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Everything posted by Becca

  1. oh my.. They always do that, it kind of loses SO MUCH money.. I don't like star wars and I've seen about 20 minutes of the first one when I was really little and that's about it.
  2. Becca

    I Hate Noobs

    I think I've already posted something here.. but for a person to actually call another equal a n00b is really pathetic... I mean calling another a n00b means one is a n00b aswell for calling some one that.You don't label people just because the are n00bs (newbies) and you don't label yourself *133t* I mean who in the world made up these words.
  3. do you mean dvd disks or players? Because we have around 7 dvd players or more. My mum's addicted to them, and buys the latest one out even though there isn't much difference... i've told her off but she wont listen.We've got probably over 300 dvd's my mum's also addicted to buying dvd thingies... most of them are hers.. i probably only have around 20 just for me... which are all chick flicks LOL.I don't see the point in a dvd player really i mean there's computers.. :(We probably got more dvds than some people because my mum somehow managed to get her hands on a dvd player before it was even out in england and bought all this crap and dvd's etc... from her stupid little friends.She hasn't even seen half of them...sometimes she goes out to work and comes home with like 3 dvds in her hand... she's obsessed probably... but i don't blame her I mean she's had me.. no wonder she's gone a bit toodle.. lol kidding
  4. I know someone has already explained but anyways:CPANEL > MySQL DatabasesScroll down untill you see:USERNAME: PASSWORD:Type that in what every your user name is it is adding onto your CPANEL NAME.. e.g [mines Bexa] Bexa_MYSQL. The user name is MYSQL. Password i what YOU make upThen scroll back up you will see : MySQL Database:Type in the name you want for your Database E.G TEST.. so it will be [FOR ME ONLY] Bexa_Test for the database name.A little below that you will see: Grant permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user.Click the drop down menus until you find the USER: and the MySQL Database:.And then in privaledges you can tick ALL.And then click on 'Grant Permissions'Thats done..So you should be able to fill in the information which is automatically install the needed tables into the database.For DATABASE HOST: You can just type in LOCALHOST You'll get use to it in a while it's really easy!
  5. Okay.. First of all who would be so stupid enough to click the ANNOYING links your little weeny friends send you?I mean I knew right away it was a virus.. I mean 'OMG GOD THIS PICTURE IS SO FUNNY' with a .EXE ending.. ahem I don't quite think so. I don't understand how people could get tricked... !! It's just soo OBVIOUS...
  6. -It would be really cool if the look was like techy... but grunged if you get me? Like the patterns on skateboards and oranges etc... -_-Well if you made it.. and it was interesting with REAL competitions then I would so totally join... You could just give peopel virtual prizes.. and they could like collect it or something i don't know.. it wouldn't need money lol.It's a WICKED idea.. so go ahead!
  7. I think this might be the first poem I have ever read on the forum. And well.. if others are this good, I'm looking forward to reading them all..Really really sweet!
  8. I use to have it EVERYTIME up until the age of 5 when I moved back in with my mother. I didn't live with my parents before. I lived with an english family.. (im chinese btw)Now we never have it. I miss it so much. It's absolutely delicious!
  9. I Always have the same problem. Maybe the traffic is really building up or loads of people are accessing the internet or it's your connection... I don't know.For me it's kind of half the net-connection and half trap being slow, i think...
  10. I agree with the fact that dolls give an enormous impression on little toddlers, with their big busts and flashy clothing, but it's kind of 'tradition' if not 'normal' to have a doll. I mean nearly all little girls have had one and the not all of them have turned into 'sluts' as they've grown older. It's kind of a phase.. Everyone gets over dolls some time in their life, whether they are really young or really old.It's funny though how all these little 5 year olds dress up and think they are really mature and act as if they are older than they are. I had loads of barbie dolls and 'Kens'. And well I have to admit.. I had a bit of a dirty mind, LMAO. Anyways barbies are just TOYS ... yeh.. just TOYS. I mean no one complains that ACTION MEN influence little boys to play with guns and kill bad people. There's always something to nag about... I mean next you'll know.. we'd be saying teddy bears are dangerous because the stuffing' could suffocate babies.
  11. oh. I'm sorry that this has happened. I don't know how or why your credit is low, and I know you don't spam.Maybe a moderator deleted some of your posts. Sorry you are left with no explination, this should have been done, and I suggest you pm an admin about this.
  12. I'd prefer IPB probably ecause I have never used phpbb before. I reckon IPB is really really really easy to customize.. v2.0 is the best.. even though the css code is so friggin long, it's still worth it.. plus you can easily customize everything and there are tons of mods including shoutboxs shop mods etc... i'm going to use 1.3 tough because I don't have enough money.. yet. lol.Cools mods for IPB would probs be the munjpets army sys store mod and kenka!
  13. I think you can change the links in the global header thing, not sure though
  14. Mine came with the key board too.. just a simple HP blue and silver wireless laser one.. it's really common, loads of people have it.
  15. There has been so many topics about shoutbox's ... you can just easily convert a simple guestbook into a shoutbox..it's really really easy!.It's better to have a shoutbox hosted on your own site because it's easier to maintain etc.. and you can change the total look.. if you get me?You may be able to change css and colours of the websites hosting free shoutboxes but it's a lot easer if you upload your own.
  16. or you could use the php include if your website can use PHP.. It's really easy point it towards whatever the page is that shows the news.
  17. uhh right, I think you've posted this topic in the wrong forum .It should be in the INTRODUCTIONS area, sorry if you couldn't find it or whatever.I'm moving it :)Have fun and welcome btw your english is not bad
  18. The text is too bold and white for the bg and effect!! It's surely better than anything I could of done when I was 12!!! try learning how to match things ... more like Cool_Freaker's sig .... now that's what I call a sig.
  19. Second one is better.. But if I saw that advert anywhere..I wouldn't click on it. I wouldn't catch my attention.
  20. Tat is heavy!!! I can do pixels in paint but I'm just soooo crap at it.. LOL. The only pixel thing I can do are those dollies... you know what I'm chatting about?...Serious talent there... you could do a big project!! Of like a whole town or something.. I've always wanted to do that.. but I don't have enough time and talent lol
  21. My school is okay. We DO have druggies and a smoke corner.. but what school doesn't? We came 5th in England.. yet we still have problems.This morning this girl from my year, a friend, was threatened with a knife... because some girl HAD to steal her IPOD.. She told the girl if she didn't steal her IPOD she was going to stab her and if she stabbed her the group of 20 boys who was forcing the girl to do this was going to stab the girl! So there was no way out of it. I think's she's shook with a knife pointed at her!! Other than that we don't have many prblems... except the MASSIVE FIGHTS outside our schools. Once these people came from another school to beat a few boys up. They had WOODEN PLANKS WITH NAILS IN THEM.. and they wacked the hell out of the sixh formers.. most of them got cracked skulls and was bleeding everywhere and were in hospital.Once there was this girl who tried to commit suicide in the toilets.. she slit her writsts and stuff.. and she never came back after she went to the hospital.. no one knows what happened to her.
  22. When your 13 you are legally old enough to apply for a job which doesn't take up , i think, more than 2 hours on weekdays and something like 6 or whatever at weekends and more in the summer... well I'm 14 and I want a job, but my mum wont let me get one. She says it wont do any difference because they give you little money.This june july whatever.. I'm going to New York and Manhatten[sp?] for a month and a bit to do some work experience in a printing company, i think that's it... it sounds so boring, but they said they used computers so i kind of agreed, LOL. If i do well I get to go there every summer-like and work there and get paid.. Which could be next year when I'm 15. I'm not whether i want to. I was going to go last year, but I think I was too young. It's not proper school work expereience just something my mum and my aunt set up.. .. So I have to do another one like in two years time with the school.For now I just manage to survive on pennies i find on the ground
  23. TOOOOO many people want to computer related jobs.. it's really popular. That's why I'm not sure if I want anything to do with it any more. I was wanting to do design and programming or whatever, but what use is that going to be.. not being big headed but that's just going to waste all my other talents... And plus, there are tons of people better than me RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT who are a lot younger. ... too popular..Design is tooo popular, programming is too too popular... everything is different to know than it was before where you had higher salaries.. now everyone is opting for a computer job... there's loads of people who are being made redundents... even the really talented ones.
  24. totally!! College is where all the thick rejects go, no affence.. but that's really true... We don't even have to go to full college... You can go sixth form and then UNI straight after.. I'm in like year 9.. I turned 14 like two months ago.. so I'll probably be in 7th-9th grade where you're from.. I Don't know exactly.. We started school earlier..as in at an earlier age...which to me is A LOT better.
  25. My favourite is P.E and ART and all the creative classes because I'm a freak.. haha naa.. I'm just not a hard working person.Math SOMETIMES is okay.. I'm in the top group but the dumbest there, so I'm going to be moved down soon, hopefuly.History has to be the most interesting... I find that my favourite subjects are not necessarily the most interesting..if you understand. History has loads to teach about the world and it's just so amazing because there is so much you can know, Im not good at it though.
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