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Albus Dumbledore

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Everything posted by Albus Dumbledore

  1. i currently only have two of them , and i hold my website stuff on them, i run 4 websites...and erm Jasc psp, and my ftp program......512 mb pretty good, it does the job
  2. well my friend calls it php, and call it php so i just called it php, we called it php because of the <?[b]php[/b] include("FILE NAME.html"); ?> php in the code needed to make it work. @Tyssen, ok thanx, i believe you but i think i am going to also test that out before i edit the post because the person who taught me said it has to be a .html, if it works that way i will change it and if it does i will tell the person who told me, lmao..also if it is true thanx for advancing my knowledge in php :-D
  3. Ok, well i bought this Flash Disk and it is basicly a portable memory stick that you can plug into the USB Drives of computers, and i have stuff on there i want protectd, and i waswondering if anyone knows of any software that i can put on there to pasword protect EVERYTHING that is in the drive, for example when i open the drive it required me to type a password in, any help would be much appreciated thanx! i have not been able to find one and i have been searching for a while
  4. my favorite season would most definatly be winter! it would most definatly be winter because i absoloutly posativly love the cold! if i could not look forward to the winter during the summer i would die, because A it is wayy to hot, and B it is just to friggin hot! lol so you could say i love the winter wayy to much, i love freezing temps
  5. well i do have allot of things to say about the site, but too long to post here... but i like the colors an all (black is my favorite color) and all but the tables you have there, they are not aligned in lines they are just scrambled everywhere, and personally i think that makes it look a bit un-professional and the boarder around allof of the tables blocks some of the text making it halfway readable.. the login box is a bit too weird of a place to put it, and i just think it could do with allot more pictures, the TOS is generally at the bottom...now just personally i think the layout is a bit crazy....but i like the content you will have on it when you finish the site.
  6. yeah, and allot of the children under thirteen are normally online in some chat room talking about nickelodean, and no offense to some of the parents out there but they dont really care what their kids look at..i know many friends who have other brothers who get their younger brothers to look at porn online...and the parents either, dont know and or dont give a rats left kidney. and i think that is being a bad parent..but thats me..and im glad i could inform ya
  7. are you sure you are putting it all in the right area? when you upload them it should go into the www directory... or the public_html directory, im just checking >_<
  8. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule also known as the COPPA, it is a rule designed to protect information about chiildren under the age of 13. If there is a child on a site that is under the age of 13 and the owner of the site is collecting information such as address, phone number, a FULL name, e-mail address. The rule also protects collecting information like hobbies, interests and information collected through cookies or other types of tracking mechanisms. So basicly if you want to get to know your website visitors at all in collecting information that will enable you to track down or contact this child in any way you must compy with the COPPA rules which is basicly have a COPPA form somewhere on your site for an example of the form please click HERE... As of April 21, 2000 this rule was put into effect... for more detailed information you can go to this site HERE and get more information before, i had no ideal what COPPA was..and so i am sharing it with people in the webmaking world!
  9. thanx, Tyssen, i retyped a few things and hopefully it is clear now,@ apollo, im sure that people who are making sites and dont use somthing like this and are just now finding out about somthing like this think differently, if you had 30 pages on your site all with a menu and you wanted to add one bloody page...would you want to go through and change all 30?it may be a small thing compared to what else they may be able to do but i am sure some of the noobs find it allot more usefull than going through all of their files and changing it like i said above.
  10. well you could have added more >_< and working on it is proving verry difficult! but i also do not mess with layouts that much! but thank you for ya imput! i have passed it on to the webmaster and just out of curiousity, 1-10 what do we get? and i think that we tryed centering it..but only the image centered i will test that out...thanx!! keep voting!*edit*sorry i didn't see yours kelvinismyname, thanx for ya input once again ill test it out again and see if i can center it
  11. well, if you can get ahold of him or the disk it would be really good, because i have no ideal how you would delete the partition without the disk that dell provided...on the tower anywhere does it show the dells logo? or a white sticket with two codes on it one is 7 digits long numbers and letters, and the other is 16 numbers...but still try and get ahold of that disk because i would have no clue how to delete the partition without it..
  12. I have looked all over the site and could not find anything that was like this simple, or just like this at all.. For some people i know that you are using a basic HTML site...and having a big menu if you want to add somthing you have to go into every one of the pages and add or remove or edit what you want to do, but with somthing verry simple all you would have to do is edit one file, and all of the pages that have the PHP script on them would suddenly change to what that one file is. So to start off if you are planning on using this little tirck, the page that you are putting the code on must be a .php page, so instead of 'index.html' it would be 'index.php' this changes none of the aspects of the page except for the fact that you can put php scripts in the page now, if you are unsure how to do this simply open the file in the editing program you use and when it asks what you want the name to be put 'THENAME.php" and it will be saved as a .php file.. now to the script...wherever you want the content of that one file to show, you will need to put this code <?php include("FILE NAME.html"); ?> you simply need to replace the FILE NAME with the name of the file in which you want to show. and if it is in a different directory put DIRECTORY/FIILE NAME instead...simple eh.. but now, for the file that you want to put on the pages...all you need to do is make a normal html file or any other file that you have that you want to include with the content, so if you want it to be a menu for example... <div><b>.:Site Navigation:.</b><br>- <a href="link here">Forums</a><br>- <a href="link here">Contact Us</a><br>- <a href="link here">Employee's</a><br>- <a href="link here">Affiliates</a><br>- <a href="link here">Affiliation</a><br><b>.:Tutorials:.</b><br>- <a href="link here">CSS</a><br>- <a href="link here">HTML</a></div> that could be saved as menu.html and you would just have to change FILE NAME to 'menu' and it should show up! just be sure that the file extention is .html *edit* edited it per Tyssen's post, now it DOES NOT have to be a .html file, i have tested it out and it works so that way you dont need to use .html, you can also use any other ones such as .php....who woulda guessed lol..thanx tyssen well that is about it! my thanx to Phillip, aka webmaster_2006 for clearning up the matter of the page HAVING to be .php, for me! *edit* edited it per Tyssen's post of clearing it up, thanx! it did mix it up a little>_<
  13. well, it would seem that the goverment is seking to destroy the internet...first they modify allot of wikepedia.org 's information with false or different information, and now they want to know what we are searching for lmao kind of makes me wonder what this world is coming to...whatever happened to a free country?
  14. now, let me understand this...cuz i have gotten confused a little, what i was taught is that in order for any php scripts to work the page you are putting it on has to be a .php file...but from reading this i have gotten a bit confused, so the file does not have to be .php ?? it could still be a .html file and the php script would still work? for example a PHP include code <?php include("menus/left.html"); ?>such as that would still work on a .html file?
  15. the best you can do is try what Tyssen said, but i use that code all the time and it works fine for me, unless you have it typed differently in the file but correct on ehre >_< a link to the site might help..next time
  16. Ok, now for scripts like this i am not to well of working with..and i am in need of a bit of help, i would like to set a background image as the background not a color... <script language="JavaScript1.2">/*Dynamic countdown Script- � Dynamic Drive (dynamicdrive.com; For full source code, 100's more DHTML scripts, and TOS, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ /*/function setcountdown(theyear,themonth,theday){yr=theyear;mo=themonth;da=theday}//////////CONFIGURE THE COUNTDOWN SCRIPT HERE////////////////////STEP 1: Configure the countdown-to date, in the format year, month, day:setcountdown(2006,03,07)//STEP 2: Change the two text below to reflect the occasion, and message to display on that occasion, respectivelyvar occasion="Release Of the GoF DVD"var message_on_occasion="The Gof DVD Is Out! Go And Get It!"//STEP 3: Configure the below 5 variables to set the width, height, background color, and text style of the countdown areavar countdownwidth='338px'var countdownheight='105px'var countdownbgcolor='lightblue'var opentags='<font face="Verdana"><small>'var closetags='</small></font>'//////////DO NOT EDIT PASS THIS LINE//////////////////var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")var crosscount=''function start_countdown(){if (document.layers)document.countdownnsmain.visibility="show"else if (document.all||document.getElementById)crosscount=document.getElementById&&!document.all?document.getElementById("countdownie") : countdowniecountdown()}if (document.all||document.getElementById)[b]document.write('<span id="countdownie" style="width:'+countdownwidth+'; background-color:'+countdownbgcolor+'"></span>')[/b]window.onload=start_countdownfunction countdown(){var today=new Date()var todayy=today.getYear()if (todayy < 1000)todayy+=1900var todaym=today.getMonth()var todayd=today.getDate()var todayh=today.getHours()var todaymin=today.getMinutes()var todaysec=today.getSeconds()var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysecfuturestring=montharray[mo-1]+" "+da+", "+yrdd=Date.parse(futurestring)-Date.parse(todaystring)dday=Math.floor(dd/(60*60*1000*24)*1)dhour=Math.floor((dd%(60*60*1000*24))/(60*60*1000)*1)dmin=Math.floor(((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))/(60*1000)*1)dsec=Math.floor((((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))%(60*1000))/1000*1)//if on day of occasionif(dday<=0&&dhour<=0&&dmin<=0&&dsec<=1&&todayd==da){if (document.layers){document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(opentags+message_on_occasion+closetags)document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.close()}else if (document.all||document.getElementById)crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+message_on_occasion+closetagsreturn}//if passed day of occasionelse if (dday<=-1){if (document.layers){document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(opentags+"Occasion already passed! "+closetags)document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.close()}else if (document.all||document.getElementById)crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+"Occasion already passed! "+closetagsreturn}//else, if not yetelse{if (document.layers){document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds left until "+occasion+closetags)document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.close()}else if (document.all||document.getElementById)crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds left until "+occasion+closetags}setTimeout("countdown()",1000)}</script><ilayer id="countdownnsmain" width=&{countdownwidth}; height=&{countdownheight}; bgColor=&{countdownbgcolor}; visibility=hide><layer id="countdownnssub" width=&{countdownwidth}; height=&{countdownheight}; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer> ne ways, i was told by a friend to change the aspects in bold to this document.write('<span id="countdownie" style="width:'+countdownwidth+'; background-image: url(\"path_to_image\")"></span>')and i did, but i could not get it to work...maybe there is somthing in missing? if you are willing to help me with this lol help is much appreciated..im doing it for a site im at... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png thats the URL if your willing to help!
  17. lol, thanx Mich, your comments have been passed onto the webmaster and he says thanx! to both of ya.. keep voting everyone input is much appreciated!
  18. personally, i hate both of them! but if i had to choose i would most definatly go with Gmail, there is practiclly no ads and as a few have said, the design is smooth and easy..but with hotmail they load really slow, and just the design of it is strange..with all of the tabs at the top...i would choose gmail anyday, but then again i also love yahoo over all of them!
  19. as allot of people have said here......i used geocities when i was a noob, before geocities i used AOL's Site Builder....but then i went to geocities, then i learned about HTML and made a site using that then a friend said i should use php, and so i awitched to that and here i am voicing my opinion about geocities..they suck!!there is absoloutly like no storage space i had built the site fully wanted to add one more page, but it wouldn't let me PSH..bandwidth i never had a problem with but im sure i would have run into it somteime...the ad really sucked it took up like half of the page, and with the site builder it only allowed you to make it in like a 500 wide place, it was really annoying..but wiith HTML we can make it practicly as wide as we want to although if it is too big its not a good looking site...
  20. i looked at it and i thought hmm no text..maybe its jsut a starter sig, but then i read the first comment and it said it was really small and so i looked back and saw it there lmao but i do agree, a bit small i could hardly see it, ne ways...what was the origional image? maybe you could post a link just cuz im curious... if you made it >_< but it looks nice..to me the colors kind of blend together (they are the right colors put in one sig) i am just one of the people that judge by the color scheme of it lol... its better than what i could do, id give it a 9+ out of 10...
  21. thats awsome! i might sign up for some of those....ill just make another e-mail that all that can go to cuz i wouldn't want my inbox full of stuff from them lol..thnx for posting i might use a few! and they do look like they are made by the same person..but the same is with allot of the like music doanload sites out there...wher eyou have to pay to d/l it...i have seen like 10 that all look the same
  22. well, i dont know about what kind of computer you have...like who it was made by but i know that if it was made by dell they should have shipped out a CD that you can boot from and it will walk you through re-installing the process and i have done it before, and along the way I was told to delete the partition that the current system was on..have you tryed that? if it is a dell call their support or talk to them online..they should help if not i dont really know what to tell you....you can try googling the error code and any number that may come with it
  23. Match the colorsThats a smart ideal! Good Job :-D not many would have thought about that! Yeah i ment all of the links at the bottom all of the pink ones..i raised the font to read it :-D..and thats right i just now noticed your not using PHP..maybe sometime you could switch over to php i have seen a great few php tutorials on here i think maybe it was somewhere else.if not i will post one and post a link here. Harsher? lol how could they be harsher it is a good site, its prolly better than mine (which i havent even finished yet) but there is some excelent graphics on there, i might use a few sometime, i bookmarked it! ok, and now somthing that i have found with one of the pages on this page HERE on the top under tha banner it says FREE WEB SETS FOR YOUR SITE but it cant be seen >_< jsut thought id let ya know, and now ive been lookng through allot of them and it is the same on all of them...like i said earlyer i would highly advise switching to a php site, all you have to do is edit one file and ALL of your pages that have the indicated script will put the updated stuff in...lol neways its still an excelent site!
  24. thanx! lol although i am only co-webmaster at it i will pass my comments on to the webmaster :-D, and im sure we weould add more content i am currently working on getting the layout to expand as more content is added ebcause currently it is only one picture and can only have so much content, and so far it is pproving a little difficult :-D but i am working on it.thanx for ya comment!
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