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Everything posted by toby

  1. If the php daemon can read it, other people on the server can read it. It's more likely to be a htaccess on their website, copying each request to your website.
  2. If you're right, I'd love this. I'm completey uncapable of running Vista, and I love Ubuntu. I might just bug my parents to buy an external dvd writer. edit: Which window managers is Compiz compatable with? All the people I know who use it don't use Ubuntu.
  3. Girls Aloud, Spice Girls and Sugababes (In that order I think) are the most succesful. the two doing anything real atm are amazing.
  4. I've never heard of the av or firewall you mention, and Opera is obviously better than FF, can you link to all of these?
  5. That can happen without any physical damage?
  6. I just updated directx, Xp, graphics card, installed the game and an update for it and its still not working. It used to have some colours, I could tell the program was running, it played the music but it wasnt drawing the images right. Atm EA games support is broken. Nothing physical other than the thing you plug everything into on the back of the computer, and a fan (that made the computer so slow I had to quit) has been changed, and nothing that it needs has been uninstalled. Any ideas, anything I could post here or somewhere else?
  7. Yeah about nought, we need movement of everything, even the moon and Jupiter, to live.
  8. If you mean http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php and your server is set up in a way you know (what port, type, type of file, security), then it should be easy. Try going through the ftp stuff from the link and reading the user comments as well.
  9. Moral super computers. We spend far too long over morals (like pig transplants), but its all logic so just let a computer do it.
  10. As it says in many places, it is when the admins get round to it, 3 days is a bit quicker than the average.
  11. Limewire's nothing, the Gnutella network is tiny compared to torrents. Places like The Pirate Bay have loads of legal letters that they poke fun at.I use both, guess what for. It shouldn't be this easy.
  12. If it is far too much Vista stuff, I hope some reputable people crack it open and give us SP3Lite.
  13. There's 8 billion of us, we can do both at the same time. There was something I read this morning about brand new lizards found by the London Natural History Musuem in rain forests.
  14. Nice tutorial, I'm more of a fixer than a make so there are plenty of ideas here for me. Feelay try this. Note, as Vujsa said there is a blank line at the end. # This folder does not require access over HTTP (the following directive denies access by default)#Order allow,denyAddType application/x-httpd-php .incAddType application/x-httpd-php .include
  15. toby

    Game Coding

    What language is that? Doesn't look like C or Actionscript, Java?
  16. Don't you get your levels reset to three when you leave that island?There's this General Exchange. Awful prices, but the rest of the game, including trade limits are based on it.
  17. For 3 and 4, there are third party things that are better, eg I believe aMSN is cross platform with a/v.What they call flavours, we'd call new versions, like Tiger and Panther. Mac is unix, not Linux, but both of them are posix.Also, if you're thinking of going from Xp to Mac instead of Vista on the same computer, check your motherboard can run Mac OS's.
  18. Probably including some rendering parts of Internet Explorer, if google has nothing for this for C++, look it up for VB, I know its done a lot in that.
  19. Yeah, most programs like Apache or MySQL are C of some sort, but Xisto isn't a shell company, which you'd need for this.
  20. A bit too many different ideas, which sometimes works. Maybe in noir-style, it could be like Sin City, but I don't think that had trees.
  21. I've reccently been looking at flat-file CMS's and most are smaller than this. One was a 244kb Js file, another was something like 67kb.
  22. Does that mean lowering quality? If so, I also need one.
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