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Albus Dumbledore

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Everything posted by Albus Dumbledore

  1. allright, fairly new site, yea its hosted on Xisto the best host there ever was! but the url is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ made by my friend..but the awards site made by me hehe http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ post your posative, post your negatives, i dont care what you have to say about it post it here please! all imput is appreciated! *edit* give it a 1-10 rating also please!! *edit*
  2. ive commented on this site in the site commenting section, check that place out ands ee what i had to say (kind of long heeh)
  3. the vent always helps a little i know it helps me! neways, as for your problems you have a verry stressful life! i would hate to live that life, if your friends are making rumors or spreading rumors about you they arent much of friends are they? as for the teacher kinda sounds like my spanish teacher..i went to the principle and set up a meeting and i got an A in the class after the teacher was forced to do stuff that helped get my grade up to my liking (such as giving me my old assignments that yoou say im missing but i know i did and turned in) as for family problems, they are always a pain in the *bottom*, my mom is going through allot and i hate seeing her erm stressed out like she is it kinda makes me feel responsable (although i am not) i suppose its because id ont really know how i can cheer her up any way *sigh* hope your life clears up!
  4. omy, dont get me started on if computers didn't exist...now i am going to be honest, i dont have a life outside of school and the computer...at school i hang out with frinds talk etc...on the computer, all my friends from scholl have some form of e-mail (cuz of this damned myspace stuff) and i talk to them on here, but ya know just inbetween that time i have better things to do (the computer) so if a computer didn't exist i would still have no life i would just be watching a whole lot of TV which i concider to be soo stupid anyway except for the shows i watch..and the DVD's...but if there were no internet i would be failing all my classes, i dont keep books i have the internet for that, if i wanted to keep books i would have been a librarian, but im not..lmao as for bill gates thank you for inventing the computer but now you can go and die for i dont really care. postage, yes that would suck! if there were no computers omg i would not be able to laugh at these ridikulus ads that are all over the place, "Enlarge your Penis with only two pills for a cheap 200 $" it cracks me up!! but yeahas you might be able to tell i could not imagine a life without computers!!
  5. well, im not apart of the Xisto - Web Hosting Community, but if you are talking about giving out your Admin information which i dont think you wuld but but imjust saying..that if you are i would not advise it i dont think anyone would, but if your talking about setting up an FTP account just be careful..lol..
  6. i really like the design, the border around the page concerns me a bit, for those who have a smaller screen will it automaticly resize to it or will it stay as wide as it is?i cant really read the text down at the bottom of the page, but that could just be me or maybe the color of the font against the green background i would suggest making it a little bigger.i dont see any broken links, spelling looks fine ( i check those just for the heck of it) i also like some of the images you have on there! good job if you made them which i hope ya did :-D 1-10 i would give it an 8
  7. i like the layout, when i first saw it i thought it was a real good professional layout....and i kind of still do...the position of the stuff on the page is nice looking in my opinion...i dont see any broken links...the color of the headers like "MEMBER'S SECTION LOGIN" etc...i think they stick out like a sore thumb compared to the white skin.. but other than that i really like it
  8. My order would have to be Goblet Of Fire Prisioner Of Azkaban Sorcerrs Stone Chamber Of Secrets i though the GoF Was the best because it had the most action as well! i liked that book out of them all because is was the most thrilling...even after 5 and 6 came out! but i will forever and always like Harry Potter movies lmao...and the books..cant wait for order of the pheonix! their filming it now!! hehe!! im hyper!! from now on it think it would be good practice of the BB Code to use the list script..just because the mods like it hehe so just simply click one of these buttons in the top left corner of the posting box
  9. ieks 3 replys >_< looks like you were having the same problem i was..server not responding and ya kept clicking lmao..i thought i was the one who replyed more than once..but hey jsut report it to the mods and expain what happened before they find it and warn you
  10. just an FYI, if you post longer posts you will get more hosting credits..which will allow you to get your hosting account faster...and they dont like just one liners...they want you to contribute to your posts..not just put a one line opinion.. >_< just so ya know ne ways now to the site...as PunkGuitar said, i think it could use some more pictures..although allot of sites do not have much pictures, i dont think it appeals to people a site where at first look all you see it text..and personally i say oo boy reading, and a whole lot it..from the looks of it the only pix that are on there are the quote of the day..and under games, i think ya couldmake picture backgrounds instead of just a plain color background that is behind some of the titles..i like the forums you have there, verry smooth...best of all i like the skin hehe..i dont know if it is ment to be this way..but on the feedback link it takes you to your admin thing to make a feedback forum...and if you want the users to contact you i think they will be a bit confused by that..if you would like a good contact forum script you can click HERE and it will take you to a download spot..i use that one easy to set-up... on the MSN Nickname generator..i think you could use a description on what to put in there...for some of the people who do not understant..like explain what they can do to use it and for me the change nick button doesn't work... from the looks of it the MSN emotions pack doesn't work..it jsut takes you to the directory of the zip file.. i dont have time to look through the entire site..but it does look like a fairly good site...lol sorry for the long explanation of problems >_<
  11. the first bold should be book :-p neways! lol no i do not believe that that would be possible to change the outcome of the movies...i believe that the authors of books who make deals with movie companies to produce movies for their novels had signed a contract or somthing saying that they could not really change the movie in any way shape or form that is wayy to different from the novels..ii personally think that would be totaly stupid just because i would want to see what acculy happens in the novels in the movies not somthing totaly different... i do not think that dumbledore wa dieing throughout the 6th books, he was just injured in hs hand from destroying the horcrux that was in the ring..or he could have been dieing and that is why he had told harry no matter what shove the liquid down my throat.. (although he was just a brave person neways) and also just to go after the horcrux in the first place..because if the ring did that to his hand lord knows what might happen the next time he trys to do somthing!
  12. think of it this way..would you rather have the ads on the forums that you post on, or would you rather have them on the website you plan on making? personally i would rather have them on the forum i am posting on than at the top of every one of my pages on my website..so just be happy they are on these forums and not the website you are making..yes thay may be annoying but they keep the site running so they can offer a free service to us less fortunate people hehe!
  13. strange...i got a kangaroo in denmark eating an orange too! hehe i guess im part of the 98 percent...well atleast i am part of some kind of percent! its good to be in one of those hehe
  14. just an FYI, erm.. if you post longer posts than the one liner that you just did you will get more hosting credits..and you wont make the mods a little unhappy about having to give you a verbal or accual warning jsu so ya know...but i do not make many graphics..i reallly only edit things if i need to...im pretty good at that..i wish i was better but it will take a while..but i use Paint Shop Pro, and Animation Shop (Jasc softwar)...they suit my needs hehe
  15. i concider myself a normal person and yet i have an obsession with candy! if i had it my way i could eat it 24/7!! so maybe were the normal people and others are just odd >_< neways welcome to the forum!! i hope you enjoy it..you sound about like me on learning codes etc..cept i started when i was like 12 and just decided to mess with it..and here i am now making websites and helping people all around!! hehe! these are excelent forums as long as you stay active and makegood posts i suppose..you will like it..english teacher eh? the subject that i have like 3 projects due tomorrow in ieks! and just an FYI i have seen the moderators around here warn people for putting things like you put they say that you have a signature option for signatures like that--just so you know >_<
  16. oh, i see well thats kind of crazy, but ok..i guess il just have to get higher to gift him more than 3.75 :-p thanx! i still say its kind of weird tho
  17. i sent one to you hope you enjoy it lmao, how does everyone get these 100 invites when im stuck with 1 left >_<
  18. the localhost is fine for the db_host for every host that i have had that is the general host to use...so more than likely just that localhost will be to what to put there... now for the db_name all you need to do is put inbetween the "" is the name of database in which you need to create to run the script...if you need to know how to make a database see the link below.. for the db_use all you need to do is put the name of the user that you should make for the database...and assign to the database..if you need help on doing that please see the lin below! *Edit adding the password one* for the db_password just simply enter the password that you entered for the database user... Link Here
  19. for the db_host it is normally what they have in there for you $cfg['db_host'] = "localhost"; // database host and for Xisto local host is what should be put in that area.. i trust that you know what to put for the db and db_user?? if not just ask lol
  20. Ok, well just a second ago i tryed to transfer credits to a friend of mine..but it says that i only have 3.45 or somthing credits to transfer (i am trying to transfer 10) but on the Xisto Page It says that i have 33.75.... i know that the credit sytem has been modifyed a little but can that be interupting with the transfer at all? i have transfered credits to him before and im wondering if there is a limit on what i can tranfer to him? it also says i must have credits in the bank, and i also wonder what bank because i have looked everywhere and cannot find one? lol a little help plz *edit*: i just now realized i was looking in the wrong area, i do not need any in the bank that is for awarding credits *edit2*: title spelled majorly wrong *sigh* im glad they added the edit back
  21. well, it does look like a profesional site..but if i knew what the site was about it would be good..lol i see a few pages arent working propperly...for isntance if you click art on top it takes you to a full page, not in the box like the rest of the links, by box i mean the content area..and allot of the links lead to nowhere..if if its new thats allright..but if its been made for a long time i think it might need to be fixed >_< and the copyright is wayyy out of date >_< but other than that i really like it, it looks really professional and clean!
  22. Elton John and Celine Dion both good ones i dont normally listen to, but they are good singers...erm i had somthing to say about someone and i now i forgot what i was going to say dang >_< guess it wasn't so important.it was somthing bad..dangg that sux...but erm..there is this funny song i heard the other day online its called teh Gay Barbie song, and it is an edited version of the Barbie Aqua song or somthing like that...look it up or you can listen to part of it here (warning cus words, and erm sexual umm what r they called?? sexual refersnce? lmao ) Hehe Here Here if it dont play for you lol their funny@!
  23. ive been to the link above...and read it before..even before i saw that site i had that thought in my mind because on the site it says *not exactly* With the normal killing curse the person would just drop dead on wherever they are.. but when snape did it dumbledore flew into the air over the side of the astronomy tower..and then fell... that was the only thing i had in my mind, i didn't even think of the rest of the stuff but it was good when i read it.. ermm, but i do not believe that he is acculy dead..with the fact of the differenses in the curses, but rowling has supprised us before with the fact that as long as those who believe in him he will never be gone, and..another thing is fawks..as soon as dumbledores died he came soaring around the school singing, maybe it is a side of the Pheonix's that we do not know about... there could be MANY things leading people to believe that he is dead, or that he isn't dead..but i personally believe that he is not acculy dead but just call me crazy (i am going to start reading the books over again for the erm like 11th time now hehe) as for snape..i dun really care who's side he is on....he is good in my book >_< i love the curses that he came up with hehe
  24. i think the editing tool is a good thing, but only if someone ads proper information to the page.i have done it once or twice during school projects..and i find it fun lmao...stupid congress trying to distupt the internet and the information, i wonder if they know allot of people use that for school projects.....and if they knew, it shows how much they care about our education, in which any other time they pretend to be sooo concerned about it.. i am supprised they didn't try and edit the information on weapons of mass destruction or osoma bin laden etc..lord knows they have screwed up enough but thats all im going to say!
  25. lol....well io had found a way to get past the ad, but it seems theyve found a way to get past my way of getting past the ad...so i have found out from a friend >_< but she likes that small ad comared to the big geocities ad...i tryed convincing her to come here but she cant stay active on the forum and doesn't feel like it..lol oo well..they dont know what their missing out on! and as you said DIE BYETHOST DIE!! lmao
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