makle the connection. That wat they would be simulating intelligence without actually being intelligent, so we would end up with a Matrix/Terminator type future.
  22. AOL (yes I know they're terrible) always number thier versions X.0. Version 7.0 was almost exactly the same as 6.0, just with a different colour scheme, which was pretty stupid. Instead of releasing version X.1 or whatever, they simply skip on to another version. And, when it comes to minor fixes, they change your "version numer" or something like that. Its this god know how long number that you have to be a minor expert to find out what it is.
  23. Has anyone tried http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for webhosting before they came here?I really didn't like them, and I wondered if anyone had similar experiences with this (or any other) host.I found it absolutely terrible. My site didn't actually work, the main site was pathetic at providing help, and the forums were completly hostile. I tried to configure my nameservers to thiers, and it didn't work! The registering process was unbearably complicated, and mananging my site was near impossible.*phew*I feel better after that rant. So, anyone have similar experiences? Notice from rudy: Moved by Rudy
  24. C'mon, I could do with tips too.Can't you just tell me a good WHOIS website? I've tried Google, but all I can find are ones that deal with specific ccTLDs. Its really annoyying.
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