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Everything posted by demolaynyc

  1. A friend of mine showed me a nice tool which lets you use your gmail account as a virtual disk drive on your computer. The site can be found here: http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm Basically what it does is it makes your GMail account an online storage.
  2. First of all you'll need content and lots of it so SE can spider through all those words. My site had a moderate amount of content in a page and typed in a statement from it and Google found it.Content before Advertising.
  3. I want to make a web page using PHP codes to require() a list of keywords to put in between the meta keywords tag. If I did this, would the search engines be able to see these PHP generated keywords, thus making it more SE friendly?
  4. Yup! GetAFreelancer specifically has been the most successful freelance site that earned me some money. I recommend it to those programmers/designers out there who want extra money.
  5. It's still small for a palm pilot, it's pretty annoying to have to load so many pages for such a small website. Should have at least JS or flash. Pointless website, waste of time.
  6. So.... do people make money off of this? That's basically the question he's asking. This idea is pretty interesting and I would like to find out also.
  7. Booo I thought cheat sheets for school.
  8. Hmm.... does it pay more than AdSense? Bcuz if it doesn't then just choose AdSense.
  9. Hmm.... I don't see how the details on a 10MP camera would not be enough. The camera's chassis aren't that attractive, it looks like an old video camera. I feel that if I were to take pictures with that in public, I'd be pretty embarassed. Even if I say I have a 39 MP camera, what's the point of having that much.
  10. Hi, I just want to ask for opinions about CafePress and if it makes money. If anyone has ever earned money from this service then please don't hesitate to post. If you've tried and it didn't work out please tell us. I'm planning on launching a project with this website so I can get some revenue off my website but I don't want to waste my time so I'm asking.
  11. I tried the same thing and it didn't work. The way to solve this is to use only ethernet cables to connect both computers from the router. Connect the cable modem to the router via ethernet cable. If a computer does not have an ethernet port, you must buy a ethernet usb adapter (which costs about 25 dollars) to connect the ethernet cable to the computer through the usb adapter. Don't use usb cable from modem to computer directly because this will switch the ethernet port from the cable modem off.
  12. Despite the facts that the MySpace website service is soo bad and its coding is not as at ties with the other Social Networking group, it remains to be the most heard of website compared to xanga, friendster, facebook (i haven't even heard of this until now) and all the other sites like MySpace.There are millions of people who join and many more are coming. To the end user, they don't care about MySpace using a lot of tables instead of DIV tags to lay out modules. They may have slow loading times but that doesn't stop those amateur users. This is because they don't care about the source code of its web pages. All they need is a good place to meet many other people.So don't put it down that much. The user interface isn't as bad as people here say. As long as it gets the job done it's good. What I can say though is that if they code it better and serve its members better then probably it will get a lot more members to join.I use MySpace but not as much as I did but it keeps me connected to my friends that live far away. MySpace isn't that bad, but it also isn't that great. What keeps it going is the members.
  13. Woow, I just watched the videos to see how it looks like and the idea of bringing pictures together without tags and especially in a 3d model is pretty amazing! I wonder how they were able to code this technology. It's too bad I don't own Microsoft XP or Vista so I wasn't able to experience it. I like the technology and in the future if this keeps up we'll have more places to tour virtually in 3d.
  14. Wow, this is really exciting! Having programming syntax embedded in HTML is really great to hear. This is something worth taking a look at. Thank you for letting us know about it.
  15. Basically, "God in three Persons" God is not human remember that so we can't personify God. God can do anything, therefore God is One. Holy Trinity is God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. They're all one God.
  16. To me, the "two" Gods you mention are one. Just like what it says in Deutoronomy, "The Lord is good, the Lord is ONE". There is only ONE God. There are no two Gods.I agree with the statement that in the Old, he's a Scary God but in the new he is Loving God.First of all, God loves his children don't forget that.God damns sinners. But in fact, all humans are sinners! But through God's love and mercy he sent Jesus Christ to save us! The good news is that if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and you let him in your heart, then all the sins you've commited and sins yet to be commited will be cleansed and you will become Holy and Pure in the eyes of God and therefore you go to Heaven.What I'm trying to say here is that even though we commit sins but we have Jesus we are still pure and holy in the eyes of God because of his Great Mercy.
  17. To me, the "two" Gods you mention are one. Just like what it says in Deutoronomy, "The Lord is good, the Lord is ONE". There is only ONE God. There are no two Gods.I agree with the statement that in the Old, he's a Scary God but in the new he is Loving God.First of all, God loves his children don't forget that.God damns sinners. But in fact, all humans are sinners! But through God's love and mercy he sent Jesus Christ to save us! The good news is that if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and you let him in your heart, then all the sins you've commited and sins yet to be commited will be cleansed and you will become Holy and Pure in the eyes of God and therefore you go to Heaven.What I'm trying to say here is that even though we commit sins but we have Jesus we are still pure and holy in the eyes of God because of his Great Mercy.
  18. My friend wants to make a dedicated server that would have 8 slots for the game. The one we currently have for the dedicated server is a Pentium 3, 450Mhz, 128MB RAM, WIN2k, 4GB hard drive. Is that enough to make it into a dedicated server?
  19. Well basically the reason why I want to move to GIMP is because of the smaller file size. By that won't it be a faster program for slow computers?
  20. This thread is not a real tutorial, but basically a brief method of manipulating RSS feeds using Javascript and PHP while avoiding the confusing parsing methods of EXPAT (which I find really annoying to learn, yet I still haven't finished learning it) I know that many people are quite used to scripting in EXPAT to parse XML files, but to those who are not used to event-parsing method, I've come up with an alternative way. However, there are a few things you must know about Javascript and PHP/MySQL and XML. For java script: XML DOM For PHP/MySQL: Database to hold post For XML: to make RSS feeds So I just came up with this last night on the top of my head. This will be the first time I'm writing it down so bare with me. Basically what you have to do is to parse the RSS feed using XML DOM. To create a new item for the RSS feed, you would insert a new row to the database using PHP and SQL. After that section of the PHP program, declare a variable that would hold the source code for the "updated RSS feed" Example: $rss = "<? xml version="1.0" ?> \n";$rss .= " <? rss version="2.0" ?> \n"; Basically that's what you would have to do. Please excuse the errors that might exist inside those values. I haven't written an XML in a while so I forgot what it was supposed to be like. Now after the opening tags, you would insert the 6 most recent rows in the MySQL database. I prefer using 6 because isn't that the standard? I don't know maybe 15 but it can be any amount you want. Just don't make the file too big. After you've done this, overwrite or create a new RSS file. And there you go.
  21. Right now I'm using Photoshop CS2. It's a really useful program for web layouts. But I found out about GIMP and I've heard that it's a good program as well. I just want to ask which program you think is better for web layouts. Which takes up more hard disk space? Which one is faster.I haven't tried GIMP yet so I'd like to hear your opinions about it. Thanks.
  22. I haven't completely made any website founded on any CMS. I tried out Joomla, WordPress, and other CMS programs but I found them useless. I haven't tried Drupal though but I've been seeing many people in need of a drupal website. Does anyone have links to tutorials that would help me modify the templates?
  23. What do you mean by An Audio Website? Would the site have no graphics but just audio? A lot of internet users prefer to see a well-layed out web page with little text. But a simple audio webpage doesn't seem to be good approach.If you will make a website with graphics, text including audio then that would be fine.
  24. What you should have at the top of the list is CONTENT.If your website doesn't have good content then ads don't help.
  25. For those who need a website that needs at most 5,000 mb; require FTP uploading, PHP & MySQL, and especially for no price!, Then you should go to KingofHosts.comIt a really good website. However, being the fact that it's free, what it doesn't offer (unlike Xisto) is Fantastico, PHPpgAdmin, and a lot of other free features that Xisto offer. It also has a bottom text-ad but that shouldn't be too bad.I recommend this for those who don't want to pay for a webhost or for those who can't keep up the activity here in Xisto.This thread is not meant to insult Xisto because Xisto is an excellent FreeWebHost can't disagree to that.
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