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Everything posted by SuburbanalCuts

  1. it looks cool homie but i seem to see it like a weird animal or sumtin'.
  2. interesting essay. i didn't read the first, though. Do you go to college in Japan?
  3. I was reading a book called Ishmael and it explained what the whole Adam and Eve thing means. You should read it. It's not set in some never never land, it really represents Herders fighting against Agriculture. Yeauuuhhhp. Besides that, you homies should read it because it gives lot of ideas on understanding/saving the world.
  4. I couldnt figure out how to edit my post so I just want to to say thanks brainless/wyltt for dah advice.
  5. After I attacked your position, I'd like to give you an example of where we share one position (though I don't mind people who didn't spend much time thinking about an issue participating in an demonstration just to increase the number of people who've been there ) 133226[/snapback] i suppose your right. I shouldn't really be against anything. Kind of negative and shtuff. I'd guess i'd be FOR equal rights, worker's rights, you know homie? let me just get this straight by the way. I'm not going to just scream at people for no reason and yell stupid slogans, etc. It would be like a ghandi sort of protest, u know homie?
  6. i agree. when did I say I was going start protesting/boycotting for the sake of coolness? What are you talking about? I'm against sweatshops, corporative greed, discrimination, and animal cruelty.
  7. thanks for all the feedback. btw, Ariel, I'm doing this for someone else, so it's not my band. So everyone seems to think the navigation is bad, eh? I thought it would be pretty good if people just clicked on the buttons on the front page and it opened in a new window. :-P I'll try to fix it. thanks.
  8. well if people actually tryed out different things and found ways to get the same yield as with pesticides we wouldn't need them anymore. And it's been done a lot of times before (look up masanobu fukuoka as an example). Besides, lots of the insects are already developing resistances to pesticides so sometimes it doesn't even have a good effect.
  9. yeah 14 is old enough but my parents don't let me do anything close to protesting. They won't even let my 20 year old brother who goes to college protest in New York City because they're afraid. If you're afraid all the time nothing's ever going to get better. Instead of really doing anything my parents just watch American Idol (a really crappy show in the US) and the news. yeah from what I've read it's kind of a police state when people start protesting against the president and stuff over here. They arrest people who are doing nothing wrong whatsoever, like riding their bike or something as a protest. a sit-in sounds cool yeah, Martin Luther King's autobiography gave me lots of ideas when I get older.
  10. I like language arts and social studies. What really sucks is I got into honors for all 4 main subjects in high school now im going to have four hours of homework next year. :-( Sniffles. Its cuz my mom wants me to go into all of dem.
  11. you homies. just wondering if anybody likes the design of this page I made for a customer. meow! thecleef.com I especially want to know if the All Ears section works properly on slow computers. fun!
  12. very coo stuff. I agree with most of things in the poem I think. kind of reminds me of the movie Ikiru. Yuppppp. But I don't really get this line: Marking the return to the child from which we had come. Anyway, Are is supposed to be Our here: The darkness comes early when we rest to long Our muscles atrophy and our mind goes numb Are brains wither away in, stress, pills or depression Marking the return to the child from which we had come
  13. heh heh. i'll just say it's different from other online games. :-P The game changes spontaneously though, that's what i kind of like about it.
  14. i used to kind of go on myspace sometimes. It's just a huge waste of time. All you do is type to your friends, make blog posts on a crappy blog generator, and post updates on your life and crap. It sucks.
  15. anyone wanna check out my really huge online game? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book except online. You see what I'm saying? The levels are separate and really big so if u don't have a pretty fast connection it make take like an hour to load. Check it out! :-) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ tell me what u think. :-)
  16. oh, yeah. protesting is a form of activism, yeah. :-P
  17. anyone ever read this? its a young adult fantasy type book. It's like Harry Potter except it's not corny and better.
  18. those are pretty cool covers homie. The words fit in well wif dah pics, ya know? i think probably the back is dah best. post some of u songs here!
  19. um, i'm 14. I mean when I'm like in my 20s. :-P thats odd that you've never heard of that word.
  20. the only song i heard by jimi hendrix was "hey joe." it was pretty damn good!
  21. you don't know what activism is? that means protesting/boycotting/marching/ etc.... gets it?
  22. there's lots of teenage homies on this board. odd. I wouldn't be suprised if more kids made webpages than adults.
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