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Everything posted by YudzzY

  1. i had system mechanic and tuneup utilities.. they rock!i will be trying diskeeper soon, and i guess there is more to be added in the must haves in this topic..
  2. yea, that what i was thinking, a forum instead of a blog!i dont have a blog yet, but thinking to have one soon, just for the sake of.. to try..
  3. and i thought virus scanning was included.. hahaha.. i'm surprised, and good they are improving.. but what i wanted from gmail is: an automatic message when the recipient reads the email! i would love that!!
  4. you spoke exactly my mind! Gmail is the best service or google i think, almost everyone is leaving their old email account and coming to gmail. google search is the second best i think, i used it for my searches and i think they are better than yahoo or other search engines. seeing so many people using blogging, i am thinking of trying it.. although i dont like the idea! there are other services, like google map, google earth, google group, google news (which is not bad news source either), images search which i quite often use, and there are lot bunch or services.. i guess yea, they are looking forward to take over the internet bests... and they arent bad either... their services are really cool, and at least they are free as of yet!! do you guys think google will make us pay for their services later on, caz i am getting addicted to them!!
  5. i will be looking forward to give some contribution in some sort, ..i'm not much a coder, but i'm good at algorithms, and i troubleshoot well..
  6. This is really very good helpful tutorial for me and for my site. The tutorial here are not very hard to grasp, i only need some care towards these mistakes. I have also make some of these mistakes, and i think i'm gonna take more care about it in futur..in other words, i will have to re-design the site.. lol
  7. i do not really know php, but just from the codings i see, i figured out the above!i have to look forward to more coding details.. however these are very helpful!well, these were just for displaying text, so are you coming more with the commands and more complex codings ?i will be waiting for them...
  8. i've always wanted to try those tricks, but barely got an opportunity. i will try the ones above, surely!
  9. Now thats hilarious, i must say the people sending it hac some creativity! but what the use of sending those virusses? what kind of virus was that?and also, what was the 'supposed be' FBI email address?but that idea can be used for spamming, which will make the people open the email and go to the spammed website! nice innovative..
  10. the paypal donation button is cool, but the point is how to make people donate, or rather how to convince them to donate? what makes people get the feel to donate?something that pleases them on the site, like a service? a free service? what kind of service usually get them to it?one thing i know is, i am at a forum where they share music, not really illegal, and i know lots of people donate, and quite a few bucks, to keep the server running, and the donations are more than enough for just the server! hots off to the owner of that site!i dont have much resources, but i want to know a few tricks to get them to donate! a popup stating why they should donate? or something?
  11. what! dont tell me you havent had a gmail account yet! dude, its the best ever.. the bestest! its so cool to use that i even feel ashamed to log in hotmail or yahoo! gmail rocks! its has some ads, text ads, unlike what you find in hotmail or yahoo, like huge banners, etc. it is just great.. you have to experience it to know it!!and yea, given its so cool, you need an invitation to have one, and drop by saxsuxsarah, i guess they will charge your credit card after 29days, right? i closed it right away when i say they were asking for money!
  12. welcome frank, you look like an interesting person.. hope to have special contributions from you ;-)welcome and have fun!
  13. i wouldnt care who invented them, i guess evolution, changing little things in alphabets, playing with symbols, and someone smart using it to make a face throughtout them.. never cared about it really! lol
  14. i use ws ftp pro, but i will try to use one of the above mentioned coz ws ftp pro cracks me up.. it looses its connection every now and then, i wonder whats up with it!
  15. yeah i know about them, and there is some server that pays you to host images, something like imagecash.com ! what hit my mind is:1.why will someone set a server just to host your images?-do you think this is some tricks to use your pictures for futur, for any reasons, like if you uploading your own photo there, they could use your photo and identify themselves as you in some places, or something like that?2.and why will someone pay you to host images. i guess the ads generating money for them or something?Yudz
  16. Yordan, what do you mean by "If you try to put it on another system it could fail."so, there is a chance that i would install properly, too? that would be awesome if i could to that do different hard drives!and one question:make as if i am trying to do that restore to a computer that already has an OS installed, will it overwrite it, or will i have an option to have a double boot system?
  17. yes abhiram, i am also getting bluewaffle.astahost.com's cpanel popup! something wrong somewhere........i cant see the posted image either!Actually, i needed those tutorials too! its helpful, and i can use them for funtime.. ..
  18. hey you guys are so helpful!i was really busy with the previous days, and i wondered how it would have gone if you guys hadnt helped me!the script link your provided helped me a lot. i went through some of those scripts, and worked out with them, tested them, tried to modify them to my likes, and with much hard work and understanding i got how they function. then i added on and merged it with my original page, and tested it online and wouuwww it works! first i tried to run the script offline, lol so stupid of me, and the computer couldnt process the php file, and i thought this script has some bugs, so i tried a next script, and same with that one... i tested like 4-5 scripts, and i wondered maybe they work when online, and lol.. i tried it online and bingo it worked, i even received the email in my inbox, and now that works perfectly!all credits to you guys for helping: guy, Houdini, ruben, Logan Deathbringer, and specially vujsa for that detailed post and the script links!to be honest, i didnt knw that those scripts realy exists.. now i'll check them out all and enhance the website ;-)
  19. just for the records, i'm from indian origin too. i am in mauritius.Ramesh, welcome. why is your post count '0' ?? get going i think this site rocks as hosting!whether this site is really giving free webhosting: YES, but you have to post some meaningful decent posts, and acquire credits and apply for your hosting, and you get it alright as you would want! you should acquire 10 credits with about 10 posts, i guess, although this depends on the length of what you write. you can still surf on more posts or rules and how this system works to get know more of it, i just gave an overview.dhanesh, nice siggie there!
  20. yes i read that yesterday, and i was impressed by the quality of response and i actually need to check out those scripts and implement them. ruben: just your code what you wrote, is it enough to make the form work? of course the scripts too! if i can get the meaning of each commands that would be helpful, like form action = script.php does what etc.vujsa: thats so helpful of you, i will try it and get back to you? it will take some time to get the things work perfectly..but thats a hella explanation.. hats off guy: thanks for the links, you were better this time and i will try those you said aboutlogan: thanks for your suggesting but i'm more into other computer stuffs than programming, but i will take it into consideration! i appreciate the help :-D
  21. lol ruben why do you care when its free! i will try into that, but i hope people will know that .be domains exists..
  22. your router ip is your internal ip, and your the other is your external ip. what you should use is your external ip when trying to play? are you on a local server or playing through internet! if local server, the internal ip should do. if internet, the external ip only will work. now if your ip usually change, you should update it as often, or you could use the domain ip linked to your computer(sorry i dont know how to explain that - but its something like test324.anything.verizon.com)
  23. i guess he mastered the strategies of the game properly..... of course he must have trained a lot! he would know when the opponent would attack and when defend, and what will he do when you attack or do something! he just countered that attack and pre visualise what would happen and just kicked it hard! sometimes when i play some game, i already know whats coming next, if the oppenent will try to attack, use magical powers or something and i either defend it or attack him before he does! like some soccer games, i know what angle i will kick the ball that the keeper wont be able to catch and i keep stuffing him like that! but still being blind and winning.. hats off!
  24. wow.. thats a kinda reminder system!i can actually plan my life for 20 years.. lol.. i can get a reminder after 10 years tht i need a baby, and i wil do it, get a reminder for buys car, house, i can even get a reminder saying "Hey, its been 15years since you using this ****" lol pretty cool waiting on thatbut what if the email expires then duh!
  25. think i know about that, but it always gets off screen for me! so i dont use it! do you have a dual monitor? i have one monitor with dual PCs connected to it, and i think that rocks better! as for having 2 monitors, whats the importance?
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