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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. As said before, solar panels are very inefficient and the process required to make them is rather nasty. Solar cells are based on silicon fabrication which is quickly becoming one of the largest âtechâ polluters.

    Solar cells have something like a 2 year ROI energy-wise and 10 year ROI moneywise. Not bad given the solar cells can generate electricity for well over 50 years. And the technology is only getting better and more efficient.

    Solar power is a great idea, and nuclear power is most possibly going to be the driving force of the future. I heard the president of the USA talk about nuclear power being the wave of the future, and I think that he's right.

    Actually, if you heard Bush say it, NUCULAR power is the wave of the future. Seriously though, that too is a finite resource.

    Cosmic rays don't really get down to us. If we were able to use them, even if they made less power than tidal or waves, we'd probably be fried.

    Putting the collectors in space or on the moon would be ideal for this...now to get the power from there to here... ^_^

  2. So I have an application that's using SQL Server Compact Edition 2005. I need to export the table schema to a file of SQL statements, containing only the schema...no data, no rows, just the tables, indexes, and constraints.Now, when using SQL 2000/2005 I just use the script table as... feature to do exactly this, but because SQL server Compact Edition doesn't have the support for it, I can't do this.The tables in SQL Server Compact *do* have the information_schema views though, so I was wondering if anyone knows of any tools that can read these views and generate sql ce code to build the tables?

  3. Are you joking?! Dreamweaver absolutely sucks! It generates pages which aren't even close to valid HTML 4.01 Transitional (the default option). Make XHTML complaint doesn't really help that much. I would rather write clean XHTML code by hand, it's more efficient and much more fun. For someone used to working in Dreamweaver, it might be a little more time consuming, but it provides many more advantages than using a WYSIWYG editor.

    I don't use Dreamweaver's WYSIWYG capabilities, I mostly use it because I'm a PHP programmer and the autocomplete/intellisense support for PHP in Dreamweaver is superb; as is the split code/wysiwyg feature that lets me see what my CSS changes on the DIV layouts look like in real-time, against several browser engines.

    I agree though, and it's not dreamweaver that's the problem: all WYSIWYG editors are ****, some are just shittier.

  4. Here's a step by step of how I've done this:If you're so inclined (and have the balls and spare dishes), get a dish that is perfectly smooth...that is, no facets, no hard lines...a wine glass works well for this, as do some other drink glasses. Basically, the simpler, the better. Make sure the glass is *spotless* also. You can't have anything that would form a nucleation site (which would cause the water to boil and release energy in a very less-than-dramatic fashion).Put some water in it, about 3/4 full...and heat it for awhile. You should have a general idea how long it takes to boil water in your microwave, heat it about to that point. If you have an infrared thermometer just make sure the temperature is above 212F/100C.For the fun part, take the water out of the microwave (carefully) and drop a coarse substance into the water. A teabag (how I found this little trick out -- the hard way, mind you) works pretty well, as does any non-soluble substance. Salt works ok, but it changes the boiling point of the water, sugar might work, but I haven't tried it. A penny will work fine too.If the water is sufficiently superheated, the vessel containing it will explode on contact when it flash boils. Impressive effect.Have fun ^_^Oh yea, and wear eye protection and gloves or something.

  5. I cant seem to install Itunes, Quicktime, or Ipod updater software. Everytime I download a different version it doesn't seem to work. I've tried uninstalling the all the software, cleaning up registry entries, rebooting and finally trying to install it again. I keep getting the error "________ software doesn't not run in Windows 95 compatibility mode." After further investigation I found out the compatiblilty option was selected in the shortcuts. So I uncheck it and tried to run the software. I then get the Windows dialog about a serious error and then it asks if i want to send a report to Microsoft.
    I want to get the above software installed again but I can't seem to get it to work after it is installed. Has anyone ever experienced this. The computer is a Windows XP pro. Help me if you can or have any suggestions. The computer is not connected to the Internet so I cant send the troubleshooting reports to anyone.

    Sounds almost like a virus to me...maybe something doing some DLL hooking improperly patched system files.

  6. OS X can run X11 apps just fine. Any open source apps you have can be compiled and run on a mac...I don't see what you're talking about with having to buy alot of software... I switched from Windows/Linux to Mac OS X because I can do all of it without switching operating systems to have a POSIX layer underneath my OS.

  7. We cannot run large cities of the small power we gain from solar and wind power!

    Are you joking? The solar cells we have now operate at something like half a percent of efficiency. Which means for every watt of incoming solar energy, only 1/200 of that energy is actually able to be captured, where more is lost in the conversion and storage.

    We're working on more efficient cell arrays, and when the efficiency goes up solar power will be a much more viable solution to meet our energy needs. People who say that we can't do it really have no idea how much energy the sun radiates, even through the atmosphere. The fact is, with hydrogen fuel cells powering cars, and the solar generation powering the electrolysis needed to create the gas, we can quickly reduce the amount of fossil fuels we're using.

  8. I'll only use eMule if I need to download something risky via Tor (think certain leaked things from Cisco, hehe) or if I can't find a torrent and I'm *desperate* for something.Torrents are way faster for downloading popular content.

  9. Putting the volume up that high drives the hardware too hard and you get excessive distortion. Get a pair of higher wattage speakers and run em from the headphone jack, or use AirTunes, or use A2DP to get better soundApple didn't nerf the hardware with a firmware update...they capped the speakers at their rated output maximum so they don't have to support crappy sounding speakers from people that don't know better than not to overdrive their speakers.

  10. But then it will be only for that session, you will need to change the start button everytime you restart or log on your PC.This tutorial is for changing the start permanently.

    If you edit it in memory you could just have a program load as a BHO to explorer.exe that does it; it also has the advantage of being able to change it to reflect something realtime...like cpu utilization. That would be a cool project...

  11. I had (and I stress had, it was painful) to use Solaris (we called it Slowaris) in college...it blew hard. The only benefit of it was to encourage people to use htons and ntohs when coding network applications. Other than that...it just showed that when 200 students are trying to make use of a SunOS 5.9 system at the same time, it slows to a crawl...the box was replaced the semester I graduated with a dual core machine running Fedora Core...and had no problems handling 200 users at a time.Sun needs to kick the Solaris bucket and just focus on Java.

  12. Laptop is also very comfortable in University, to show your stuff and what you have done, for example in programming lectures you can directly write the code to the Laptop and etc. Sometimes when something works on your end, for example a compiled program and doesn't work on the University computers due to DirectX version or .NET - when it really sucks. When you bring your Laptop, you can feel relaxed, because you know it will work the way it should ;D

    Yeah, when I was in college there was never a question. If I had to demo a project, it was always on my own laptop -- no way I was going to take any chances with the *BLEEP* machines the university "maintained".

    Generally speaking though, giving every child a laptop can only be completely beneficial if they are completely integrated into classroom learning; i.e., using the integrated mesh networking on the OLPC laptops so exams can be taken via the lappies, and in class activities can be done this way.

    If you fail to integrate the laptops into learning, kids will probably use them to goof off; and adults will generally just find something more interesting to do on them. I used to work on my CS assignments during my gen-ed classes all the time in college. It was kinda just what we all did.

  13. I can believe some of the adsense numbers from some sites. My site is pretty low traffic, but when I update my software on it and send out announcements (my site hosts freeware that I wrote and licensed under public domain, so it attracts users and programmers alike) I have a spurt of about 3 days where my adsense income will come in about $50 a day.It all has to do with traffic quantity.

  14. Yeah this seems really fishy to me... I'm not going to download a so-called "anti virus" application on my windows box that I heard of from some forum newbie (5 posts, at time of posting, come on) that doesn't even come from a company's site (it's a free upload site) or offers any indication what it does.I vote someone investigate this file, and if it's some form of malware, ban this joker. He's posted the link in I think 3 different forums.

  15. If you have a linux or bsd box...just use Kismet for scanning for networks. It's alot easier and has built-in collection of initialization vector frames alongside scanning...so you can just run one application to do most of the hard work for you.I'd recommend using two machines; one to capture IV frames while another machine conducts a deauth attack to keep the IV frames flowing. This is a bit more obnoxious to the legitimate users of the access point, but it's the only way to break into a non-congested network in a reasonable amount of time. Aireplay can handle the deauth attack for you.Once you have a ton of IV frames, use aircrack to conduct various attacks.If you're on a recent Mac, get KisMAC. It features most of Kismet's features as well as the ability to conduct attacks from within kisMAC.

  16. You could/should also include links instead of lynx. Usually links is installed, for lynx you have to select individual packages, which not everyone does. (I do but that's not the point :rolleyes:)
    In any way, Links looks better than lynx. And the speed of both is the same B)

    It's not a very long tutorial but it's nice.

    Why lynx? wget is more common on unix based default installs these days than lynx or links or elinks (or any other text browser for that matter).
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