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Everything posted by rvovk

  1. rvovk

    Compressin Files?

    There is a limit when you are compressing files. Expecially for JPEGs or other picture formats. Cause these formats tend to be already compressed by their algorithms, so make double compression will not make your files lot smaller, only few kB. Sometimes is gets even biggers .Better solution is to recompress files to lower JPEG level in Photoshop. That could do the trick you want.
  2. I am using Windows XP Pro, I also tried Mandrake 10.0 and I must admitt Linux is good OS, for people who like to work in command-line based system. I also use Windows 98 SE for Divx movies.Both Linux and Windows are good OS, if a person knows what to do.
  3. Best thing to do is to back-up your data on CDs, format your old version of WindowsXp, make fresh install of WindowsXp (before that unplug your network cable from comp), install Service Pack 2 and there you go. And important thing is also to learn about firewall, antivirus and spyware before connecting to Internet.
  4. I have Canon G3 camera. I used to have Canon A40, but thats just not it. I think it is good to have RAW option, which means that you get picture out of CCD sensor and it is manipulated afterwards in PhotoShop or lets say PhaseOne decoder for RAW files. I like RAW files, cause it has great color response, pictures are more vivid and you don't have problems taking pictures in the dark. Again color reponse is crucial here.
  5. This is my humble website about some photography that I made during past year. Not really a big site, but I am really intrested in your opinion. ATM no photos are made cause the fact that school has started again, but I think there will be some new ones coming in short time. My Webpage
  6. It might be that I am addicted to:My girl :angry:PhotographyInternetWebdesigningOSCookies (real ones, not computer ones)And other things that shouldn't be mention here refering to first choice on my list.
  7. Since I am not performance freak, I think I would go fro almost silent computer. I wouldn't go for water cooling though, since I think water and fine electronics can't be mixed. I would use heat pipes with 80mm fan blowing at +5V. But system must give some sound and I think fans at +5V are sound kinda "cool and relaxing". Little fan with 5000rpm on my CPU is like wasp buzzing around my head, LOL. I will report about that in the future.
  8. Nice site, mate. I am really glad you are making this kind of progress. I like the colours of the site, they are really relaxing and not shouting hell out of you.I won't comment site looks in IE browser, cause we know it is not standard browser.In Firefox everything is top notch, it can be seen you'r good webcoder, I am more webdesigner though.Cya in WWP online soon.
  9. I think they have server problems atm, m8.Be patient.Drink coffee and milk. Cya
  10. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I remembered about this game, it was really something special. Poor pedestrians or poor your fellow competitors or just regural drive game. Did anyone play this game, I find it funny and stress relief game. After boss naging you all day at work, this game was really welcome.
  11. Man, where are the SE series. They were lot better then regural. They have more tracks, cars and multiplayer options.I like NFS SE, NFS 2SE, NFS3 and NFS 5. Then I stopped upgrading my computer.Never tried to play new series, actually I tried NFS 6. but my comp just didn't handle the pressure of game needs for hardware.
  12. Here is mine:Why are cops always in pair?So, that they have atleast elementary school education together. Where are they?
  13. Word about 100webspace, my ISP does have broken link to their server. After several hops everything stops. To be exact 22 hops. Can't figure out whats wrong, but to be honest I don't care anymore, since I have found great hosting service like Xisto. I just hope everything will be fine and will make backups on daily basis.
  14. rvovk

    Ftp Prog?

    Whatever suits u good. U can use Total Commander, CuteFTP, BulletFTP.........I think i wrote this 3 times in a row, use search or Google.
  15. I built my own system too. And I am still improving it. It consists of Midi Tower, Abit ST6 mobo, Celeron 1.3Ghz, 512RAM, ExcelStor 60GB disk, Nec 2500 DVD burner, GF2Ti (fan off).I really enjoy building my own system, but not because of its performance. I don't need biffy computer. I am enjoying in making it more and more silent. I mentioned before I have my hardisk hanging on rubberbands, so I don't get any resonance on computer's housing eg. tower, then my fan is OFF on my GF2 card and it is working fine and also i have plans for buying heatpipe for CPU and to make it around 2000rpm and to be really silent computer will be used for school mainly.
  16. rvovk


    Feminism or not, if guy and girl can't get along, everything is doomed then. If real love is in the game, then I guess there is no reason to play silly games of Conquer and Divide. If you don't feel OK in relationship, U should go your own path. I can't understand people who are wanting to be in non-loving relationships and then blaming their partner for being so cold. It is your body, your mind, your choice.
  17. I was driving on free road with my girl. Open window, arm on car door, enjoying the sun and fresh air. While driving the car I looked at my left arm which was on car door and I though I have rope on my hand, I have ropes in a car at work since I work on heights on masts. But I remmebered I am not in work, I looked again and I saw it is snake on my arm. Snake fall in a compartmen in the door and I opened the door, while stopping the car. Thanx god no car arrived at that time in opposite direction, me and my girl went out thru right door and I looked at snake which hissed at me while I was moving and was preparing to attack. Shittt. I took long stick and put the snake away out of the door and gone away asap. :rolleyes:I guess it fell on the roof of a car while driving near bushes near road.
  18. 100webspace - good one but my ISP has a broken link to them, so I can't figure out where is the problem, trace route stops after 22 hops t35.com - super low speed host with fullscreen banner that also mix your image on first site But Xisto is THE best site I have ever found.Greetings to them
  19. Liposuction can has side-effects. One of then is Yo-Yo effect. That means u can gain fat they pumped it out back. If your are overweight person by gens, meaning you will have problems in keeping your after-liposuction weight. I guess Oprah had liposuction too, cause her body changes from season to season.
  20. Def LeppardJoe SatrianiVanilla NinjaVan HalenREMDire StraitsBryan AddamsI guess I like rock.
  21. I am turning 30 next year, so I guess I must look out for what I eat. But I am trying to exercise reguraly and I eat only when I get hungry, if I don't need food and it stays on plate I don't care for that. I left it.Second thing is your mind. Getting nervous isn't helping you or your body or your mind. So I guess nice woman is a trick here too. And not letting things get you off.Lot of sleep is also important.
  22. I was in Thailand, France, Corsica, Sweden, Swiss, Croatia, Italy. The best travel I had was ofcourse Thailand, cause I really like their food. My dream travel for future is Australia and New Zeland. I really liked documentary films of Australia and I remember a cartoon/movie (cartoon which changed it from movie to cartoon and at the end back to movie) of Australia an so. If somebody knows the title is welcome to write it here.
  23. I use Total Commander. U can then edit FTP connection or simply enter URL adrress of your FTP connection. yourusername%3Apass%40server_adrress. It was simple like Windows Explorer. Downlaod at http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Total-Commander-32bit64bit/945901171/1
  24. I have used Norton Ghost for a long time now. I think reinstalling Windows 98SE, which I use for watching Divx and Xvid movies, is very unpleasant task. So I use my Image file of Windows 98 which I burned on CD-R. So I takes me about 3 minutes to reinstall my Windows. I am working now also with Norton Ghost 2003 which can be used for Windows XP in same manner.I guess Norton Ghost is very useful program for backuping your harddrives, operating system or whatevery u have on your harddisk.
  25. Besides TSW Web Editor I use also Macromedia Dreamveawer MX 2004. I like its support for Webdesigner, Combo-style, and Webcoders. What I am talking about is that u can change style of views in making websites eg. while changing code in HTML or CSS document u see difference of your work in just a second. Really good program from Website building, better then FrontPage. For better understanding of HTML and CSS I suggest http://www.w3schools.com/ Have nice day all.
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