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Posts posted by ethergeek

  1. RedHat didn't go downhill...they still make (and support, key word there) a very stable linux distribution. RHEL's primary focus right now is supporting enterprises who want to run linux instead of windows and have server machines that are certified to meet certain requirements like LSB and SELINUX. Even with the outrageous support contracts running into the many thousands of dollars offered by redhat, the TCO is STILL lower than running windows.Fedora isn't really the "free version" or RHEL...if you want something really similar to RHEL without the huge cost, check out CentOS.

  2. me and my cousin are trying to make our own ragnarok game could you help us we're stuck at the moment and haven't gotten very far at all...

    Back when I GM'd on a private server we just used eAthena...much better server emulator (at least then, but development was FAST on that sucker, so it may still be) than anything else we could find, with exception of Aegis, of course...but we all know what the problems were with using Aegis :blink:

  3. Well I have the opportunity to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on my computer if I so choose (laptop computer for everyday use). And I was wondering if Red Hat Enterprise linux was a good option to choose? (I was thinkin of dual booting it with vista).
    Otherwise I was going to go with ubuntu (which I have used before and like), so I am wondering if anybody has any experience with RHEL at all?

    I'd go with Ubuntu. RHEL is designed around the demands of businesses running mission critical servers, since the non-security updates are few and far between, and the platform has paid support. For a personal machine, Ubuntu will offer much easier access to the latest applications, as well as newer drivers for things like video cards, sound cards, usb peripherals, etc.

  4. Standard Users shouldnt Have Write Access to the System files anyways.If windows ever upgraded to the reiserfs file system support, this feature could be sued to stop virii running in windows and damaging my linux drive.. but intill then.....

    Yeah...that's what I'm thinking. Just use ACLs to prevent children's accounts from writing to the drive, or add an explicit deny to their account and let it recurse on any drive you don't want them looking at. It will give them this nice access denied message to, so they understand that it's not their computer to hose ^^

  5. If you don't know what something is, google it. There's legit reasons for hiding files from the API...some being to hide emulation software like Daemon Tools from the retarded protection schemes on game and software CDs, to hiding important antivirus engine files from potential attack from viruses. So just because it says "hidden from windows api" doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

  6. I Don't Own A Xbox360 But Uh Don't You Need To Have A Mod-Chip To Play Burnt Games? I Mean If Your Download A ISO Of A Game And Burn It, Won't Xbox 360 Say That It Is An Incompatible Disc? That's What Sony Does. Well Anyway Thanks For Sharing This Information With Us! I'll Be Sure To Tell My Friend. He Has Xbox 360 and Loves Halo So Much, That I Can't Get Him To Be Quiet!

    The title casing made that painful to read, lol. The Halo 3 beta is downloaded via XBL marketplace, so no, you don't need to have a modchip to play it. You can download all sorts of free demos and whatnot from the XBL marketplace, like Beautiful Katamari, which, in my opinion, is a much more addictive game than Halo 3 will be :blink:

  7. what probably happened is that one or more of the programs your running uses the .dll file tat the task bar uses thus closing THAT program down probably shutted down the .dll file its happened to me :blink::D:o GO MACS!!

    That was entirely non-sensical. Windows uses dynamic mapping to resolve library dependencies and only clears open dll's from memory when they are no longer in use by any application.

  8. Anyway, good things comes with a price. :D

    Exactly :blink: You really do get what you pay for with this game...great graphics. (mostly) intelligent player base, frequent updates, servers that are almost never down, rich storylines, and a TON of things to do in-game.

    As for Final Fantasy 11 being primarily Japanese players, this has never been a problem for me (even without speaking Japanese to them, which is sometimes just easier than the auto-translate in the game) in parties.

    There are some continental lag issues (due to the servers being located in Japan) where sometimes Japanese players can spot mobs and camp more effectively than American players, but the reports of this happening are usually blown way out of proportion by some child who got pissed that he wasn't paying attention and someone else claimed the mob he was camping for a whopping *gasp* 20 minutes.
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