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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. I think I see what he's getting at. Maybe he's writing an antileech download script to prevent offsite linking? In that case, this is pretty easy to do...just keep the files outside of the web root, have a script just fopen the file on the server and return it to the browser with the proper content-type set.

  2. That's a volatile can of worms you're opening there... <_<Honestly, if it's not my kid, I couldn't care less if a woman has an abortion...if there's some moral repercussions, or some religious impact, it's her that answers to God, not me. On the other hand, if it is my kid, I think that an abortion should require consent of both parents. If the child was created with consent of both parents, why should destroying that creation be a unilateral decision on one person?

  3. If you have control of the site, you can either perm redirect it to another site (301 or 302, i forget which one it is) or make sure that every page on there 404's out, then submit the site back to the crawler. When the googlebot finds 404's more than a few times it drops pages off the index. There's another complicated procedure for takedown of cached content, but the easiest way is to make the googlebot understand that site is dead.

  4. Your best bet is to run your own proxy at home if you're on a cable/dsl connection with a dynamic IP address. Google around...there's some servlet-based socks and HTTP proxy options...an HTTP proxy is easy to set up, though configuring it on the computer at school might not be allowed. Best bet there is to use firefox portable and switchproxy extension. So a step-by-step:1. install privoxy/proxomitron/squid/sockd on a computer that's always on2. forward a high port (>1024) that isn't common (like 1 + your house number) to the proxy3. set up dynamic dns through a place like dyndns (this is free)4. pop firefox portable on a usb key or your ipod or something similar5. install switchproxy extension to firefox portable6. configure switchproxy for your home proxy and enjoy.The advantage of not using a common proxy is that websense updates to catch new proxy sites...the advantage of doing it from home is that if they catch you, you can just spoof a new mac onto your router at home and get a new ip address.Standard disclaimer, I'm not responsible for you getting in trouble using this, I'm just providing the information.

  5. Well, just because they say it's grounds for account termination in the TOS, that does not make it illegal in terms of what you do in the real world. Here's thie thing...private servers have always been a bit of a legal grey area. The dicklicks over at Gravity can terminate your account for whatever reason they want, they don't need a reason at all, it's a private service. The only time that operating a private server is for sure illegal is if you're using the stolen and hacked Aegis server which Gravity created. If you're running a server using jAthena or eAthena (both emulators) you aren't doing anything illegal unless you're profiting off the server (abuse of trademark) or selling a service. In fact, the people connecting to your server and those distributing your patchfiles is who the Gravity people are going to send takedown notices to.

  6. Sending suicide notes to big companies is retarded. One of two things will happen:1) nobody will care, you'll be ignored.2) someone will care, and send cops over to your house for being a danger to yourself.What probably got you unbanned was that you mentioned you understand what you did was wrong and you WILL correct it. Generally speaking, getting banned is serious enough to make people behave and is not worth the revenue loss to the company to not read appeals.

  7. I used to be addicted to that game...I learned about it when the official server was in public beta and I was in college (read: lots of spare time on my hands during boring classes) and usually played for 6 hours a day...I never got very high level though. When the official server went pay-to-play I moved to a private server which eventually got hosed. I bounced from server to server for a few months until I became a GM on one (I won't mention which >.>) and the game just stopped being fun.At that point I switched over to LineageII private servers...played those for awhile, eventually became a GM on a server (again, not mentioning names ^^) and the game became boring and pointless. I stayed off of MMORPGs for awhile after that until I could talk my girlfriend into playing too...she started playing Lineage II with me for awhile, but she went back to Final Fantasy 11. I decided to give FFXI a chance, so I got on there, and I've been playing that ever since.

  8. I want to put a new operating system on it (i was thinking maybe something in the linux line of things), and was wondering what people would recommend that would work on the computer, and not be unbelievably slow.
    I really want a GUI interface, but i also don't want to have to wait 10 minutes for everything that you click on.

    Go with a minimalist linux distro. Install ubuntu using the server install, and don't install kde or gnome. Then install a lightweight window manager like blackbox, fluxbox, or icewm. Any KDE or Gnome apps will still take a little time to load, since they need to load massive libs into ram to run, but once you get one running the rest should load reasonably fast.

    Btw, i believe your pc should be able to boot from cdrom. If not, then you're out of luck, will need to download those that can install from floppy or at least most of them let you create a startup floppy, then continue to install from cd. That doesn't apply to the live-cd version

    Not true at all. You can easily pop the HDD into a usb enclosure (or install the HDD into another system) and install linux to it from any system you like. That's the way I installed my old router (it was a 486/33, replaced long ago with a 2.8Ghz p4 HT) and it worked just fine.

  9. This futuristic system will replace the people who can read lips, such people are shrinking in numbers and even they are no always precise.

    I disagree...deaf people and hard-of-hearing folks will always be able to read lips. I've got a few friends like that who I can talk normally to as long as I face them when doing it...they have no trouble and I know I don't annunciate as well as I could.

  10. I still didn't go back yet, but if the gateway is different, what can I do to fix the issue so AOL is not required to be connected to go online?

    Make sure AOL doesn't dial the modem. What I think is happening is this:

    1) Cable comes up, gets IP from DHCP, default gw is Right here, everything is fine.
    2) AOL comes up, gets IP from DHCP, default gw is changed to Still fine, though AOL is handling your traffic.
    3) AOL goes down, forgetting to restore the default gateway. is not reachable from so packets go nowhere fast.

    This is a classic problem with windows and multiple connections.

  11. Wow this company is just full of winners, isn't it?First off, flash sites are lame. They need to make a plaintext version for those of us who run adblock and noscript for security reasons. Secondly, does anyone else conjure up images of that unholy bag of spyware crap, Comet Cursor? That thing that let you use custom cursors on websites if you downloaded spyware?I'll be leaving this mess OFF my computer, thanks.

  12. I'm still using gaim 2.0b6 for 2 reasons:

    Perl and pidgin don't function together on win32. That is, my perl plugins do not work.

    The plugin i use most (OTR) does not work in pidgin yet

    Until these issues are fixed, I'm sticking with gaim.

    Both of these problems are resolved now...


    The fix for number 1 was to download the latest OTR plugin (which came out about a week after Pidgin did). The fix for number two was to change my use directives in the perl imports from Gaim->Pidgin. So, "use Gaim;" -> "use Pidgin;"

  13. there is no need for anonymous proxies unless your doing something naughty.

    That's complete *BLEEP*. Anonymous proxies are great for all kinds of things that are perfectly legal and acceptable behavior. You're projecting the actions of the few who abuse them onto the many that don't.

    Example, let's say you're in a country with a restrictive regime that blocks most web sites, including world news (like the Arab countries, and China). Known proxies are quickly found and added to the block list at the ISP edges, so the only ones that work for them are the anonymous ones that people put up.

    Another example, let's say (in my case when I was in high school) I wanted to read the Starr report at school, as part of a report that already got my instructor's approval for the controversial content matter. The library computers there could not pull up any part of the report because it contained sexually charged language and the staff at the library did not know how to fix it, since the firewall operated at the district level. An anonymous proxy is what got me through that.

    Final example, let's say I want to see how fast my site loads for someone in say, Germany. I use a German proxy to fetch the page and time it, then I subtract the time it takes to load the same amount of data from the proxy page itself.

    In closing, there are many legitimate uses of anonymous proxies, and some people use them simply because they're paranoid. Either way, when you block them you cut off a segment of your visitors/customers. Just something to keep in mind.

  14. I know some of the DNSBLs have known proxies in them for spam blocking...maybe you could do that? Another solution would be to try a port 80 connect() (this will also block people who have open web servers on their machines or something else listening there) to the client ip and if it gets back data, make them jump through a few hoops to get to the site. Or make them unable to post anonymously, etc.Think of why you want to do this...if it's an abuse issue, great, but keep in mind you'll block people who have network nazis at work and school.

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