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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Why do you want a government to organize the internet?Do you mean that a government should prevent you from creating your website here at Xisto because what you are intending to show to the community is not relevant?Seems that you are mixing structural organization and search engines effectiveness.Most of search engines have their own selectivity : google shows you the first two or three references that seems coherent with your query, and the 13457 less realistic results.If the first three results are not what you wanted to find, this means that your query was not selective enough.And, of course, if Internet does not show me immediately the document explaining how to become reach and famous, this is not due to the bad internet structure, this is because this document is not written yet, or nobody published it in an accurate website.
  2. The subdomain is included in the hosting plan, no extra fee for it.
  3. Have a look here, and the mentionnend step-by-step inside : http://forums.xisto.com/Order-Xxxastahostcmp;hl=subdomain If the above instructions are not enough, at this point, the fastest way is to "submit a ticket" from your Xisto account, asking the procedure to order an Xisto subdomain.
  4. It's somewhere in the menus : when you are prompted for a domain name, you choose yourname.astahost.com
  5. Albeit the fact that it's fully illegal (you signed the TOS stating that you use this for mail purposes) it works rather file. It splits your data inside several separated mails.However, you don't need to use gmail. You can simply use file hosting servers. They don't keep the data quite a lot of time, but you don't need the files to be kept very long : your weekly backup needs to be hold two weeks at most, it becomes useless when the new weekly backup is available.
  6. Albeit the fact that it's fully illegal (you signed the TOS stating that you use this for mail purposes) it works rather file. It splits your data inside several separated mails.
  7. Ouch! My home backups are protected against barely none of the above mentionned cases.My USB external disk is connected to my PC, so it will suffer the same disasters as the PC. And my DVD's are on the shelf two meters apart, so they will probably survive to theft but they will survive to nothing else. Maybe I should ask my cousin, who lives overseas, to store my flashisk?
  8. And I also would like to know how this can work. Because it costs money, to send texts to phones. Obviously they buy SMS's at gross prices, but how do they have their money back? Or do they charge the final phone user?
  9. You are fully right concerning the tape labelling (or the DVD labelling). By the way, three things imperatively have to be written on the tape.1) oubviously the backup date.2) what it is (bootable operating system, user files, database files, etc...)3) The way to restore the backup (for instance "cd /home; mdir charles; cd charles; cpio -imBdv </dev/rmt0")The third part is really important. There are so many ways creating a backup, that writing the way to restore is a must. Because the restore must be symmetrix to the backup ("cpio -i" if created by "cpio -o", "tar xvf" if created by "tar cvf", and "restore" if created by "backup", and boot on it if created b by "smit mksysb".And of course do not simply write down the way you created the tape, I saw a guy distroying his data backup, after that he told me "but I did exactly what was written on the tape, I typed "tar cvf /dev/rmt3", which means that he created a fresh backup of his dead datafiles, erasing his tape backup with his saved data.And, of course, all experienced technical guys will tell you that you need to have several media for the same data : a DVD, a USB external storage and a NFS filer backup; do not forget the old principle stating "If something can go wrong, be sure that it will go wrong; and faster than expected".
  10. May I add that you have chosen a rather aggressive username?
  11. You are right, this is the old-style system instructions. You already have your MyCents visible, so all engines are running for you, you can order directly. Siply have a look at your account credit balance at Xisto in order to be sure that you can pay what you are ordering.
  12. This means that you definitely have to start with the "logic plan". If you already have a website, you already know how much space you need.Also, remember that it has to be a fully legit website, with no illegal content, else the website will be simply closed. Here you are on a fully professional system.
  13. Everything is open. You can start small and buy more bandwidth or buy more disk space, exactly as each standard Xisto customer can do.
  14. You should not say it that way. You should say "I wrote this, I hope it's a good example". Else, it's a lack impartiality, and sure a lack of modesty!
  15. You will get no accusation of posting in old topic. Posting in an old topic is better than opening a new thread saying the same thing than the old topic. If you can add bring something new in addition to an old topic, you are welcome adding your content to the old topic. If you cannot bring anything new, no reason to open a new topic on an old subject.
  16. As could be guessed... have a look here : https://invisionpower.com/features/apps Price starts from $149.99 It's up to you to decide if it's expensive or not. A lot of people decided that it's worth that price for their business use. And I find it expensive for my personal usage.
  17. Your asta account has a credit balance. This credit balance allows you to purchase everything from the Xisto paid hosting, including the domain name of your choice. There is a menu where you test if the domain name is available, and if it is, you click "purchase".
  18. The plans are here : https://support.xisto.com/cart.php
  19. Nope! The reason here is to post interesting topics. Spamming topics will be removed, and the owner will be warned.
  20. You almost understood, excepted a small detail.100 MyCents are worth $1.00 The most interesting plan is the "logic plan" which is worth about $2 each month. This means that you will need 200 MyCents each month, and not 10 MyCents!
  21. Politeness is part of our forum rules. Such an aggressive attitude cannot be accepted. You are banned.
  22. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96232-topic/?findpost=1064394946 There are two different steps : You have signed at the Xisto forum, which allows you to post on this forum.Now you also have to sign up at Xisto Billing & Support area : this will convert your posted topics into MyCents, and you will see the MyCents appearing near your name in the forum. The condition for that is to post about five quality topics, these topics will be reviewed before your MyCents are activated.
  23. I didn't know about the ninite installer, thanks for the info.Besides this, I'm still convinced that a full backup of the system disk, with a commercial or a free tool, would be a good alternative : having a system backup you could restore within 15 minutes would be a plus.
  24. I am also using vista and Firefox, and it works on my computer. Probably a security settings somewhere preventing firefox to change something on your screen display modes.
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