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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Do you mean that you want to have the text of my Microsoft Word I am typing on my PC inserted inside your MySQL database, by means of your C++ program?
  2. Effictively, shutmail cannot be pinged, seems that the domain is currently down.
  3. I did the same mistake when reading the topic title, that's why I changed the title a little bit, hopefuly making it more explicit now.
  4. yordan

    Android Application

    Am I still sleeping, unable to open my eyes? I cannot see your application screenshot.
  5. Avaira, really? Or are you meaning Avira?
  6. Isn't it the same thing as ipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewIt's two command lines, so two actions, but you don't need to connect to the router, so it's simpler.
  7. If Internet Explorer still works, go to McAfee online scan page, and scan your PC in order to see if a virus (not detected by Norton) is responsible for that.
  8. Hi, FurryHead, welcome aboard. I'm pretty sure you will be fully satisfied here, because your hosting account is a standard paid account at Xisto, simply you don't directly give money, you give your time writing valuable topics or posting valuable answers to posts in your forum. Your account at Xisto is directly tied with your Xisto - Support account. Simply take care when creating your Xisto - Support account, give exactly the same mail address as the mail address you provided when creating your Xisto account. Then you will see the things progress automatically. Each time your reach 100 myCents, they will be converted into $1.00 You will receive see that this $1.00 will automatically appear on your Xisto account balance. At any moment you can see the services you ordered, and when they are due, and at that moment you will see the corresponding amount being removed from your Credit account balance. The only trick is at the very beginning, you have to post at least five interesting topics. Your topics will be reviewed and if they are detected being spams or useless or copied text, hosting will not be granted. Please do not hesitate answering here if you need more detailed info's. Regards Yordan
  9. Maybe the topic title is very attractive for spammers?
  10. Can't you simply block the spammer's IP address?
  11. See if "undelete" is still free, should work in that case.
  12. Thanks for the link. Very instructive tree.Wow!I didn't know that CloneZilla and Knoppix were Debian derivatives.And, very funny. The tree shows that Mandrake is a derivative from RedHat. I love Mandrake and I hate RedHat!
  13. It seems that we are entering the debate concerning the main difference between a server and a workstation.A server has a lot of cpu power and a lot of very fast disks (typically some thousands of disks and several tens of processors) and has almost no GUI.A database server needs to serve the database purposes, and the database administrator simply needs a command line interface allowing to enter some sql queries (like select * from all_users where name like derek%) in order to solve a problem and stop or start the database. All the GUI's are on the user end.A user workstation has a nice graphic interface, and enough cpu to make this graphic interface work. Graphic work is a nice example, and photoshop and visual studio are the kings in that field. Of course, Gimp starts doing nice things, but most of paid such softwares are under Windows.So, graphic or command line, Unix and Linux give both, some people prefer the first one and some other prefer the second one.For instance, why should I click in a lot of windows instead of typing "mount /myserver/myfiles /mnt" ? And sometimes I also prefer two clicks instead of typing several complicated command lines.However we should stick to the main topic subject : custom or standard Linux distros?I prefer standard distros, because they have better support. On some of my servers I don't need graphics (I am not really proud of this but I don't want to wast memory for that) and I simply don't start these services, most of distros allow you to install a minimal version, with no graphics. So, no need to a custom distro, I simply choose the components I want and install nothing else.
  14. No problem, tansqrx, and thanks, your text is nicely explicited.Simply take care, you should always see a message like "do you want to repair?". If you see something saying "do you want to reinstall", this means that you entered the wrong menu or you have the wrong CD (an OEM CD for instance), and you should go out of this menu because else you will start a fresh install, loosing all your data and all your installed sofware. So simply be careful to each time be "repairing" your install.
  15. You can see a brown disk at the rear part of this wikipedia image : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or go to the english wikipedia main page and look for "Disk storage" As you can see see, the disks are rather brown, with a very big hole (two or three inches hole) .Their color is due to the gamma-iron-dioxide. They were obtained by means of a layer of magnetic material, which was polished until becoming very thin. These disks were used until the years 80's. The modern disks are done differently, starting from nothing on a very clean substrate, and then growing a thin iron layer, or chromium-cobalt or a iron-terbium-gadolinium layer.
  16. Maybe google love people talking about google?Maybe the rule "no copied text" is true, except when mentionning google?And maybe these sites would have a far better rank if they had no copied text?And maybe your site will have no such exceptions, and if you have copied text your own rank will be poor?
  17. Now, the question is clear. Is access through mobiles worth $8000 ? This gives an idea of the kind of sites which could ask this kind of question. Is this amount of money rather small compared to what you earn with your website? Do you expect to get more than this amount of money when reaching mobile public? Most of times the answer will be clearly no!
  18. Even the ftp client embedded in Internet Explorer is able to access a ftp site. Open the URL of the ftp site, it will ask for your name and password, and then it will work act as a stander Windows Explorer windows, allowing you copy-pasting or even opening documents.And also don't forget FileZilla, my favorite free ftp client.
  19. Merry Christmas to you, mik.And Merry Christmas to all of us around here.
  20. Err... I don't agree with the topic title. It was not launched into Space literally. Into space is literally reserved for objects escaping the gravitational attraction of Earth, which is not possible with a balloon.Nevertheless, it's a nice performance, thanks for sharing this event with us.
  21. Have a look at your PC.Do you have several windows open at the same time ? For instance a Microsoft Word session and a Web Browser window and looking for a file inside a Windows Explorer?Then you can take benefit of several cores.I am really happy with my Quad Pentium system, I have far more cpu power than when I had a single cpu system, and I find it far more comfortable.
  22. Depends if many people use their mobile for surfing ? Could be related to this : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97957-topic/?findpost=1064411506
  23. Do you use your mobile phone for surfing? Personally, I don't.I prefer use my PC for surfing. I guess that the people who bought a smartphone have a different opininion?
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