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Everything posted by demolaynyc

  1. I use XAMPP Lite because it's portable and it's 100+Mb smaller than the regular one.
  2. citing from John 1 explanation: the Word is Jesus; Jesus was with God in the beginning and he WAS God. Through him (Jesus) all things were made. the Word = Jesus how? here describes Jesus 14: The Word became HUMAN and dwelled or lived among humans, us. --- If you want more answers, read this (it only takes 5 minutes to read): http://www.christiananswers.net/kids/ednk-jesusgodorman.html
  3. ^ This is where Awan got the verse from. I used "The Message" translation so it's easier for you to read. Background: God the Father sends Jesus (the Son) to earth to be in charge of every human being, so that He (God the Father) will save all he's in charge of (believers). I believe there is only one God. The same God who made the universe came down to earth to save us. In three days he rose up as the Holy Spirit. In the hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy" it says:
  4. But do all people believe in Him? Did all the people who've heard the Word believe? No. Christians don't do good deeds to get to heaven, we do them because we love him. Although we sin everyday, is because we are humans. But because we have Christ in us we are saved. Salvation is not through good works. Salvation is through Faith. It is nice that all we have to do is believe him. Because Christ has done it all. A Christian life can only be lived by Christ. It is only because of Christ living inside us that we are saved. We can never be like Christ because we're humans. We are to be like-Christ. It
  5. Facts:1. We are only humans 2. All humans are sinful (not one is sinless) 3. Jesus is sinless therefore he goes to heaven Now, the reason why Jesus died for us is to save us, am I right? Now because we can't save ourselves he died for our sins. Second, he said that whoever believes in him then we are saved. We are God's children because Jesus lives in us. God the Father sees the Son's purity in us and not the sins we commit.
  6. That's true, although our beliefs may be slightly different, as long as one belives in Jesus he will be saved.
  7. Please don't think that the Holy Trinity is three Gods. From Deutoronomy 6:4 it says Okay maybe this may be more clear to you, God reveals himself in three forms. He is the creator (the Father); He is our saviour (the Son); He is our guide (The Holy Spirit)
  8. I agree, it was confusing to me too at first but because of fellowships I was able to understand it. Okay basically what it's saying is that the Word is Jesus, and Jesus was already with God (the Father) from the very beginning. Because they are one, Jesus cannot come into existence at a different time.
  9. It's just a chapter, compared to regular books it barely makes a chapter. It's a page long.I guess if it's too hard for you to read then there's no need to force you.
  10. lol... okay, in the Bible you will find that Jesus was already with God from the beginning (John 1) I know it's confusing, it was confusing to me at first. If you kindly read just this one short chapter it's going to shed some light: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?searc&version=MSG This translation should be easy to read. It's nothing like "thy, thee or thine" it's modern version. My answer is all in there. I
  11. As a Christian, I believe in the Holy Trinity. God the Father (God), the Son (Jesus), the Holy Spirit (Our conscience). He is a messenger because he was sent by God. And he was sent to save us.
  12. Well didn't you read my post? There were several miracles in the article I linked to.
  13. I want to make my computer a dedicated server. But I'm not sure if it'll be a good one. Here are the specifications:PII 455mHz 128mb 4gb win2k pro
  14. Yea but you wouldn't really be a millionaire in that country or would you...? Plus it's kinda pointless because you'd want to be a millionaire in dollars.
  15. I work at home but interested in working in a firm. What is it like to work in a firm? And would I need college degrees because I'm only in high school but pretty good in web programming.
  16. I'm talking about the person in the book. JOB not the person who made the research.
  17. read this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These people aren't as idiotic as you think. The article above simply proves that the people of those times ALREADY knew about the stars. This book was dated thousands of years ago. This is the excerpt I'm talking about: Somehow, this person learned about the stars thousands of years before they were discovered. Amazing? Miracle? I believe so.
  18. You also don't have to do all the work. You can also assign moderators do some of the job as well to help you maintain the forum.
  19. Do any of these programs feature an easy way of changing file permissions? I'm talking like bulk file permission changes because that's the main reason I want to move. If they don't then I'll stay with Explorer.
  20. Well I have 3 years of experience in FTP using just Windows Explorer but lately I've just heard of these FTP softwares like smartFTP, cuteFTP and fileZilla. I haven't used any of these but to me I think Windows Explorer is fine with me because it's just like managing files in local folders. So I would like to know what the advantages are if I was to use any of these FTP softwares.
  21. I don't really care about VBscript, I just want to find out if I can really use Javascript in ASP.
  22. I read in w3schools.com that you can code in Javascript rather than VBscript in making ASP pages. All you have to do is to put the following line at the top of the page: <%@ language="Javascript" %>I don't like VBScript because it's just too confusing and I know a lot about Jscript. Coding in ASP with JS would be really cool and helpful so is it really possible? Can anyone help me with this?What I mean is that I want to use these kind of syntax: "document.write" instead of "response.write" and "function hello(){}" instead of "private sub hello() end sub"Is it possible?
  23. Yeah, I didn't expect Flash to do such a good job with SQL considering that to view changes you must reload the program. I'd be amazed to see "AjaxMyAdmin" That would replace phpMyAdmin for sure.
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