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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Meh, i didn't really mean what i said, i was just pissed off that day. Thanks for your input though.

    Whew, I am so glad you have thought better. I was concerned the day you wrote that, because it did sound a little suicidal from my end. Peace be with you! :unsure:

  2. Whoa, you dumped a load. Hope you feel better. It isn't really life that sucks, it is some of the influences on us and choices we make. Education is a necessary commodity to function in society. I do agree that college is not a absolute necessity for "everybody". Some kind of trade school would probably do just as well for some people. I wouldn't look at what you have been taught by parents as brainwashing tho. They can only pass on what they have learned in the best manner within their abilities. You sound like an intelligent person, who has the ability to question things and find your own answers. The purpose of living is the ultimate mystery. However, you are alive, make the best of it and enjoy it while you can. People who are afraid of dying are really afraid of living. Breath the air everyday, be thankful you are here to do so, and I'll bet some day you will find your purpose. ;)

  3. So sorry for your really bad marriage experience. Loonngg engagement would have been a better choice. Then this all would have happened before the marriage thing. People change as they mature, and young adulthood is a very quirky time of your life. Made the same mistake myself some years ago, but my marriage lasted 13 years before we finally grew so far apart that things collapsed. We didn't really know each other that well, but we worked at it that long probably for religious reasons, Catholic. Even when you have grown to know each other and then decide to marry, things in life cause changes to take place so two people really have to work at making a success of it. Don't let this bad experience get to you. Just take what you have learned from it and make it useful in your future relationships. Don't be one of those people that repeats the same mistakes over and over. Yes, you need to step back and take a good long look at the facts before taking the plunge again. Good Luck!!

  4. Hi Naruto14 (Kenny) from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Come back and tell us a little more about you. Perhaps this will help. Your friend has done you a favor directing you to Trap 17. This is the greatest no-ads hosting on the web. Suggested reading so you won't make mistakes:

    Trap 17 Read Me Page.

    Trap 17 Forum Rules


    People here are very helpful, so just ask if you need help. Somebody will answer you or point you to the answer.

  5. Hello blogmaster Posted Image and welcome from Michigan, USA. You have obviously learned that Trap 17 is the best free no-ads host on the web. ;) I do not use all the extra embellishments offered by Trap, but I do understand that others are very pleased with all of them. You will find that people here on the forum are friendly and if you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion. You also need to peruse the Trap 17 Read Me Page.

  6. Hi czrrr, and welcome to Trap 17 forums from Mich in Michigan, USA. Where are you located? Tell us a little more about yourself. Perhaps this will help. As Jlhaslip says, read the rules and get to know about how things are run around here. If you have come here for the hosting, you have come to the right place. Trap 17 is the best free no-ads web site on the internet. Look forward to seeing you on the boards.

  7. Hi dedoran, where exactly in Penn are you? I have relatives in Indiana County, PA over toward Pittsburgh.


    We had our latest snow storm here in Michigan last Wednesday. Unfortunately we had to travel through it from west coast of northern lower peninsula down to Columbus, Ohio. The travel was hurrendous. By the time we got into Ohio it was only raining, but the rain lasted through Thursday while we were visiting in Columbus. We had a nice sunny trip home on Friday, thank heaven.


    Cheers! Enjoy your posting time.

  8. Hi Posted Image scan06disk, from Mich in Michigan, USA. Tell us a little more about yourself other than just that you signed on "only" for the hosting privilege. If this is the case, what will you be bringing to this forum in content? Along with the hosting is the obligation to continue to make reasonable content posts to keep your hosted site up and running. You need to review the Trap 17 Forum Rules and Trap 17 Read Me Page. Trap 17 is the best free no-ads host on the web. The people on the forum here are friendly and helpful. Bring lots of interesting information to the forum and you will have your hosting in no time. Good Luck! ;)

  9. I am sorry to hear about your experience. Site disappearing from the net is a universal problem. My host before I found Trap 17 did the same thing. Just, poof, and they were gone; and they had been there for a while before I put up my site and for a year or so after. Unfortunately free sites are evidently under no obligation to let the free hosted customers know when things are going down. You have found the right place this time, so happy trapping. ;) See you on the boards.

  10. It might help people to help you out if you would tell us the general subject of the "Show" you are making. Is it a comedy, mystery, western, love story, space odyssey, documentary or what? By show, do you mean movie or stage production? Give us a little more to go on and I am sure somebody will come up with a good idea for your theme song.

  11. Hello DamenPosted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Your friend did you a favor directing you to Trap 17 for free no-ad hosting. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time.

    If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in an informative fashion. Learn all you need to know about Trap 17 at the Trap 17 Read Me Page.

  12. @Mich


    Second slot is exactly that what it shows, in which everything will be name the same heres what it would look like


    Username: saint-michael

    subdomain: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .com

    directory: websetsbydonna .com/saint-michael


    most likely you would have to request this to be enable through the proper channels.

    Thanks for the quick answer SM. Once the server pointers are in place, will the site come up with its own http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .com rather than showing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .com in the browser address? If it doesn't then I might as well add the new site as a subdomain like my homepage that comes up mygardenofpromise.websetsbydonna .com in the address.


    You didn't answer my question about the password. Also, an afterthought, will I handle this domain through my cPanel or will it have one a cPanel of its own?

  13. HELP! My head is spinning after reading all this about addon domains. I currently have a domain hosted here; websetsbydonna .com. My site only contains graphics and I don't use any of the other data bases, SQL, e-mail boxes, shopping carts, and etc. I have plenty of room and bandwidth to spare. I would like to addon another domain for a church in Alaska. When I go to my cPanel Addon Domains I get a page like this:


    Posted Image


    I understand what to put in the first slot; the new domain name.


    What is it that is wanted in the second slot?


    Do I need a different password to service this addon domain? If so, why?


    As to the hint: How do I get this feature enabled?

  14. Hello farren,Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I guess if you moderate on another site, you are familiar with forum tos, rules, etc. Sounds like you will make a fine addition to our boards. Your friend steered you right. Trap 17 is very reliable and it is indeed ad free. I have had my site up for over a year now, and had more hits in my first month than I had at my old host in a year's time. Look forward to seeing your new web site up soon. Good Luck!

  15. Sounds on the surface like a good idea, but the crew would have a hard time monitoring it. How would they check that you actually had the link, banner or button on your site. It would be an impossible task to check each and every hosted site constantly. BTW I have had a reference link on my index page since I created my site here.
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