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Everything posted by toby

  1. Err.. no, thats a hot air ballon. They had one of those on Top Gear and said it weighed something like 6lbs.
  2. That would be harder and far far more expensive to add than trams. It's the same idea, something in the ground. Anyway, the Maglev trains are more like a monorail, they hover off a thick wall like a metre square block in their track, so how would you turn another direction?
  3. Haha.. have you seen the HitchHikers guide to the galaxy film? It'll make you hate those questions.
  4. One of the biggest craters on Earth is over a third of a km deep, and about 1.6km wide, created from a 10-15m asteriod. There's probably some estimates on the 1908 thing.
  5. Google CSS sites for inspiration, or get a web magazine like .NET/PWD which has a few pages of amazing sites and loads of tutorials and articles.
  6. If the official version is a trial, I doubt you'd get better legally. Just search online for a key.
  7. There's that brain paradox, though I believe we'll build powerful enough computers.
  8. First result on google, http://www.scssoft.com/18-wheels-of-steel-convoy.php What exactly is it? Like you're a courier and the money from good jobs goes to flashier trucks?
  9. Stones, confiers, cacti, comic posters (Simpsons have a pull out A3 version of the cover).Your trance stuff sounds intresting, do you have any youtube or similar links?
  10. If you were bilingual, you'd think what language you want to say something in before saying it. If you mean you're planning one, stop planning, learn a language then continue.
  11. I've been told to look for the "sighandler_t typedef" header, the correct file (signal.h) exists where it should be, but I don't get grep results, which is probably due to my dumbness. Any suggests for grep commands or which header?
  12. Feedbacker they are illegal.I'm tobylane on Beta, please click me/send me money/alliance offers.
  13. http://www.ajaxload.info/ Not pretty imo.
  14. Imo, all your poll answers are probably true.Cosmic rays don't really get down to us. If we were able to use them, even if they made less power than tidal or waves, we'd probably be fried. Nuclear ftw, France makes something like 70% of its energy from them, and there was an amazing article in the Mensa magazine about the waste, something like over 30 years, one nuclear power plant can use the same 750kg of safer-than-uranuim over and over again, whereas a 100Mwh/y coal would produce millions of tons of carbon. There's details I've forgotten.. I'd hope someone else on these forums get this magazine.
  15. Wow.. you didn't quite get the point of these forums. Read the annoucements, they are supposed to be quality posts with stuff that isn't your own in quotes.
  16. Any site that works best in one browser is bad, even more so when that browser is at least third most popular. So it is needed to get compatability with IE. And anyway, Opera's better. What you suggest, something on every website, would give more advertising than even IE gets. And impossible.. probably less than 1% of the web is updated weekly.
  17. If (no idea how) you partioned a pen drive into 3+ drives, could you have multiple live os's? Would you need to make a boot menu?Vdesign, that can't be right. DSL is barely smaller.
  18. There is a flash php dll, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ even though it says 4.something, I would recommend getting 5.something, 3 is latest.
  19. How do you upgrade from WEP to WPA, or how do we check what we have (I know its one of them).
  20. I hope the betas don't install over IE7, or the MultipleIE thingy gets it quickly.It's odd news, the test itself is CSS hacks, not CSS super validity. It means good, but not perfect. I really hope they make it much easier for designers, something shorter than <!---[if IEn]> for each commonly used version.
  21. Overeaction... and your first post in a active thread. The changes can be seen here http://services.runescape.com/m=news/newsitem.ws?id=1007. Yes its stupid, yes they are doing something.
  22. I don't think anyone gets how crap these computers are. They have some mesh wifi internet, of which the bases are probably filtered. They don't have any games on, I wasn't even aware users could keep documents on it, but there was something about supposed to 'hack', to recode the open source stuff on it.
  23. There was another topic here talking about fiber-optics and gold, do plans for 3.0 include these?
  24. <div id="table">data</div> #table { text-align: center; min-height: 100px; min-width: 100px; } Add extra rules like percentages if you want. If that doesn't work.. go ask someone who knows more than me
  25. Karmen, you used </center> and </center>, it should be <center> and </center> or <style> body { text-align: center; } </style>
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