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Everything posted by plot

  1. yes its recommended you set the auto prune feature on your board, it will save loads of space, but if your a board thats need those archived posts like a warez board or a cheats board this isnt the best solution
  2. This is wrong since nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata went on record that they made a mistake using the 4" disks and will be using the 8" with the revolution' date=' but with ps2 and xbox using the 8" thier games wernt nearly good enough to fill the entire disk so they added "bounus" features and all this other uneeded junk, not many people wanna know how they made they game, they just want to play it. With nintendo using the 4" they compromised the size of games they can use so they couldnt gave titles like Grand Theft Auto this is true but they still need to have an income coming from thier consoles, they cant have any net-loss it would be pointless to release because every console they sell the more they loss. woould you sell something for $10 if it took you $12 to make it?? no! youd want some profit, its the same as resellers, you buy from the retailer for $200 you sell for $250 to get your self a good net-income so you dont go bankrupt, althought they make most of thier money in software sale, they need to make most of it in console sales as well nintendo also has the zelda exclusive series but they really need to release with better titles. games like animal house arnt the type of games that alot of gamers are into, its just boring... i think you are very correct on ps2 winning the second generaltion game consoles buts it was very compact and great proformance came out of it, the only thing i really didnt like was the load time, the loading was killer it was just to long for each game and when they came out with american wasteland, that was perfect with absolutly NO loading screen which was great for gamers every where not really....looking at the time between other consoles, no so right now im getting the nintendo revolution, a new pc, and i probably the ps3 but im still decideing betwen xbox and ps3
  3. ya it was a while ago, probably 1½ to 2 years ago and that was when i was getting started and i had alot of help from friends on that one
  4. i would have to say the second one, but i dont like the "Xisto Coperation" right beside "Admin" maybe if you made it "Xisto Corperation Admin" or put the alias and admin at the top and Xisto Corperation at the bottem that would look a bit better to me, but thats just my opinion, the list in the first 1 looks a bit to clutered for my liking, overall good job
  5. nintendo has been around since before the original playstation was released! and they are still here, they made a mistake with the came cube with the small disks couldnt hold alot of data therefore limiting game titles but revolution has amazing release titles like the new smash bros, metroid prime. plus the ability to download all its titles from before consoles, dk64, zelda series, resident evil. and the new slim look the prototype has is bigger then the release console the controller is amazing! putting the control into your arm (to swing a sword you swing your arm, shoot a gun you point and pull the b button [located on the back of the controller(remote)]) and xbox 360 releasing in 10 days is definetly going to get them ahead in the market but the anticipation nintendo is building up? its amazing, they have bairly told us anything! no1 is sure on release date, release price, release titles, specs, they just released thier new controller 2-3 months ago, and they still go by codename nintendo revolutionmost people know everything they need to know about ps3 its got a new slick look excellent specs but its big and clunky, nothing like ps2. and xbox 360 being a bit bigger then the gamecube but in a sphere, makes it something to look forward too
  6. lmfao!! lol microsoft and google have been duking it out for 2 years now both are very powerful and both want monopolys with such a power strugle the internet isnt going to be big enough for the both of them, and since google is the worlds leading seach engine because they have expanded to almost all international languages which so mny features for the user it makes them feel like thier own admin its amazing! google has beaten microsoft at the search engine (msn search) and email now (hotmail) microsoft is just getting angry because some1 is better then themselfs google will continue to offer more and microsoft will faid into the backround, before you know it, in 20 years google will be coming out with thier own OS and a google version of everything microsoft has to offer (ie. microsoft office) but both companies have a long way to go before they are killing anyone
  7. what kinda post was that?? i think alot of people already made it clear it was still beta, this was kind of a usless post...
  8. lol i dunno personally i think they look really cool and its a change from the clouds on xp, and speedy i made a second topic in this forum, just scroll down a bit
  9. lol i think dreamcast is by far the worst console ever made! the controller is crap, it has a huge hole in it thats not there for anything! and the game play and the game disks suck! titles sucks everything sucks about it! genesis was good but Sega made a wrong move with dreamcast as for the revolution..The latest Nintendo Revolution rumor to hit the web is a doozie… “Nintendo may be aiming for a $99 launch price.” Yeah, it’s a dirty rumor, but could it be done? Doing so would put the Revolution in a league of its own, practically excusing it from the next-gen battle—it simply wouldn’t be competing with the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 if it were wearing a $99 price tag.We’re likely going to see a lot of these rumors popping up in the coming months. Some suggest that rumors like this might be motivated by a desire to discourage prospective Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 buyers. Needless to say, we should take this rumor—and the ones to follow—with a grain of salt.It’s also important to remember that Nintendo doesn’t sell its consoles at a loss. If a $99 Revolution is a real possibility, we can expect the system to be only a fraction as powerful as the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.and som leaked specsThe brains of the console are rumored to be a single dual-threaded IBM "custom" PowerPC 2.5 GHz CPU, with 256 KB L1 cache and 1 MB of L2 cache (L3 cache is rumored). The system will also sport a Physical Processing Chip (PPU) with 32MB of dedicated RAM, while the CPU itself will saddled up next to 512MB of system RAM. The custom ATI GPU solution is rumored to consist of a RN520 600MHz core, backed with 256MB of RAM and "32 parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines." The release date is predicted to be mid 2006 while xbox360 releases in november on the 22nd and ps3 is being released supposably in march so i think xbox360 will gain the market since they released first, and it just doesnt look to pormicing for nintendo revolution, but they spend more time developing nintendo (its obviously better) making the direct download system better and faster alowing you to play any game ever made for nintendo xbox360 is turning into a pc for noobs in my opinion because with msn integration, microsoft is trying to making xbox the new pc and xbox360 game play sounds excellent while ps3 graphics are amazing! its really hard to pick between the 3 but pc definetly over rules all of them by far there is no comparison
  10. ^^what kinda post is that??^^ thats spam and should be banned for it, and yes this is old news and the drag and drop feature is definetly a cool feature and it should be used all over the place i love google
  11. lmfao im still stuck on level 72 is any1 wants to help me out
  12. Well this isnt the best post but oh well, microsoft made a bad move when they came out with age of mythology so this game is definetly a good step in the right direction.
  13. im not a playstation 3 player so im not going to waste my mony on a game im not going to play, ill probably get into ps3 or xbox 360 or even nintendo revolution but not wastin time on ps2 isnt in my mind at the moment
  14. at the moment i think opera is the leading browser, it has recently come out with its brand new version opera 8.5 definetly surpased all other web browsers but you needed a lisence which didnt make to many people happy, so they decided to make it freeware so i would have to say opera is now by far the best,arnt mozilla and firefox the same thing? mozilla made firefox i believe, but firefox was the leading browser before opera 8.5 and ie7 but since firefox hasnt come out with any really worth while releases, ie7 (for beta testers like myself) surpased firefox in realiablity security and browsing speed, with built in updates, stoping worms in their tracks, searchs for website phishing seals security gaps and stops spyware microsoft has taken a huge step in the right direction, and with a user friendly interface, alowing you to have one window to browse several pages and a search engine conviniently in the top right corner and displaying only the buttons you need (stop, refresh, go) these will only displayed if they are needed and that saves space, taking the tool bars from 3, to 2..but is it too late to get back the users who were fed up with ie and switched to firefox?? probably, but let it be known...once Microsoft releases IE 7 they will be second in the list for top web explorersnetscape....they used to be good, they once were top but they were never freeware and netscape is focused completly on security, so if your a security freak netscape is the way to go, but you need to pay for it and its just not worth it when opera is freeware... so my list for top web explorers would be1. Opera 8.52. Internet Explorer 73. Mozilla/Firefox4. Netscape
  15. plot

    Wow, IPB 2.1 !

    its not a monthly expence, i believe with IPB its a yearly expence, unlike vbulletin you have to take the board down once your least lisence expires, and Xisto host would take a very long time to upgrade to 2.1 mostly because the mods would be gone and it would be very difficult to install the credit system and make it compatible with 2.1 it may be better in every way but its just not worth the hard work..
  16. yes the layout really needs a change but i understand (being a webmaster and forum admin myself) that this is pretty hard, especially when you have alot of hacks installed, it looks with Xisto that if they decided to add a new layout they are going to have to add all the ads, "similar threads", "last posts", "last threads", credit system" they have to install all these into the new layout which can be a very tedious proccess, a new thread would be a nice change, but it can be very difficultand personally i dont really like the elite skin, looks messy and un proffesional, but i like the ambience skin
  17. im using IE 7 beta 1 and i think its pretty cool right at the moment and definetly better then firefox with this release, but opera takes the care because its freeware now
  18. i thought DAP 7.5 has been out for a long time?? ive had it for almost 2 months now, but i like Internet Download Accelerator better, the speed is much better and the interface is alot easier to understand in my opinion, and there is alot more options with the FTP interface aswel, they also use mas download which is pretty cool too@speedyall download managers should have the download resume and pause option, if not they arnt a very good manager, rapidshare and megaupload only offer download resume if you get a premium account and your only alowed to use a download manager with rapidshare and megaupload if you have a premium account, so it all works out
  19. sorry for the double post...astahost really needs to alow people to edit thier posts why wouldnt you trust gmail?? they use bots to scan your email, but so does every other email service out thier, hotmail does it, yahoo, all emails do it. accept gmai does it to place ads relavent to your email content, while hotmail does it to figuer out what spam emails best suit your desire and why should you feel ashamed your not paying for gmail??? i think thats a stupid comment because google isnt here purly to make money, they are here to make the people happy with what they use on the internet, first they made people happy with the most powerful search engine on the web, then they came out with google earth, maps, news, destop search, toolbar. they only google took you have to pay for it google earth, but its understandable, what do they ask for in return??? they ask that you tell them how they can improve your internet experience! google is only thier for you, not for themselfs, they even offer tons of job positions!
  20. gmail is still beta...just because the gmail development team posted that you can sign up for gmail doesnt mean its not beta any more, there is a sign up link right below the login box, although it is only available to us mobile numbers and only available certain times of the day and certain days of the week
  21. something is wrong with you post cyborg, gmail does offer ads, exept they are only relevant ads, like all email services gmail bots scans your email and places ads that are relevant to the content of your email and hotmail is offering 250megs for freeone more thing i have to point out is hotmail offers 2mb attachments, i believe yahoo offers 5megs for attachments, but gmail offers an amazing 50 megs! there is one draw back, they only alow 10megs per attachment but i was able to send 48 megs 10, 3-5mb files you have to wait a small amount of time and gmail doesnt in any way tell you the file is to big or how long left till its finished.gmail places no ads in your email! your email just got more organized! with hotmail you get virus scan results and ads that have nothing to do with the email posted at the bottom of your message, i dont know if yahoo does but gmail most definetly does not! this is yet another amazing feature of gmail.Hotmail is a microsoft company, shouldnt they offer more then just 250 free megs?? microsoft makes twice as much as google does get google offers 4x more! yahoo offers 1 gig for email storage, but you have to pay for it....and who wants to pay for 1 gig?? ive used 189megs of my gmail account and it was free! Signup....gmail isnt a completly free service at the moment, thats why they havnt opened up free account signups, but gmail hands out 50 invites every 2 months so they are just testing their server load how uch space they can continue on offering and so on, personally i think gmail will be forever beta because google is just not happy with their work untill they get ALL the business. you know google is going to start a google version of paypal because they just started using electronic transfers in google adsense.gmail has 2658 MB at this very moment yet it still continues to climb! they will be offering 3 gigs by the end of the year! gmail is by far the best email service out there, and i dont know about this 30gigs email account but i dont think they will ever match up to google.speed. googles server is definetly the fastest out of hotmail/yahoo, hotmail has ads plastered all over the place which slows down the loading proccess exponentially, also microsoft has xbox live, msn, msn gaming zone, passports, ect... all running down thier servers and all these places have ads in every corner of every page as for yahoo, they definetly tip the scale in their direction over hotmail since there is no chance beating gmail they have to take out hotmailsimple truth, gmail...simply the best, this fight is over ans always has been, may as well close the thread, its usless for hotmail and yahoo! mail to even hopeless try to come close to gmail
  22. There are several children chat rooms, just google them up and parents can sign there children up there, and there is loads of secrurity with windows xp, for example a child cannot download anything unless he/she is givin administrator rights, internet explorer also has parental guards which filter on certain levels of violence, nudity ect...The internet is a very safe place for kids who have parents that care...as for yahoo, it isnt what its all cracked up to me in my opinion, i dont really like it i dont use it much, the games i play and using instant messengers is all the chatting i need to do, so i really dont care for chatrooms, its also a bad place for sick minded adults and not the best place to pick up a date.
  23. ya, gmail is fine, and hotmail plainly sucks, when i recieve a forward and its all trashed down with ads it just gets clutered and hard to read, with gmail no ads added into the email and the forwards are perfectly organized and 1tb is to much for what they offer, they need a mailnation drive where you can just add the account as a removable driveplus this service doesnt receive incoming mail! its just bounces back to sender which is really stupid and a waste of time, you can send mail and send mail to your self and 10mb attachments are pretty good but not when you cant send things to this account, this service really needs to work on thier servers.and the interface is pretty boring IMO it looks like outlook, and i hate outlook...so thats why i got incredimail...no ads are great and its free??how do they pay for all the space?? There is to much wrong with this "mailnation" for me to like it
  24. yup, i do all my work in photoshop cs2, and the sigs take me on average 20-30 minutes
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