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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Hi, Nir, welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. You will see that Xisto is a nice place.
  2. Yes, no problem. I do that every day. Simply be careful, each NIC must have as netmask, this is mandatory if you want to work with subnets. If you work with nets, you can have as netmask. I heard that some Unix systems are limited to 7 NIC's, do you have more than 7 ones ? Sorry, this is my own experience, no resources other than myself.
  3. I couldn't open it with word 2002.
  4. This is due to a special paraph setup inside this document, it will probably not be obvious to change that.I see two ways :1) Change the font size (put a very small font size, like 6 or 8). This should make it printable, but in small fonts.2) copy the text you cant't print ; open a new document ; do a "special" paste, as "text only". This should replace the special page settings by standard ones, and the text should be printable.RegardsYordan
  5. Of course, most of the real life current applications (payrolls, banking applications) are still Cobol applications written some tens of years ago.So, most of companies have to continue using them, it would cost too much if they wanted to convert them to C++. Great idea ! However, before requesting this, I would like to suggest you to simply start another post with a poll : what programming language are you currently using, or are you planning to use ?- cobol - C, C++ - Fortran - Basic - Java ? There are already some such polls, but without Cobol. I am sure if you startup such a poll, you will see that almost nobody is currently writing in Cobol. I'm pretty sure more than 99% people will talk about other languages. And that's why there will probably be no Cobol special forum. Because cobol will probably stay as one of these old goodies, still useful, but not so wanted for future applicatons.
  6. Luxor Amun Rizing.And I would like to try the Da Vinci code.
  7. Step-by-step instructions for backing up your phpbb2 forum and restore it on another location. INTRODUCTION. Making backups is a very important task in computer work. Everybody knows that a backup is necesseray. You really need a mean of recovering from a disaster. A disaster can occur for many reasons, especially errors you could personnally make, like removing a file on Xisto server or destroying a table in your database. A backup of your file will allow recovering from a file-type disaster. A backup of your database will allow you to recover from data disaster. You backup your Xisto files using ftp, and you backup your data with database tools. However, how can you be sure that your backup is correct ? A backup you never tested is not a safe backup. The best way to test your backup is trying to use your backup in order to move your forum to another location, for instance to another web hosting provider. I tried this in order to be sure that my backups were correct, and I first found it tricky. Of course, there are some papers describing how to do this, for instance here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ After a couple of hours, I realized that things would have been far simpler if I had a set of step-by-step instructions. So, I decided to write my own one. I hope it will be helpful for some of us. NAMING CONVENTIONS. This jobs looks very similar to a disaster-recovery type backup test : reading the data on a system, and testing them on another one. So, let’s first clarify the naming conventions I will use hereafter. I will name “old site” or “old forum” your current PHPBB2 forum at Xisto, the one you are currintly reaching at an address like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . This site has a lot of posts in the forum. I will name “new site” or “new forum” the phpbb2 forum you just create at a new location (let’s say at lycos or micromania or even on your own PC). This forum has no posts yet, and after STEP ONE : BACKUP YOUR CURRENT SITE. At any moment, you need to backup your current site. You never know, a catastrophy may occur. So, make your backup right now. In order to perform this, connect to your phpbb forum, login as administrator, and go to the administration pannel. Then, click on “backup”. Here is where the “backup” button is : STEP TWO : CREATE YOUR NEW FORUM AT YOUR NEW LOCATION. . First of all, create a new site somewhere else, the ideal case is going to a completely new webhosting provider, for instance lycos. You don’t Lycos because it has too many ads? No problem, you simply want to test your backup-restore methodology, nobody else than you will see your new forum. You can also install php and mysql on your own PC, using easyphp, which is an alternate method. Install your new forum, and verify that you can connect to your new forum and to your forum admin pannel. Just a small detail : at the end of the installation, you are asked to delete the “install” and the “contrib” foldes. Don’t simply delete them, simply rename them : rename “install” to “install_save” and rename “contrib” to “contrib_save”. STEP THREE : BACKUP YOUR NEW SITE. Use the forum admin control pannel in order to make a “just in case” full backup of your new forum database. We will also make a partial backup, in order to save a single table. The reason is simple : Right now, your new forum is empty, only the configuration table is important. We will make a backup of this table, using phpmyadmin. Your new site probably has a control pannel providing phpmyadmin. If you don’t have phpmyadmin, you can get it here : https://www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads/ STEP FOUR : REMEMBER YOUR NEW SITE SETTINGS. Connect to your just installed forum, you see that there are no posts yet. go to the administrator pannel. Look at the values the installation script has installed, these settings are important for the rest of the migration job. Take note of the domain name and the script path name : And also remember the cookie domain, the cookie name and the cookie path : STEP FIVE : RESTORE YOUR ORIGINAL SITE DATABASE TO THE NEW LOCATION FORUM. In your new forum administration menu, click the “restore database” button. You will be asked the name of the original backup you did at the very beginning. Now open your new forum, you will see all your posts there ! Unfortunately, the job is not finished yet! STEP 6 : OPTIONALLY, FORUM VERSION UPGRADE. If your old forum was installed long time ago, it has probably been installed with an old veresion of php (for example my current production forum at Xisto is release 2.0.15), whereas the new forum you will probably have a more up-to-date version, probably 2.0.21. If this is the case, after restauring the old database to the new site, you simply have to run the script config_save/update_to_latest.php If you forget this step and your original forum had a really old version, you could experience strange message errors like : Once you finished updating, the work is almost finisthed. STEP SEVEN : ALMOST FINISHED, BUT NOT YET COMPLETED . Now, try to login to your new forum. You will see something strange : you wil notice that you are back to your old Xisto forum ! This is due to the fact that, when restoring you old database, you also restored the old forum settings, and a lot of settings are redirecting to the old forum. There are two ways of fixing this. THE SIMPLER WAY. The simplest way is using phpmyidmin and restore the phpbb_config table from the backup you took from the new site fresh install. This is the simplest and the fastest way. It will work immediately. Just a small detail : you will have to provide again the infos concerning the administrator avatar and the administrator signature. A SMARTER WAY. The smarter way is using your old database backup, simply modifying the bad values from phpbb_config table. So, just after restoring your old database backup, using phpmyadmin, open the table phpbb_config and change the values of the domain name and the script path name, as well as the value of the cookie domain, the cookie name and the cookie path Here below you can see where these values are located and how they look like. In my case the server_name is, the script_path is /forum/, the cookie_name is phpbb2mysql and the cookie_path is / : THAT’S ALL ! . Your work is finished now. Simply connect to your new forum, you will see that you are able to connect, to read all your posts exactly as there were in the old forum, you can perform adminstrative tasks, you see that you performed a perfect migration from your old forum on your old hosting provider, to your new forum on your new location. Seven easy steps allowed you to perform a perfect backup-restore test. Now you know that you do have a perfect backup of your old site, and you do know how to restore it at any moment, to any location.
  8. Your first question seemed to be about a free Cobol compiler.Micro-Focus is the king of Cobol compilers (until being bought by Merant) but I don't think that their compiler is free. Is it ?
  9. The first question is : do you want a free antivirus, or a commercial one ?For commercial purposes, I would suggest to buy Mc Afee.For the free ones, i would use AVG for Linux.I would not say that there is no virus in Linux. How do you login to your Linux machine ? If you log in as root, the viruses will destroy your whole system.If you log in as a standard user, that standard user will be infected by viruses, worms and other things. A standard user has to have access to it's malbox and contact list, so a webmail virus will have no problem your your linux account.And all the viruses that change your internet settings will work the same way. And all php things will work under Linux the same way as on a ms-dos machine.So, I would say the following :If you have a Linux machine just for fun and have nothing important on it, you no antivirus.If you have your personal files on your Linux computer and don't want to re-install it every month, you need an anti-virus.
  10. I like your logo. It does not seem nice on the forum, but it's look and feel is really adapted to the rest of your site page.So, I woud tell you "don't change anything". Or, at least, test the modifications the other forummers suggest you, but be ready to go back to your original layout.
  11. Roghly, yes. Vujsa seems to say that explaining clearly, using normal english sentences is worth more than using short posts. Also, seems that if you try to think how to explain things, you will use more words, your posts will be more readable, and you will earn more credits. Personnally, I like this way of calculating, because it favours people who have something to say, or people who know how to explain. And vujsa's post explains that there is no miracle, simply a lot of work. Why not ? I still love that !
  12. @lonebyrd : I think you missed something.You don't need to install Filezilla on the Xisto server.In order to use ftp with Xisto, like with any other computer, you need three things :1) A ftp server up and running server-side. The ftp server is already running at Xisto, you don't need to do anything more at Xisto-side.2) A ftp client on your pc, Filezilla is a good choice. However, for testing purposes, the "ftp" command imbedded in Microsoft Windows is enough.3) a ftp account and password. Login to your Xisto Cpanel, and check your ftp settings. Probably your ftp server address is yourname.astahost.com, your ftp account is yourname and your ftp password is secret. Now, everything is setup. So, in order to connect, with Filezilla as with any other ftp client, you have to provide- your ftp server name, you just remember it's probably ftp.yourownname.astahost.com- your ftp user name- your ftp passwordAnd that's all !Don't try to install Filezilla at astohost side, you will simply waste your disk space.RegardsYordan
  13. I just have a small question.How are the credits calculated ?Does a human being guy read each post and say how much it's worth ?Or is there an automated routine which makes the job ?Then, I'm really curious to know how an automated routine can now whether my first three lines are really an introduction, or are the conclusion of a poorly designed text ?Because you seem to think the same way I do. I think that a logical schema should be :- Introduction.- Explanation- Discussion- Conclusion However, when i was at school, the scientifical people wanted we to write their own way, which was :- Problem stating- Conclusion statement (what has to be demonstrated ?)- Demonstration.- "Quid Erat Demonstrantdum"
  14. I'm afraid if you want to use Microsoft Internet Connection sharing, you must have a Crosoft server and crosoft clients.Or you have to work differently, installing a Linux server, make it work as a Samba Fileserver and install a DHCP server, and install the other PC's as simply DHCP clients of your DCP server. @qwijibow : Maybe I'm wrong, then, please, tell me. Regards Yordan
  15. You will probably find that my question is really stupid, but ... How do you boot to dos on a Windows XP machine, with a NTFS system disk ?Yordan
  16. Welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.You will see that old good tricks still work here, but the funny things in the Fantastico control pannel are rally nice.If you still want to use old things, remember you can request for a ssh access, then you can use "vi" as any pure old Unix fanatics, or directly type "mysql" in order to directly create or update your database tablesSee youYordan.
  17. I heard that they pay some cents for each thousand clicks ! So, you must have a very interesting site, visited by a lot of different people, in order to have enough money for having a coffee !
  18. I googled a little bit, and I found that : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This site gives links to a lot of free compilers, look : Hope this was helpful ? More info here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=%22cob+download&meta= Regards Yordan
  19. I don't have a lot of experience, but I think it's an independant problem. I have vmware 5.5 installed, and I never had problems. The only special thing I did was the following : I refused the "disable autorun" proposed at vmware installation.Maybe you accepted the "disable autorun" feature. Then, probably, enabling the autorun feature again will let the standard Win-XP cd-writer feature work again ?
  20. I had this kind of problem on some laptops. It was a cooling problem on the laptop, which overheated the CD drive. I solved the problem by heaving the laptop about 30 centimeters of the table (putting a lot of books at the upleft 2 centimers and the upright 2 centimeters under the laptop) and I was able to perform my install. So, simply look if your laptop is cooled by the air flaw between the table and the computer, and try to increase that distance. Regards Yordan
  21. We use the following test, it's in the present post two pages above :
  22. Welcome aboard, Jose Manuel ! Hope yo will enjoy your stay with us.You well see that Xisto is a very interesting site for learning things. Did you already play with the Fantastico items ?
  23. Sorry, I don't fuly understand the situation. Is your mysql database fully operationnal ? Are you able to manually connect to your database ?Or is your question "please help me installing mysql database on my server " ?RegardsYordan
  24. Really surprising : Microsoft things which don't work under Linux !
  25. Yes, now it works. Just a simple warning, seen at the development site : And now I know why. I did a simple test, it works almost fine. Simply, it has a lot of debug outputs at the beginning of your forum page : I would appreciate if somebody could know how to remove all these warnings and php debug messages which spoil the forum page. From the phphbb bug-report I simply had the recommendation "try to remove these messages". Regards Yordan
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