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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. Worst case scenario is that they change the reference implementation so that non-official clients suffer slow downloads or fail to work...they can do whatever the hell they want with the "official version"...someone will eventually reverse-engineer the protocol (for us linux users, of course) and write an unofficial version, open source it, and it's a cat-and-mouse game until someone comes up with something better than bittorrent.

  2. Scientist these days really must have too much time on their hands. Why can't they be off inventing a cure for cancer instead of making things levitate?

    Because innovation is important, and not every scientist likes or is good at biochemistry.

    They can only levitate liquids right now, but imagine what the impact of being able to levitate arbitrary solids would be...do you know what the impact of cheap, low-cost (power and money) levitation would be? Think of all the energy wasted in frictional losses in the moving parts of systems we use every day. Eliminating these would make machines more reliable and more efficient for one, but could also have other uses...say, moving heavy objects?

  3. Right, how? haha. I mean I already knew that's the theory behind it, I just don't know how to manipulate the scroll bar, since there is no top level scroll bar property or anything. I'm sure it's something extremely simple I just am missing the specifics and don't feel like hunting through google results for a single word or something that will trigger my memory.

    Try this technique: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  4. Probably the most vague title ever, but I have no clue if what I'm thinking even exists and if so, what it would be called haha. So I'm developing an asp .net application and there are pages where I fill in information, hit submit, and I want to just have a report appear beneath that, but then would like to have the screen automatically scroll down to the report rather then having the user have to scroll down each time. I don't want to load a new form if possible just to keep all the input locations and output in one spot in case they want to test multiple values. It won't ruin the design if I can't do this, but figured I'd see if any of you that have more asp/web in general experience know how you'd go about doing this... I have to keep working on the main functionality less I'd toy around with things trying to find it myself :P

    If all you really want to do is autoscroll the page, why not do it client side? I'm assuming the report is going to be run on the server and then returned to the client asynchronously, so in that case, just hook the onClick event for your submit object in javascript and change the scrollbar position.

  5. Iv'e downloaded several winrar archives from the internet but my problem is that i've need a password but on the site iv'e downloaded it is no sign of a password for the archives so i start googling around i found several password finders but none of them worked actually :s
    It was taking so much time and at the end he didn't find the key !

    Maybe 1 of you does have a good pasword finder for recomending to me ?

    I hope you have :P

    Well, WinRAR uses decent quality symmetric encryption, so as far as "finding" it I'm afraid you're **** out of luck. You're going to have to brute-force or dictionary attack it. Applications that will do this are a dime-a-dozen, a google search for "rar password" will find you plenty of them.

  6. Java is slow, but will catch up when CPU processes gets faster.

    Thanks...really. It's this *BLEEP* attitude that justifies a slow runtime to Sun and Microsoft, and tells Microsoft that it's OK to make bloaty, slow, operating systems..."if it runs too slow, our customers will just upgrade their computers!". Good job doing a disservice to the entire computing world by propagating that attitude towards software development.

  7. Yes, I do agree. But you do hear of all these scientists trying to "Save The Earth" and you see campaigns and meetings, doesn't that say something? It is really a big question because you have one side of the story that says it is real, and it is happening. However, you have the other side of the story that says it isn't real. They both have factual evidence. So, how do you know if it is real or if it isn't real?

    Call me cynical, but I say the "scientists" are interested in global warming because they're meteorologists and want job security; they see what they want to see. I'm not implying that they're falsifying research data, just that their interpretations of the data may be more or less biased, knowingly or not.

  8. I would say learn an OOP language first; something like Java, C#, or C++. They're by far the easiest to learn, though the first two won't teach you a goddamn thing about memory management, which I think is something of a failing of OOP in managed space.Second, learn a high-level iterative language. C is good for this (if you picked C++ above, you can skip this step, more or less). Everyone should know C, in my opinion...so much software is built upon it.Third, learn assembly for a platform that's used. When I was in college they taught us assembly for the MIPS R2000 architecture. I have not yet, to date, used this. I really wish they'd have taught us x86 or PowerPC assembly; at least I could have used those in practice. In the end, I went off and learned x86 assembly on my own...such a shame, really.Fourth, experiment a little! Play with prolog, and lisp, and Icon (w00t, U of A!). Maybe learn some Cobol for shits and giggles :P

  9. Glad my recommendation could be of help :PI only went to namepros because I wanted to prove that I could maintain a revenue-generating website as a zero actualized cost venture. To date, I've not spent a penny on my website, and it has generated revenue through adsense.If you don't have a need to get a domain for free, I would just go through a standard registrar like eNom or NetworkSolutions, etc...while Namepros may be free, if you're developing a website in anything but your free time on the weekends, your time is worth more than the value it gets sitting on forums to earn enough domain credits to get a domain registered.

  10. Rapidshare et al are in a constant cat-and-mouse game to ensure their ad revenue...tricks like this, once in the wild for awhile, don't work anymore. If you want something for free, just abide by their TOS and wait in line like everyone else.I don't see why everyone has this great urge to try to cheat them out of making you wait a little bit. If the download wait is that big of an issue, just get a premium account with them.

  11. I don't post an incredible amount...but I've never had a problem maintaining sufficient credits to keep my hosting working. Besides, I've found that the less you have to do to maintain a hosting account on free post2host setups, the sooner they go out of business (thanks, FusionXHost...for selling off my account information to a paid host) and send you running to a new host. So I'm actually kind of glad there's a little bit of work involved in maintaining hosting here....I like this host and I don't really want to have to find a new one.

  12. Screw Windows media player...VLC works much better to play all the formats you want to play. Also, it's based on ffmpeg as it's decoder, so it decodes a hell of a lot more formats than windows media player does out of the box, and you don't need to clog up your directshow filter chain with splitters and codecs to watch movies. I've actually never come across a video format that VLC couldn't manage to play at some level.Stick to using VLC and only use windows media player for playing DRM'd WMA/WMV files.

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