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Everything posted by delivi

  1. There is nothing to be confused in this.We've to just life our life daily as it comes, by judging what is right and what is wrong with the fear of god and perform all our duties promptly. IF we are correct then there is nothing to worry about our future. So cheerup and stop worrying for the future and take care about the present.
  2. Thanks dude this would have become a serious proble for the forumers. This will alert all th forum admins here and they'll definetly update. If any one of you've been attacked with this exploit then, report it here.
  3. I cannot understand what you need. Pleas kindly explain it.
  4. I've started my site just to provide whatever I know to others and also to learn more. Having a website also helps us to get an Online Identity. But I will go for money when I need to expand my site.
  5. guys try http://www.cj.com/ a cool site that gives us money without any hassel and also no spams.
  6. Hey Paul you've come to the right spot. The Xisto community is really a great spot online with lots of professionals and as well as newbies. You are most welcome to Xisto Family. Hope you'd contribute more useful things from your experience.Also tell your friends about this community this will help this community to develop more and we the users will get more benefits.
  7. thanks dudes for these kind words.I've completed my Bachleors in Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. ( this for answering Mich's question)
  8. Thanks pal for these tips, they really helped me to boost my hard disk speeds. Now the applications are loading faster. I can clearly see the change in performance. Thanks once again.
  9. Goowy provides a Web based desktop. This interface is entirely flash based so people like me who are still with dail up connections cannot view this site, it takes nearly 20 min. to load. But the service is cool it offers 1GB of EMail space and 2GB for file uploading.
  10. If you take care of SEO requirements properly duing the development of your site, then there is no need to be worried about getting banned. Comeon guys, leave this topic trey to improve the SEO of your site and stop worrying about getting banned.
  11. Is the onboard graphics of Intel 915G Motherboard with Intel GMA900 enough for running Windows Vista.
  12. I uploaded a new style for my PhpBB forum through FTP. Then I installed the style in the PhpBB Admin. Panel. But in the Style Management section I am not able to change the style. I can see both the syles listed there, but I cannot change the styles. Please help me.
  13. please someone help me I have some important data to retrive from it.
  14. Thanks arcalypse for sucha a detailed explaination. I am gonna try these and will come back here if I got any problems.
  15. Please also help me how to install using Fantastico. I didnt find any install option there. Please tell me how mambo can be installed.
  16. I know all the basics of web hosting. Thanks for the reply.But actually all I need to know is where to upload my php files and jsp files.
  17. I have a Philips MP3 and VCD Player, Panasonic Cassette Player and an Video iPod.
  18. I've just created my account for Hosting in Trap. I am new to professional hosting. I dont have any experience with the Control Panel and its features. So Please someone teach me the procedure to setup a simple site here.
  19. I like Bible, Invisible Man(HG Wells), Harry Potter Series(JK Rowling), Treasure Island(RL Stevenson), Scarlet Pimpernel, Oliver Twist etc.
  20. I encrypted a folder and its contents in my XP Pro system(NTFS). Later due to some problems in my system I had to make a Fresh Installlation of XP Pro. Now I am not able to access or decrypt those folder and its files. So please help me how to decrypt and recover the data.
  21. I recently started my hosting account here. I had 289 Credits before signup. Actually one credit is taken perday for hosting. So my credit count after account creation must be aroung 250days. But it shows only 2 days please help me.
  22. My Favourite cartoons are Tom & Jerry, Dexter, Dragon Booster and Get Ed.
  23. I own a Win XP PC with 160GB Hard Disk. I've 3 Primary Partitions and 3 Logical Partitions. I want to combine the 2 Primary partions with the extended drive so that I can increase the size of the partition.Please kindly tell me How to convert Primary Partition into Logical Partition in Win XP using the windows Storage Manager in the Computer Management utlity present in Administrative tools.I also get recurring scandisk check each time i boot my system, help me to get rid of this too.
  24. Hai Guys have you ever heared of Future Splash Animator? Here is a clue, it is most commonly used software. Everyone with a computer might've come accross this or will have this. Yes it is the onle and only FLASH Flash was previously named as FutureSplash Animator. FutureWave a company started by Jonathan Gay in the year 1993. He developed a 2D Animation package and named it as Future Spash Animator. Later in the year 1996 the Future Spash Animator began to gain the public attention by Microsoft using it for devloping the web version of MSN and by the Disney Online for creating interfaces and animations for their online services. Late in 1996, Macromedia bought FutureWave and renamed Future Spash Animator as Macromedia Flash 1.0 The rest is all that we know.
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