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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. I had this old computer that I was configuring to run a server, and whenever I typed a search term in the address bar or clicked a link from Google it directed to this random website. It completely messed up my Google results. I did a quick search for a Ad/Spyware scanner, typed the address in my browser (because Google links didn't work), and found one. I can't remember exactly which one I used, but I remember that it did the job. It found at least a half-dozen various spy/adware on the computer. Presto, gone. Now I can't get the address bar to search, but that's no big deal (especially since I use Firefox most of the time, and like I said, I don't use the computer much). It bugs me when these programs even exist.

    You probably have a BHO that's hooking the browse requests to search engines. Use Hijackthis to get rid of those.


    So this basically stops website and what not, from changing your home page?

    No, all this fix does is cause IE to ignore the homepage setting. When you pass the url as a parameter the browser goes to that url instead of your homepage. It does nothing to address the actual problem, and in fact, could help conceal the fact that your machine has been compromised.

  2. If it were my call I'd say legalize it and tax the hell out of it. Use the revenue from the tax to clean up other taxes we have to pay or fill in spots in the budget.Marijuana is no more addictive than cigarettes...I watched my girlfriend quit those, it wasn't pretty. Since the state sells cigarettes and profits from the taxes, why not do it with marijuana also?The thing with states individually legislating this is that it would get nailed by a line-item on a federal bill; same way seatbelt laws magically appeared in every state for a highway funding bill.

  3. If you were gonna quote my post and then comment on it in a new thread, ya should have sent me a PM; I'd have responded sooner B)

    ethergeek - could you tell us a bit more about you installation of TrueCrypt? Do you need a password, or a certificate to initiate the process? What happens if you need to reinstall the system (without any break-downs)?

    TrueCrypt and FreeOTFE can use passwords, keyfiles, and any combination thereof. There is nothing that links it to your windows account (if there is I sure as hell don't use it). Both applications are compatible in some way with Linux also; the FreeOTFE can create and work with linux dmcypt and cryptoloop volumes, and TrueCrypt has a linux version that will mount volumes directly. FreeOTFE also has a version for PocketPC.

    I secure mine with a hard passphrase for the most part, though one of them additionally requires a keyfile on a USB key I keep in my safe at home.

  4. I got the feeling he was just thinking like you don't want your mom finding your porn or something

    If you're having to hide porn from your mom I think you have bigger issues than computer security B)

    In all seriousness though, if my girlfriend wasn't ok with my porn habits I'd probably use truecrypt to hide it too...

  5. ethergeek... unless I'm mistaken the point of buying a wireless router is to be, you know, wireless B)
    Now to us it seems logical to have a router with a wired connection to a desktop system since it would be pointless to not have it wired if like, 2 feet from the router and it never moves. But picture an apartment with a couple people that are not overly into technology that buy a wireless router for their laptops. Why would they ever want to have to hard wire into the router? The whole point is to be free with their movements heh.

    I understand what you're saying, just seems impractical based on the angle that wireless routers are promoted.

    Wireless access does indeed provide extreme convenience, however, it should never sacrifice security for convenience. Take for example Linksys' recommendation that you do not upgrade firmware wirelessly. It makes sense, since if you start getting interference, you may brick your router. Why is the same logic not applied to security of the network the router is designed to safeguard? Even in an apartment full of computer-illiterates, is it really that hard to connect a laptop to a port on the back of the router to set it up? Especially given that you need to wire into it to set it up securely anyway once you remove it from the box?

  6. The best way to hide your private files is to not keep them on machines that aren't yours.If you have administrator level access to your machine, install TrueCrypt or FreeOTFE. These free programs install a driver that allows you to create a virtual "drive" that is mapped to a file on the hard disk, or a partition if you want. Since it happens in kernel space, programs don't care that they files are actually encrypted on the disk; they're decrypted by the virtual disk driver on a chunk-by-chunk basis as the bytes are requested by the program using the encrypted files.For instance, I have a 1GB TrueCrypt container on my work machine that I keep my firefox and gaim profiles in. I don't need my sysadmin seeing what sites I go to and who I chat with online.If you don't, just keep your private files on a USB key in your pocket.

  7. Make sure your Router pass is extra hard, like long...mine's like 40 chars

    There should never be any circumstance where anyone but the admin should even have access to the router's configuration. Don't enable remote admin access to your router; that's just stupid. If you have untrusted people on the LAN side, separate off one of the physical ports on the router into a different VLAN and only enable access to the admin stuff from that VLAN. This is pretty basic common-sense stuff...

    I don't know why config access to routers is allowed from the wireless adapter in the first place; it's really stupid. Under no circumstance should anyone without a physical ethernet connection to the router be allowed to talk to the unit's internal webserver that hosts the config pages.

  8. The truth is your body will only take what you need. Vitamin C if consumed in excess will just be peed out. The average american gets plenty of vitamin C as it is from their normal diet. This doesn't necessarily mean the RDA or more every day, but averaged across several days it generally is about right.After all, we don't see people with scurvy in this country.

  9. I was afraid when entering the meebo site. Is it safe to give meebo both your msn username and password ? I would expect these kind of instant messenger credentials needing to be secured, and not directly sent to an unknown website ? Or am I slightly paranoiac ?

    I'm with you on this one...I use meebo when I'm really in a pinch, but I change the passwords for my IM accounts when I'm done. I don't necessarily mistrust meebo (since they do have a business at stake if they **** over customers) but I don't completely trust them not to say, use my IM accounts to send spam and get my IM account terminated.

    Meebo is great, but understand the risks of using it. You *are* sending your logins and passwords to a server that doesn't even tell you how it stores them.

  10. It's about ****ing time, I say. Finally I can order a computer for 300 bucks cheaper because of the micro$oft kickba...er, license fees.I hope the put alot of effort into it; like perfectly customized kernel .configs per model to save alot of us linux users some serious time.While I'm not too thrilled about ubuntu (they *could* put gentoo on it) I'm still glad to see it coming without the microsoft tax.

  11. Yeah, if you want to block adservers at the network level, set up internet junkbuster or squid...both allow the use of regexes to block ads, so I could just block

    and that would block alot more than simple host blocking.

    It also allows for blanket domain blocks, like
    which would block EVERYTHING piece of trash from that site on the internet. Squid and junkbuster also have very fast regex engines and caching options, so you will see a marked improvement in site loading times.

  12. I just recently switched my forums from phpbb3 to the latest SMF. I didn't have many posts on it anyway, so I figured I'd try it out. Everyone I've asked ranks SMF 3rd behind vB and IPB, so I figured it was worth a shot.Anyway, I'm having fun with SMF so far; everything is easier with it, and there's alot of features that work out of the box with SMF that I have to spend a few hours modding phpbb to get. I may try phpbb3 again when there are some decent mods out for it, but until then, I'm sticking with SMF.

  13. Just an FYI point...if you use the default MySQL table type (MyISAM) you won't have support for foreign keys and won't be able to enforce referential integrity constraints, so make sure to set your table type to InnoDB. This can be a b1tch (I can't believe it censors that!) if you go through the hassle of normalizing your schema only to realize that your hard work had no effect on the query processor and you have no guarantee of the data being normalized, as the DBMS won't enforce RI constraints.

  14. I'm betting on a power issue here...if there's power to the board, and the board works right, it will tell you what's wrong via a POST code in the form of a sequence of beeps from the PC speaker or a piezo on the board.I would check the power supply (via a voltmeter or a psu tester, use your imagination here, macguyver ^^). Then I'd make sure the reset and pwr switch wires are connected to the motherboard properly. If you still don't get a POST code, check the PC speaker connection to the board. If there's still nothing, you have a dead motherboard.

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