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Everything posted by YudzzY

  1. yes, search it in this forum itself. i saw it a moment ago, but cannot find it now. it should be somewhere.. hmm.. did you find it already!
  2. my god! very informative post!!!! should i just thank you or should i jump and hug you ~well, thanks a bunch for these infos.. i'll be trying these soon!and just a quick question!if you register 2 accounts, and add the second one as referral of the 1st, will that be profitable, in the sense that you are getting paid twice? i still have to grasp that concept yet..
  3. use dbPowerAmp.. it will make the mp3 to the quality you like, like 128 or something.. but that wunt be 100% efficient, but there is the difference! check it out ;-)
  4. mine is premierleague.comthere is iknowthescore game and football fantasy game.. its so awesome a prediction game!
  5. nice remark.. but whatever, its understood! and the post is hilarious.. nice one sparx!
  6. in mauritius here its like $100 - didnt check its specifications.. i'm thinking to taking one soon.is there any specific feature that is important in buying it? like space, etc?
  7. 56k - which really sucks!thinking of upgrading to 128k soon - money problem - hopefully i will get it soon..used to have 3MB when i was in usa, but now.. uff!
  8. thats a cool one! but i wonder i will not work with 128MB! i will be upgrading soon, that will be helpful! ;-)
  9. my computer a 300mgz 128md ram with win98 boots in about 30 seconds. but with winXP on it, it takes like 2 minutes to boot!both being simultaneously on the system, on different partitions.. sometimes i see defragmenting working, but on XP i dunt see any effects.hopefully, future releases of OS will start much quicker.and btw, the win98 one shuts down almost immediately! heh!
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