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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Plasma displays have lesser Life times than LCD and also have the burn-in problem.LCD Displays too have shorter lifetime. The display response time is still very less compared to that of CRTs. So it is not suitable heavy graphics intesive works.So I stickon with my CRT until someone produces a LCD with better respose time and great graphics support and longer life time.
  2. As I am doing my BE Computer Science Engineering, I was in a need for a good PC to carryout my ideas and do a lot of practice in programming, So my Dad bought me this PC and now I am enjoying it and it was loaded with all the latest hardware and software to keep my works going on.
  3. Hi pal actually there is no need for you to Signup seperately for all the services of Google. You need a single Google Account to access all the Google Services. Eventually your GMail ID is an Google Account. So you can use your GMail ID to access all other services of Google. But there are exceptions you cannot signin into Orkut without an Invitation from another existing member.
  4. A Movie review section is most welcome. But I wouldnt support Post count for this section as basicaly this is a technology oriented website the Movie review wouldnt contribute much about it.But I would like to accept the result of the most of the Members. So whatever comes up its a benefit for us.
  5. There are many Cliques in our College and each have their own intrests and aims. This makes our college life intresting and full of fun.
  6. The second one is great . The first one can be modified and altered to look more 3D by adding a few more effects.
  7. My favourite moments are when I dodge and hide from the chasing Cops in NFS Most Wanted.
  8. Dreamweaver much better than Adobe GoLive. Dreamweaver is completely ease of use and we have the flexibility of adding our own and many more. All these are absent in GoLive. But GoLive CS2 seems to have more enhancements and much better than the previous versions.But I'll stick with Dreamweaver and currently I am using Dreamweaver 8. Th laest offering from Adobe.
  9. My favourite food is,-- Chicken Noodles-- Kesari-- Mutton Briyani-- Egg Noodles-- Lemon Rice-- Pasta
  10. GMail will never be withdrawn as Google is still adding many features to GMail and services to the GMail users. Basically all the Google Services are based on the Google accounts and the GMail ID of the users creates their Google Account. So if GMail is withdrawn the user will not be able to continue to use their other Google services. This will be big loss to the users and also to Google. So there arises no question of Google Withdrawing GMail service.
  11. I dont belive that we've another life in this world after death.According to the Christian Idealogy, after death each person will be judged by God and will be sent to Heaven or hell based on their deeds while they were on the earth. After the Second comming of the Christ, the Satan will be punished and will be cast into the Hell and a new Earth and Heaven will be created and all those children of God in Heaven will inherit the ne Earth and the God will be with them.So I want to be with God forever after my Death.
  12. The OS so far released by the Microsoft are, -- Windows CE(Mobile) -- MS DOS -- Windows 1.0 -- Windows 2.0 -- Windows 3.0 -- Windows 3.1 -- Windows NT -- Windows 95 -- Windows NT 4.0 -- Windows 98 -- Windows 2000 -- Windows Me -- Windows XP -- Windows XP Media Center Edition -- Windows 2003 -- Windows Vista OS The Operating System(OS) acts as the middleman between applications and hardware, with the help of of which programmers don't need to know the internals and complexity of the hardware they write codes for. Their programs just need to talk to the OS, which in turn talks to the hardware. To acheive this, the OS provides the programmers with an Application Program Interface(API), which lets them write programs that can communicate with the OS.
  13. I am definitely against Homosexuality.Being a christian it is against the Law of God.God made Man and Woman as partners. So bisexuality with your partner is according to God is correct and not homosexuality.Man should have sex with only woman and woman should have sex with only man. Any thing that happens outside this is a sin and against God. There it is return in Bible that the satan has made the unjust to lust after the same sex and thus made them to sin against God.
  14. Of all the Antivirus softwares that I've so far come accross AVG consumes less resources and it dosent create problems that we would usually face with other Antivirus like crashing. AVG has a small foot mark and requires less processing power and memory to run.Even when the control center is shutdown, AVG will alert us about any intruding virus.
  15. I recently disabled some services in my Win XP System to increase the system performance. But I was not able to connect to internet after that. Then I enabled all those services and now I am able to connect to Internet. Now download manage Internet Download acclerator fails to connect to internet even when I am Online. It returns an error that "the server failed to return the response". But I am able to download and surf using Opera and IE. I tried reintalling IDA but it still fails to connect . As I've a lot of downloads paused and yet to be be downloaded please kindly help me witha solution to solve my problem.
  16. The most used words used by me in Google Search are,Tuticorin - It is my city and I want to be up-to-date of all about my city.delivi - My alias Online and I want to see where I stand in the Google SearchI also search for any problems that I face before heading on to ask someone.Google acts as the main provider of information to me.
  17. I like all the features of the Google.But some of them have high preference than other.My most preferred services or features of Google are,GMail - My EMail provider for the past 2 YearsSearch - I begin my search for anything hereBlogspot - Enables me to keep my online activity up to date
  18. Google is widening the features availabe for the GMail users. Now it has launched the Google Pages, the free webhosting for all GMail users with 100 MB space and unlimited bandwidth and an easy to use WYSIWYG editor so that even a newbie can setup his site without any knowledge about web desigining and HTML or any languages.I really forgot that my first post in this Thread was posted before GMail for Domains was launched. So the Information that I've given was true. Ha ha ha I've been quick and released about Googles new service even before it was launched.
  19. A 14 year old boy known to the world as Antony has found a Vulnerability in Gmail. The Vulnerability is that, "the javascriptcode present in the message will run if it is withing the preview of the message". This vulnerability will lead the hackers to access ones Inbox and execute the code that can stel information like Email Ids or important details from your mails. The tester has found this vulnerability when he sent a mail containing a javascript code, from his Yahoo ID to GMail. This Vulnerability is filtered out when a mail containing the javascript code from one GMail ID to another GMail ID. Read more about this vulnerability from the Finder's site by Clicking here.
  20. If you chhose to stick with Intel, then go for a 915 chipset based motherboard. It offers you 128MB of Graphics Memory available onboard along with the Intel's GMA900. You can do most of the Photoshop work and 3d work on this without much effort. This will reduce you the cost for an additional Graphics Card. But if you want to go on for very heavy inensity graphics then you go for an Graphics Card with a minimum memory of 256MB.Whatever decision you make, make it wisely.
  21. This Service is only for the GMAil users who've a domain registered to their name. One cannot use a domain names offered freely like .co.nr or .tk and so on. But you can use .be domains. Now Google is offering free websites to all its GMail users so soon all the GMail users will have their own websites up and running.
  22. Thankyou very much Sint Michael for these wonderful Sigs. Will you please tell me how to create such beautiful Fire and flame effects. Or point me to any Tutorial for this.
  23. I Trust Google. They'll neve cheat the loyal users of GMail. Even if they are going to make any major or minor changes in their services they'll definitely inform the users through Mail and not like this Hoax Mail.
  24. Hi Zythrix, Welcome back to the Xisto Family.Wishing you all the best to get your new hosting account soon.
  25. delivi

    Hey There!

    Hi William91 welcome to the Xisto Family.This a wonderful family with members from various diverse fields and age groups. You can learn a lot from this forum and even share with other what you know. Please post good Quality posts and you'll soon get your free hosting here. All the members are really very helpful and friendly. So dont hesitate to ask for any doubts or any problem, you'll definitely get the help you needed.Ok begin Posting and enjoy being a Trapster.
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