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Everything posted by plot

  1. plot

    Invision vs phpBB

    well if it were between those two i would pick IPB because its got so many more options then the ACP is 100% better then phpbb but if it were between all boards, vBB would win by far, no contest
  2. level 10 is accually pretty simpleDon't think about "converting" rather think about "recording""don't let me wait"? what is she/he waiting for?? is there something that can be sped up??
  3. no thanks, im quite happy with windows blinds, althought my desktop maybe notbe 3d but its neatly organized and looks really cool in my opinion
  4. plot

    Script Importer

    Hey im looking for a script importer for the vBB board, i want to make my phpbb a vBB, and i deleted mine and i cant find it again so if anyone knows where i could get one that would be great, thanks alot
  5. plot

    Norton Problem

    accually i got Norton antivirus 2005 and im having no problems its really good and works well also another good antivirus program would be kaspersky they are really good, but definetly not as good as norton, ive never had problems with the newest norton, maybe the older ones, but not this new one
  6. Wow! Thanks alot this really helped me notice alot of things with my site, and i thank you, im improving it right now and i really never would have noticed any of it without read this post so i thank you a ton
  7. i would say sharpen 6-10 times then use some wind, also a good thing to use is gaussian blur and some noise wow thats really old, i just got photoshop cs2 9.0 and its working great, ive never been that far back so i wouldnt know how much that version suck compared to mine but im sure it does and you should upgrade asap
  8. pixel2life.com is a great source for tutorials also good-tutorials.com is great too, i know alot about photoshop but i havnt taken the time to learn flash, so im not to sure on that
  9. This program is a waste of time, whose sole purpose in the application life is to eat up your computers resorces, dont kill your computer using this....
  10. The Link is dead for me, but what i got from the posts is customizing a desktop into a mac lookpersonally i dont like mac, i think its ugly but thats just me, i love my pc and i use windows blinds to customzie my desktop and i think it looks pretty cool right now and the skins you can find out on the web are really good and i really think you should consider windows blinds or style xp to changes things like your boot screen (inted of the xp logo and the blue loading bar you get a cool new look, several different looks)
  11. phpBB works fine with 10mb, all you need is a database that has a fair bit of space, because if you keep all your posts archived and no prune them they will all be stored in your MySQL database, and if you decided to switch webhosts its going to be hell because it takes a while to backup and it takes even longer to run the queries with phpadminthe only time when you really need more webspace is when you want to start installing skins and mods and stuff like that, thats when you need to start getting more space, but im possative your not going to need more the 50mb if all your running is a forum and not a website
  12. plot


    yes After I first installed it, it was as buggy as hell and I was disappointed by the lack of AI support. But when I upgraded my comp and installed the first two patches it now runs finely.I'm just disappointed by the potential they missed, the game's knife toting bots only work on about 7 of the maps, all of which are 16-player, and you cant start a net server that includes them.Not to mention only two game modes: Conquest and SP. They could of had CTF, or an objective based game mode would of been cool, not to mention CooP. But no they just rush out a incomplete product. i dont think that game price is worth itBFV with Point of Existance mod was alot more playable than this.It will probally be the original BF and very bugged early on. Bf1942 wasnt worth playing untill v1.4 (4th update) when they fixed alot of bugs.Well, lets just hope the expansions are going to be good.
  13. Well being the admin of a very popular forum and the moderater of several other i say you do have the right so say that but im also the admin of a small forum that i made for my friend and i really dont care because there alot of my friends that arnt that smart about this forum stuff so i explain how to post and it really is just, i dont think it matters being an un-official forum just for your and your friends, maybe just a place to spend time and talk with your friends outside of school. but if it was a public forum with closer to 100 hits a day maybe i would be a bit more strict with the posting and forum rules, this is just my opinion even though she is your friend she should respect what you have the say and what power you have on your forum and if she doest get it just kick her off for a few days and if she doesnt come back then shes not really a cool friend
  14. yes i agree, bush is a stupid person, i swear he wouldnt be able to find his butt with his both his hands, its kind of that not being able to push a dead alien over, because it makes stupid decisions and just doesnt realize it then he makes the same stupid decision again, he can be really moronic sometimes, usually most of the time.
  15. It really isn't, most of the riddle is common sence, but there a few where you do need to have some form of internet knoledge like once in a while you need to check out the sorce, take the picture and convert it to .jpg or.gif, just so you can see a certain word that you need to add to the address, plus google is definetly your best friend on this riddle, and the sorce code is you second best friend, they ever give you a google search bar when its required, it just shows how helpful they are
  16. lol, this is pretty sad, not that i really use the rating recommendations any ways heh really it doesnt bother me much but i think it is a stupid idea to get rid of the rating system because just like you said, the parents need something to tell them the game is to good for them because the parents jsut dont know this stuff....
  17. If you would like, you could email me or pm me and i can help you out with that, ive done alot of forum installing and editing, several times over ive installed vBB IPB PhpBB WowBB MiniBB YaBB, and a few other boards, so if you got some hacks you like and would like me to install them for you i would be more the happy to help you there.
  18. The first level? All you do is click on the door... Any ways i love not pr0n and ivebeen working on it for the past 3 months, currently im stuck on level 78, can anyone help me if they are that far? Thanks alot, i encourage everyone to try this! This will increse your computer knoledge as well as your knoledge to understand source its a great riddle to ease your time.
  19. lol, yes i think think his arrogance was uncalled for, we really didnt need it and of corse i completely agree with the racism issue.This is the first time ive heard about this hurricane relief, i guess i should watch the news more. But when i get more information ill come back and reply to this post having more knoledge on the subject
  20. plot


    I just wanted to say hi, my name is James and ive been designing webpages for about 2 years (mostly customizing and installing everything to do with vBB) so if you need any help with vBB and would like someone to install it with no worries, you can email me at amd167@gmail.comI apologize but i made a few posts before i posted here, it took my a while to notice this forum and i apologize for that, ill be more observant next time.I hope to be at this forum for a long time as ive always been looking for a nice community forum which is really hard to find. So thanks for being here and i hope to talk to every one of you in these discussion forums thanks again
  21. You should try Runescape.com i think its pretty cool because there is alot to do and it will never stop, theres always more to do even on the free worlds, then when you go into the paid worlds ($5 a month) theres even more to do! i guarentee you wont completely finish this game in your lifetime
  22. Im pretty sure he is just explaining a way to make the forum smaller and more managableAs for top forums, i like vBB and IPB. But i lean toward vBB because it has a wider range of hacks and skins, and as everyone says, its very customizable, you can change alot of things on this board, you could change so much that it wouldnt even look like a vBB board any moreAlso i completely agree with you when you say PhpBB is customizable too, the number of hacks and skins that come with PhpBB is unbelievable, some say that if you find the right hacks you can make PhpBB look just like vBB, the thing i really dont like about PhpBB is the admincp, the lack of options really frusturates me, thats why i stick with vBB or IPB
  23. Artluo100, ive installed vBB many times over, and ive had many people ask me about the same error your getting, i check over what they have done and 90% of the time it is the config.php file, they usually dont have the right information, if its not that then microscopic^earthling has a really good explanation on setting up a database for your forum...these are the most known causesAlso feel free to email me at amd167@gmail.com and i can install the board for you or walk you through the steps to get your board up and running if you have any further trouble
  24. im sure your all aware that BF2 was released about 2 months ago, im wondering how many have you have jumped on the oportunity and had some fun with the game i can say that i have definetly had an awesome time so far with it, what is your favorite kit? whats your favorite level? and why? Personally i like medic and strike at karkland because well lots of people die and i got lots of revive points and there are plenty of roof tops and sniper places as well as armour to take out, this is a really good map to rack up the points in my opinionTell me what you guys think of this game and let me know what you favorite kit and map are.
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