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Posts posted by Mich

  1. here u go i like this tag and i will battle with it i made it about 1 month ago


    free style 1Vs1

    Where is the tag? There is nothing included in your post. Is it the one in your sig area? I am assuming that you are using tag as a synonym for sig? Have you read the proper way to propose a battle?


    Okay, here's a general guideline for sig battles.



    1. Create a new topic with rules similar to these:


    Theme -- Grunge

    Size -- No larger than 450x250.

    Render -- Gaming. Use only one.

    Animation -- Optional.

    Due -- By tomorrow morning.

    Other -- Popouts allowed, but within the size limit.


    2. Make sure you post up your sig, or tell that you'll be making the voting topic with your sig in it, after the challenger posts theirs.


    3. Also, make sure you pick a set number of votes before a winner is decided, something similar to:

    The winner is the first to get 4 out of 7 votes.


    The winner is the first to get 7 votes total.

    or maybe even

    SUDDEN DEATH! First vote wins!


    4. State whether you want the battle to be a 1vs1, a 1vs1vs1, or a free for all, or something similar to that. You can have as many challengers as you want, but try to avoid too many, because that leaves less people to vote.


    5. Don't enter the same sig in battles twice. Try to be original. This also helps stop people from using better sigs over and over again to win multiple times.


    6. Don't accept battles if the battle starter already has enough challengers, unless it's okay with them to add more slots.

  2. Hello Codemaster Snake ????? Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Where are you? Guess everybody has beat me to telling you about the site. If you need any further information, you can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. You will find a wide variety of posting subjects of interest here on Trap 17. Enjoy your visit and hope you stay with us for a while. See you around the borads. :P

  3. Hello netfa Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Where are you? Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. If you need further help, you can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. Everybody here is friendly and helpful. If you need information, just ask. Somebody will either answer you or direct you to the answer. Good luck on your endeavors and see you around the boards. :P

  4. Hello Kadak10 Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Everybody here is friendly and helpful as you can see. Just remember to follow all the rules etc and you will be a fine addition to our Trap 17 family. If you have need help, you can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. But then, I would guess you have read all that by now. :P See you around the boards. :P

  5. Hello Thorn Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Where are you? Been off for a few, so I guess everybody else has filled you in on where to find your answers, etc. You will find all the people here friendly and helpful. There is always someone to answer you or direct you to an answer. Good luck on your endeavor for hosting and see you around the boards. :P

  6. Hello chewyi123Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Where are you? Been off line a few so others have already filled you in on things around here. Hope you get your hosting soon and look forward to seeing your site. See you around the boards. :P

  7. Hello badboy4life Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners like this, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help. If you are here to chat on the forums you will find loads of subjects and exchanges. If you are here for the hosting, you have come to the right place for reliable free no-ads hosting. The people here are friendly and helpful, so if you have a question, just ask. Someone will answer you or direct you to the answer. Please read all the rules and regulations. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. Good Luck! :P


    Edit: BTW All those texting shortcut words are not easily understood by all peoples. Please use proper English.

  8. Hello Fuze Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Wah Hooooo, another graphics geek. Glad you found us. There is always room for another Trap Grapher. You have already been informed about the way thing work around here, so I will spare you the rhetoric. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 if you haven't already read everything. Look forward to seeing your work! See you around.

  9. Hello DanielL Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like you have been officially greeted by several others beside me. Tell us a little more about yourself, like hobbies, location, likes and dislikes. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. See you around the boards. :P

  10. Hello DarkSpike and shahrukhmalik3.142 Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. I am a little tardy on the greeting, so will spare you the rhetoric about rules and regulation. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 if you haven't yet. If you are looking for reliable free no-ads hosting, you have come to the right place. The people here are friendly and helpful as well. If you need help, just ask. Someone will either answer you or direct you to the answer.

    Perhaps you could both tell us a little more about yourselves. Like where are you? :P

  11. Hello Devin Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Guess all the rules stuff has already been covered. Your friend did you a favor recommending Trap. The people here are friendly and very helpful. The hosting is the best free no-ads hosting on the net. The most reliable I have found. If you need anything, just ask. Somebody will either answer you or point you to the answer. Hope you enjoy your stay with us and see you around the boards. :P

  12. Hello HNX Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Where are you? I'll skip the rhetoric about rules and regulations. That has already been covered. The people here are all friendly and very helpful. If you need something, just ask. Someone will either answer you or direct you to the answer. We are all basically on here to learn from each other. Exchanging knowledge is the heart of the forums. Just make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. Good Luck and see you around the boards. :P

    You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 if you haven't already found this stuff.


    mouse-potato: Good one TikiPrincess

  13. Hello msva Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Everything you need answered can be found using the links just above my sig. Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. You have come to the right place for the most reliable no-ads free hosting on the web. Your site will get more hits, I guarantee. Since I have signed on with Trap 17 my site has realized a major increase in hits. Good luck on your endeavors. :P

  14. Thanks for the input guys. I am using Zone Alarm and my server said something about Modzilla. It might be that things are not synchronized as you have said Buff. I will not be able to upgrade my Navigator as I am still using Windows 98. I can see everything just fine in iExplorer, so will stick with it for now. I am having trouble accessing Paypal using iExplorer for some reason, it crashes at that site. That is why I switch over and us Navigator on occasion. I will be so glad when I get a new puter and OS, but will have to struggle along for now with what I have. :P


    BTW: I get a warning that the shoutbox is "not defined" in the JavaScriptConsole window of Navigator. Whatever this means.

  15. I am running Netscape Navigator 7.0 and for some reason the shoutbox module here at Trap 17 is not coming up properly.

    This is what I get

    Posted Image


    The side panel module doesn't appear either in the edit/post mode that I am using right now.


    Me thinks it may have something to do with java script. I do have it enabled in preferences/advanced.


    Can somebody tell me where to go and what to do to correct this?

  16. Hello Justinx14 (formerly savagemonkeyz14) Posted Image and welcome back to Trap 17. Since you have been here before just remember, it is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. You will have your hosting real quick if you work at it. I will save you the rhetoric about rules and regulations, since you must already know about things here. But, in case you need a review, use the links just above my sig below. :D See you around the boards.

  17. Hello DOMMO_10 Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. As Imtay22 says, there are a lot of graphx geeks on here. Are you into that at all? Just remember it is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits, if you want hosting. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 and how things work around here. See you around the boards. :D

  18. Hello eka_ys Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Like Velma says, make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. This way you will get your hosting a lot more smoothly.


    I am sure there is somebody else here from Indonesia. It may take a while before they stumble on this post, tho. :D

  19. Hello filcn.com Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You have certainly come to the right place for very reliable free no-ads hosting. Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits.

    You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. You will need to be familiar with all this to get hosting.

    What kind of business do you have?

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