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Everything posted by seanooi

  1. That is just SO wrong man. They're being so incosiderate and that's just an understatement (no offence).If my parents were to give my dog away without giving me a reasonable explanation, they would've been sorry they did that. But my dog was also given away, but I totally understand why my parents did that and we had a discussion about it bwe decided to give her up. But I still miss her alot. I have pictures of her on my computer too.
  2. seanooi


    I bought one for my girlfriend on her birthday a few months ago. The pictures taken were just awesome. Has auto-focus too. :PAnd the micro function is just amazing. I think I'm gonna get myself one soon too
  3. I've just came across this article from CNN.com and it says that NASA is attempting to make vegetables grow on Mars. Sound kinda impossible but hey, nothing's impossible. here's a link to it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. I have a SonyEricsson S700i, gave my brother my old SonyEricsson K700i and bought my girlfriend the new SonyEricsson K750i. And yeah, i'm in love with SonyEricsson phones, don'tknow why, but they just seemd to attract me alot compared to the other brands
  5. I have a camera phone and 2 regular phones. But I'm currenng the camera phone mainly because of the camera of course. It's easy when you're walking along the road and suddenly you see something interesting that catches your eye, you could just use it to snap a picture of it.I agree that it isn't the best quality but hey, what can you expect from a cellphone? After all, it is still a cellphone
  6. It might be because your power supply was faulty, causing the electricity flow to not flow like normal. Or like you said, it could be because of bad airflow (and i mean REALLY BAD) that your processor could cool itself down.Another possibility would be that your heatsink wasn't doing what it was suppose to do or it could be your thermal coumpound issues.But the chances of faulty power supplies are the highest among the possibilities I've just stated.
  7. I used to work in a computer store as a technician and these kind of problems are often cause by heat. What i suggest to you is open the cover and check if your heatsink andfan is filled with dust. If it is, turn ob your computer, unpluging it would be a good thing to do, the softly brush off the dusts with a soft brush, then try it again.If the problem still persist, it might be that our thermal compound has dried up. If you're familiar with computer components and know how to handle them well, you could go buy a thermal compund (I would suggest artic silver 5). Before applying it, make sure the clean the processor and heatsink's surface with a tissue, then just put a little bit of the thermal compound in the middle of the processor (that where the core is and that's where the heat comes from), the size of a grain would be sufficient, then place your heatsink back, Firmly press it down so that the thermal compound spreads out (but not too hard as you would damage your processor) and lock the heatsink in place.A reminder, once you've placed the heasink back, do not attempt to take it out again because if you did, the thermal coumpound you've just put would be a waste, then you would have to do everything again.
  8. I've had a server set up on my computer once before, but maintaining it was just too much work to do. And i got hacked once too. So in the end i just gave up, un-install everything, cleaned up my whole computer, and here i am now.
  9. Linkysysis quite a reliable company I would say. I personally am using a linksys router and works just fine for the pass few years.Just choose what suits you best. You don't have to always go for the best if you're not gonna make full use of it
  10. Oh wow! I was looking for a tutorial that teaches how to install all of those that you've just mentioned. Thanks for the tutorial Really appreciate it very much.
  11. LOL That made my girlfriend and I laughed, ahahaha... Well, to be honest, I never really liked myspace. They have funy controls and funny features. What is it anyway? A blog or a forum or a website? Or maybe 3 in 1, which they are definitely not doing a good job. Just my 2 cents
  12. seanooi

    Hosting Credits

    Yes, you would need at least 10 to request for a hosting pakage. And there is certainly NO ADS on your sites. That one of the many reasons why I choose Xisto. Offers good plans and no ads.
  13. I've been using Norton AntiVirus for the pass few years and I've noticed that with or without Norton installed, viruses still appear in my computer. Then when I changed to McAfee, my computer stayed clean longer than I could even imagined.But as for panda's anti virus, I heard it's supposed to be quite a good software, but haven't tried it tho.
  14. I've been receiving these kind of e-mails for awhile now too. And everytime I see them i just just delete them without even bothering to click them. The messages written in the e-mail are just as fake as my grandfather's teeths.
  15. Well, here's another obvious reason why current IE users should switch to FireFox :PI used to use IE a few months ago, but it just keeps getting more annoying everytime i use it. In the end, i decided to reformat my computer, forget about IE and use FireFox. And up till now, FireFox has served me well.
  16. Maybe you just wanted to know if she's the right girl for you. But unfortunately you found out that she isn't.But c'mon, don't avoid girls, that's stupid. Don't let one tree ruin the whole forest (or something like that ) Go out and have fun before you're ready to really be commited.
  17. Wow, that's fun, but just to let you know, the GameMaker link you posted redirected me to a page with just google ads. Is that suppose to happen or is my computer just playing around with me.Anyway, If i could, I'd definitely be glad to help you out, unfortunately i can't. So here, I wish you all the best of luck in winning the competition and may god be with you. :PLet us know when the results are out, I for one am anticipating the results.
  18. Well, i'm quite certain that all of use here doesn't hope that he's planning his revenge while he's in prison, but just in case he does, bring a pepper-spray with you just to keep yourself safe not only from him, but from those who tries to harm you. That's what i got my girlfriend for her birthday because she's always out till late at night with her friend :PLike the old saying goes, "prevention is better than cure."
  19. You'd really have to have a strong base before going further if you want the relationship to last, that's what i think. Without a strong base, that relationship won't go far.Like me, I didn't built a base strong enough yet before i moved on to the next level with my ex girlfriend, in the end, although we still had feelings for each other, we just knew that it wasn't going anywhere so we just ended it.But I'm considered lucky because right till now, we still reamin friends.
  20. Well Nani Cheri, looks like we're on the same boat :PIt really su*ks to feel that way... loving someone you know you shouldn't.Guess I'll remain a bachelor until I find the right one.Anybody wants to introduce someone to me?? LOL
  21. From where I came from, it's just something like what sxyloverboy had described. The phone company is just as stupid and lazy as their grandmothers! I had to flood their phone lines before i could get them to come fix my internet line.And when the technicians arrived, OMFG! They STINK like as if they've just came up from a pool filled with *BLEEP*! Since then I gave up on them and changed to another phone company which was WAY more reliable.
  22. I never really understood girls since day one. But after reading this pice of article, i think that we guys are now one step more towards understanding women better
  23. Let's just wait for anandtech to rip the new PS3 apart, then by then we should have a good picture of which would be a better buy. But till then, computers are still my main choice for gaming.
  24. It's true that every browser has it's pros and cons. But I personally would prefer firefox over the other browsers. Although it starts up slightly slower than the other browsers, but it supports tabbed browsing, one of the things i used the most. And another thing that i like about firefox is that it supports skins. Cool browser with cool skins.
  25. Unortunately I could have a look at it, the logo says bandwidth has been exceeded. Maybe I'll drop by next month Hope it'll be up by then.
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