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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. Aside from being an RDBMS, firebird is what Firefox used to be called, before the firebird (DBMS) project started talking to the mozilla people about the confusion it would cause.As far as embedded DBs though, check out the apache derby project and the hsqldb project. Both offer a wide variety of APIs.

  2. Thats how lucky we are .

    I really don't see it that way...we went from having a nice command-line, fast interface to our programs, to a mandatory graphical interface (windows) that no longer even allows us to drop back into ms-dos to perform basic tasks without the overhead of a gui.

    this is why i run linux. well, its a reason among many, anyway.

  3. Dude, you're shopping at KMART...seriously, you can't expect quality in product or service from that company. They do the bare minimum to keep the prices low. You're getting what you paid for.As far as them not meeting the deadline, you didn't get it in writing, their terms state that ship dates are estimates...I would never believe a deadline from any company unless it was stipulated in a contract.

  4. I have yet had any games that require FAT32 because shouldn't Windows handle all the I/O requests, and not the game?

    Yep. Windows handles all File I/O requests. The advantage to NTFS in gaming is compression. When you load large texture files off the disk, the CPU is just idling while the disk is thrashing to get the data into RAM...if you turn on compression on the game folder, you offload a little bit of that strain onto the CPU which had nothing to do, previously.

    This is only a bright idea if you have a very fast machine...especially in an SMP setup, since most games load routines really aren't multithreaded anyway.

  5. Well I don't see any reason to use so much toolbars, but if it is ok for you, it is ok for me.. I personally like the less toolbars as possible and the more comfortable as possible.. That is just bots spoofing as IE4 or the spoofing is made with mistakes, due to the user agent header.. I don't think you should care or you can ban it by using some php or any other language you prefer..

    It's not cost-effective to ban the bots...it would take so much time to keep up with them, that it would not be cost effective from a money-saved-in-bandwidth costs perspective.

    Just install anti-spam (like akismet) or capchas on user input forms to prevent them from spamming you and you'll be ok.

  6. i personally wouldve just used flash or director, although you dont want to, it would seem easier!

    I agree with the OP decision NOT to use flash/director/some other 3rd party plugin to do this. While they may look pretty and all, loading a flash object/java applet/etc just to do a simple animation seems like alot of unnecessary overhead, aside from requiring a 3rd party plugin to complete a basic user function, which really, in my book, should be a web-design faux-pas.

  7. Ever wondered while copying GBs of data from one place to another on Windows, staring at the file copy animation dialog (which actually give newbies the 'feel' of copying ~ for Xperts, the HDD LED is good enough! :P ) - and at other times, when you've added a new disk drive (USB Mass storage, or such sort) when on slower systems, opening My Computer shows that (darn) 'Searching for items' animation?


    Well I was thinking of seeing something better than that puffed-up yellow torch looking around for items in there! Anyone having eXplored WindowsÂŽ directory structure could tell me where WindowsÂŽ keeps these animations? And what type are they? AVI (Sure hope so!) I'd like to spice up the visuals and replace these with some (more) geek animations... Having customized everything else (tight from the cursor to Window Title Bars) ~ this is the only thing that somehow 'doesn't fit in'...


    I wonder if this is possible? If you do look into it, please let us know!

    I'm pretty sure the file copy animations are stored as resources inside the explorer.exe or user32.dll binaries themselves. You can replace them via dll-hooking, which is what Windowblinds does.


    As for me, the scrolling list of files from xcopy is good enough animation for me :P

  8. Holy crap bonzi buddy haha, forgot about that little *expletive*. There was some other one too that got installed with SO much software back in the day but I forget what now, I think it was something to store your passwords and unames for you? (ironic haha).
    As far as the threat to your social life, my friends already do that whenever they come over so really I wouldn't consider that a threat as it hasn't bothered my life much yet haha.

    I have seen computers taken down completely by spyware though, as in unable to boot excluding in safe mode. While usually recoverable it is still capable of impacting your day and if the system was required for something integral to, for example, a business it could be a critical event (although I doubt a business rig would be downed by spyware).

    I worked as IT support for a department of about 100 users back when I was in college...no machine is immune to spyware when you have a stupid user at the keyboard. I'd have users who, because of their tenure, demanded their administrative rights and got their machines so bogged down by spyware, and didn't get any work done...then would whine at me as if their idiocy was my problem. It was a crisis when someone couldn't get their work done because of it...it even got my *bottom* strapped to a beeper for most of my time there.

  9. I really hate it when I see people using SSH as a SOCKS proxy like this without telling people that tunneling TCP over TCP is a bad idea. You have 2 layers on top of each other which both provide their own error correction and message integrity, and this can lead to all sorts of problems, and will cause cumulative degradation of the link's bandwidth if the link is anything less than perfect (i.e., over a wireless network where packets CAN be lost).


    The -D flag to ssh is at best a temporary fix for not having one's VPN working while they fix it, but should NEVER be relied upon to tunnel any substantial amount of data.

  10. Generally speaking I just use apt-get on my Kubuntu system...it's just faster than opening up a GUI package manager...when I know what I want to install. If I don't know the package name I tend to use Adept Package Manager to act as the apt-get frontend, though usually I just fire it up to find the package name and then manually pop it into apt-get...I don't like the GUI hiding output from dpkg-(re)configure from me when I install packages.

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