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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. Great for users.... but what if you are a developer ?Windows is horribly developer un-friendly.

    AMEN to that! You didn't even address the exorbitant costs of the development environments for windows though...and I don't want to hear about "express versions" form anyone...you *can not* develop software that you intend to market with those crippleware versions; they're intended for learning only. If you want to sell windows software, prepare to pirate or pony up some kickbacks, er, i mean... license fees to micro$oft.

    The only problem you will have with linux is adding new drives or partition /drive letters since they require some extra work. On windows they all instantly appear then disappear without giving you any clue why.

    Actually this works fine on my Gentoo box. The drives pop up almost Mac-like on my desktop thanks to the automounter and hald. I do however refuse to drag partitions to the trash though to unmount them...whoever thought THAT up needs to be shot in the kneecaps.

  2. i could go on illegal sites lol (JOKE) but you know what im saying.

    That's what Tor is for.

    It's got MAC-recognition and WPA2 keys on it

    All well and good, but MAC addresses can be spoofed, and it's only a matter of time before WPA2 is cracked. You might be better off just pounding the little neighbor kid's face into the pavement :ph34r:
    As for me, my wireless is sandboxed on my router. All that is accessible is a paranoid setup of OpenVPN to get out into my home network. It's much less likely to be cracked than the common protocols, plus since it doesn't even need WEP (end-to-end crypto provided by OpenVPN) it will let all sorts of legacy gear connect to it. Plus, I can safely support unsecured services like my girlfriend's PS2 via letting the router do some traffic analysis and selective routing.

  3. They think that putting a copyright protect themselves. they probably don't know that they are responsible of the content of their site. Even if their copyright says 'don't do that', htey are fully responsible of things having been done, so they should carefully monitor the content of their site if they don't want to experience legal problems.

    Not really. The "service provider" clause of the DMCA and similar legislation indemnifies them against copyright infringement so long as they agree they will promptly remove the content upon notification of said infringement.

  4. This happens because the burden is on the copyright holder. You can post south park episodes on youtube all you want, and they'll stay there until youtube gets a cease & desist from braniff or viacom over it. Youtube doesn't actually monitor what goes on their site, they just comply with requests to take it down. Same goes with every other piece of copyrighted content posted there.Youtube doesn't really have a problem with adult content, they just don't want blatant pornography. I've seen videos on youtube that utilize barely artistic nudity (read: borderline porno) and it's still up there, it's just flagged as explicit by the youtube community.

  5. So I have these smart devices...they're basically audiovox ppc6700's. They're running WM5 PocketPC (NOT smartphone edition) with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 on the device.I need the system to automatically dial the cellular connection to connect the device to the internet. I've looked all over the framework for something like this, so I know I'm looking into P/Invoking the functionality from one of the libraries on the system. I've found several tutorials online but none apply to the PocketPC (I get an UnsupportedException on the P/Invoke).Anyone have any ideas on this one?

  6. FEAD is fine if you're really crunched for bandwidth, but the problem remains that you have a time/compression tradeoff. I remember trying to install Acrobat 6 on all the machines on my network at work when it came out...there were still 400 MHz machines up there that spent an ungodly amount of time unpacking that installer.On the plus side, Adobe's antics (like using FEAD) are what made me seek out Foxit Reader for my PDF reading needs. There's even a U3 version.

  7. I've never heard about this, having the mother the only rights to the embryos... And I don't see why. The father is no less a parent for not carrying a baby in his womb, and even up to the freezing stage, both parents have done exactly the same.

    It's the same reason that abortion is legal. If you take away a woman's right to kill her unborn children, she'll just do it anyway in a way such that she's likely to injure herself (e.g., with a coathanger). So then the bleeding-heart liberals get involved and take away the father's rights to preserve the life of his child so that the idiot mother doesn't hurt herself. I swear every abortion should come with a free pair of those safety scissors they give you in kindergarten.

    Funnier still, is that if the father doesn't want children (I don't mean abortion, I mean adoption or some other means of transferring custody) the mother has to agree to this or he's stuck paying child support for 18 years. How fair is that?

  8. This is the classic microsoft problem...they write a buggy, vulnerable operating system, and now they want to SELL you software to keep the system stable? Talk about a scam...that's like buying a car, then being charged extra for the *required* seat belts. Why can't they just fix the damn operating system to make it harder for spyware and viruses to propagate and infect?

  9. If you want to create a bootable iso, you just need to extract the boot sector from the bootable cd. I restore my machines all the time with clean copies of the freshly installed OS and all the drivers...it's somehow faster than a windows reinstall. Anyway, acronis produces a file containing the disk image (like the GHO files) and puts it onto an external drive. I take that image, put it on an iso, copy the acronis loader from an acronis boot cd and the eltorito boot image, and create a dvd iso, all of this using UltraISO. The DVD boots the machine with acronis, AND has the image file on it as well.I've never used Ghost, but I'd bet a similar procedure is possible.

  10. As much as I love C++ for desktop application development (*cries*) you're better off focusing on Java, seeing as you can use Java to write web services (so as to bridge the gap). Java has a lower development time generally, and GUI application development is easier, and it's cross-platform...if you don't care about startup speed and not being able to run it standalone, Java is hard to beat. It does abstract many of the memory manipulation features that some of us have grown to love though.If you like coding in C++, and don't mind the hassles associated with it...I'd stay stick with it. But yea, as you're just learning it, go with Java, you'll have an easier time. But learn C++ too ;) Can't hurt to know more.

  11. This is standard operating procedure...it's alot easier to not support legacy versions of a product from a training standpoint, especially if you're training your support team to support old versions of something that can be downloaded and upgraded for free.Seems like it should be common sense to update a program that's having problems before calling support, but I may just be too much of a geek to understand why people don't do this... ;)

  12. Have you thought of using a Wiki? Making them learn Wiki syntax could be a pain in the *bottom*, but given that MediaWiki will give you access control, page history and comment features, it seems ideal.The other option is to just use Word's (or whatever editor you want to use) markup features and set up WebDAV on the server, and set up access controls using .htaccess files.

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