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Everything posted by plot

  1. Now, i was shocked to find out that SplitFish GameWare has developed a cheap knock-off of Nintendo codename Revolutions new controller for PS2. Its amazing how many times Sony has copied Nintendo over the years and granted nintendo also took some ideas from Sony (ie: controller is very similar) but Sony has now tried to create the Nintento codename Revolution controller (currently BETA) just because the failed to come up with any ideas of thier own! Heres a picture of the new controller: This is so annoying. If anyone wants to give thier opinion on this noobish move feel free to call down Sony because they made another huge mistake because this will just make them look worse when the Nintendo codename Revolution comes out. So save your $60 and spend it on something worth while, like the Nintendo codename Revolution forgot to post pic link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. plot

    XBox 360

    i guess im a bit late replying to this thread but ill manage, first off there are 3 versions of the xbox 360 (both complete ripoffs) the xbox 360 for 400 and the xbox 360 core system for 500, obviously the coresystem has more stuff included but dont buy the system, it really isnt everything it says to be, save your money for a worth while system like nintedo codename revolution
  3. vbulletin also comes with an uninstall script, just go back to install.php and select uninstall
  4. accually vbulletin is quite efficient with resorces since thier 3.5 release
  5. yes i know, there are alot of topics comparing them but everyone has thier own opinion and i want to give mine as well as hear a few.First of both vBB and IPB are very powerful forums, infact both the board have won awards for most powerful forum software available, now vbulletin (IMO) is a more proffesional forum, as it requires you edit the config.php.new file to set it up and does not have a script where you enter your information like IPB does, vBB is also more proffesional because it has some features (pro features) that arnt included in IPB (ie: you can customize every aspect of it) and with vB you can even install language packs and give translation for certain phrases.Now for IPB, IMO IPB is a very user friendly board because its got a very easy to understand usercp and admincp, and plus it has alot of easy to figuer out options that are in plain site (with most skins) like the logout button which usually hidden on vBB, and the personal messenger and assistant is a pretty cool feature just to make it so much easier for users to understand whats going on.a while ago both vBB and IPB released thier brand new board (3.5 and 2.1) with a tonne of new features including inline moderation and AJAX features, personally i would like it if the entire forum included ajax features but im not a coder and i wouldnt know how difficult that would bebut this is my speal on both of the nets more powerful forums, please let me know who you think will win this epic battle for most powerful forum ever.
  6. That was the directory when i was using it but it failed to work as i needed ghostscript installed with is, im assuming Xisto uninstalled it, but GD does the samething, so its best to use that
  7. you should keep them allsome definitions may be wrong....feel free to correct me if you find an error.cpanel-datastore - Is where Cpanel stores all there information regarding your site.fantasticodata - Is where Fantastico stores all there information regarding your site.htpasswds - Prevents un-authorized users from view the directory.trash - The trashetc - Anything extramail - logs and things regarding your mailboxspublic_ftp - The directory users will see if they login to your sites ftp anonymouslypublic_html - What users see when they visit your URLtmp - Temporary files.contactemail - Logs.contactsavetime - Logs.lastlogin - Logswww - Same as public_html
  8. plot.astahost.com has been suspendedi have sent OpaQue and email and several pm's yet i fail to get any replies, could i please get my account enabled or at least get a backup of my databases, Thanks
  9. its amazing how many things are being upgraded, so many people think that when something new is made its brand new technology but its really not this is intresting and i wont wait to learn more
  10. accually, i have no problem with ebay, its just ebays partner (paypal) that i have the biggest beef with
  11. lmao thats funny, ya i would probably buy it since its so cheap but it could be a hoax, i would go much over $5 but if there were other developers that want to buy it for a tonne of money i wont stop them
  12. an auto reply? im pretty sure they have that. any ways virus scanning took a while to get, it should have been one of the first things they released, at least it isnt like hotmail and leaves a big message at the end
  13. lol theadminzone is pretty cool, i like vbwebmasters better though since im a total vb freak
  14. ya paypal is to secure in my opinon, like its understandable when your security is good but paypal just takes it to far, when you gets as bad as disabling your account if you access it from another ip, its to bad
  15. lol, well google's goal is to make everyone happy, that why they are forever in beta
  16. its an indexing thing it indexs site and say what information the site gives on that, you have to site your site of to give live infromation on google like that, for example if you sign Xisto up with it to index thier site for live stats you could search for "Xisto users online" it would say Xisto - Online 15 accourding to Xisto.com/index.php or members.php or something like that, google came out with live indexing a while ago, while microsoft is still working at it
  17. Google annouces they were launching Google Wallet by the end of the year but im not to sure on if they are going to launch or if they are even going to make it, paypal is a really big company to take on and i dont think they will suceed very easly but maybe if they do launch, im pretty sure there is alot of companies that will switch to google wallet since transfer rates are going to be very low if not anything... News Source: http://www.kottke.org/05/06/google-wallet https://t''>https://t'>http://www.kottke.org/05/06/google-wallet https://t -----Below article copied from http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/06/24/levchin_on_google/ '> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/06/24/levchin_on_google/ -----12/6/05, szupie
  18. well i think google is going for the user friendly way of things, because since they make most of thier programs and services user friendly everyone uses it! for example you can use any name, or email address for gmail, you dont even have to use thier interface, you could be using them for thier space and they wouldnt care. and msn is soon going to be able to be used on google talk and everything else that google offers is all user friendly and completly customizable. anf if google decides to make an OS is going to be hell because there is going to be alot of people who will buy it, google being user friendly will make it cheap and offer alot more customization over windows and cheaper and just overall better. and once google puts microsoft out of business and other big companies like amazon, paypal, and ebay out of business they will make everything a paid service, then youll have to pay for all thier services, and there are no other alternative because they all went out of business, and they will probably make you buy a monthly lisence for thier OS and jsut bring it a tonne of cashthen a newer, younger company will come along with alot of money and do the exact same thing google did, and it will just continue to be a vicious circle, i cant believe whats going on... this is crazy
  19. they both appear offline to me?? any ways my favorite chat bot would be spleak shes halarious!
  20. the ps3 will probably be really expensive, its really powerful and excellent everything but its expensive and releases in 2007 which is kinda disgusting why sony messed up so badly to delay the launch till next yearand im really looking forward to nintendo revolution because gamecube really blew people away with re4 and will continue to blow them away with zelda: tp, hopefully nintendo wont hold the good games for last on the nintendo revolution because thats going to be retarded...why not show what the console can do in the release games?!
  21. wow this topic is still alive?! well i think most people would know that the pc is the best because there isnt a limit since the pc is always going obsolete and once you buy your computer the store puts a better one on the shelf so pc will always rule over consoles no matter wayand i was amazed when i heard the xbox360 sold out the day they released, some people who reserved it didnt even get it...stupid microsoft only met half thier quota on systems available for release..
  22. Gamers today face a tough challenge, sometimes you’ve just got to choose between fragging with your boys and freaking with, well, whoever you find appealing. I know more than a few guys who think things would just be easier if everything worked like their favorite MMORPG.Those guys are idiots. Here’s why Dating Would Be Harder If Life Worked Like An MMORPG.Let’s start with the obvious, Monthly fees. Nothing would take the air out of your tires faster than forking over an Andy Jackson to talk to that hottie across the room. Think of those guys you roll with. You really think you’re getting a lot of action when you’re surrounded by that bunch of level-9 n00bs? Not from anybody worth dating.Assuming you get the date, dinner and a movie is out. Her idea of a perfect date is slaying an orc horde. Afterwards, when you’re both sweaty and smeared with the blood of the fallen, your “Grope +55” is easily countered by a low-level face-slap. Critical hit!Say you even get lucky; say that well-rendered twinkle in the polygons of her eyes means she’s ready for a digital get-down. Three weeks later, you’ve caught a virus from your hook-up. In real life, you’d take some antibiotics and get back in the game. In an MMORPG, that virus burns you up where it doesn’t grow back. Ouch.After the hook-up, there’s always that awkward period where neither of you has much to type about, and the time comes when you tell her that “mayB U n i weren’t mnt 2b 2gether.” There’s a brief war between your respective factions, and two months later you see her in a supply tavern with some L337 Warrior.You try to make her jealous by hanging out with a hot elf from the highlands, but you’ve got another problem: elf boys look just like elf girls. And that’s a mistake you just don’t make twice! So, if you think dating would be easier if life were like an MMORPG, think again. After all, there’s no way to tell if that superbabe in the green tights is really some Larry the Cable Guy look-alike in Kentucky. So get out there and find Miss (or Mister) Right now!
  23. since i wouldnt exactly call myself a webmaster i would like to have some help with a database issue im going to need to be solved soon, i want to have an account system but there are going to be several different accounts with different permissions (admin, regular user, silver and gold users) and i want it to connect to my forum database so that it can use the logins and give appropriate tags in the forums and give forum permissions and stuff, also i want paypal integrated into this (because gold membership is a paid membership) so once a person pays thier account is automatically upgraded and have instant access insted of me manually creating accounts
  24. i would think so, personally i would be nice to have 200 or 250 but this is really good for no ads;) this is one of those hosting places that you rairly find...and i like th 5gigs of bandwidth, its good for a small site but once it grows your going to need more (obviously) but usually people move on to a paid host once they start growing because they know thier investment is going to go somewhere
  25. ya, microsoft factorys produced about half as expected since microsoft launched so early so almost every store in north america is sold out (just going out at 6-7 in the morning you can see people lined up at the dorrs of stores waiting to get it, so unless you pre ordered your 360 you wernt going to get one with out having a slumber party with about 500 people outside a store door for 4 days
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