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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Sorry, but I must disagree. I'm almost sure static from the feet is at least as bad as static from the fingers. Besides that, usually, your feet are usually far away from your eyes, adding chances of mistyping.
  2. @Jimmster : 1) The topic of this post was not on the way of giving you an admin account, but how to erase a possword if you happened to forget your own password. Then, you erase the password and set a password you remember. You cannot do this on another computer, because the real owner of the computer will not be able to connect, then he will know he has been hacked, and he will re-install correctly the PC, and you will have no admin rights again.2) Security people have rather high salaries. When they sell programs, or when they sell their services, they ask for a lot of money. I think this is rather normal. A standard guy has to permanently take backups of his files, in order to be able to re-install his computer from scratch everytime a problem occurs (including password loss). If this guy prefers to pay something else to to the job, he will have to spend money for that.3) Is it normal that a guy asks you money for something which you could do for free using a Linux knoppix CD ? I say "why not ?" It's the same problem as washing my car. If I want to wash my car, it will cost me almost nothing (except water, spoon and time). If I want something else to do the job, he will ask me some money for that. Such is life.
  3. Really nice ! Correct in the post, correct in the forum index, but not on the board index ! Funny, I love it ! :)Of course, we could simly ignore it, but I prefere Ha Ha Ha !
  4. For testing purposes, I just opened a new topic having quotes inside the title, in the TEST (no post count) forum, and the topic is displayed normally. It seems that quotes have no problem in Xisto forum.
  5. I had the same problem with vmware workstation and Mandrake 10, Mandrake 9.2 had the same problem, I had to go back to mandrake 9.1 in order to have a correct screen. Exactly as if the emulator could emulate device for old drivers, and was unable to work correctly for the new video drivers.
  6. Booting off the recovery CD and saying "re-install everything from factory settings" is really easy, and rather fast (on current computers it's just time to have a coffee) and you have your computer back exactly as it was when you bought it. If you were satisfied with it the first day, you will be satisfied again.After that re-install, if you add things, just do a ghost image after that and save that ghost image on a CD, re-installing the image in case of crash will be a matter of tens of minutes again. Of course, if you have hardware issues, re-installing will solve nothing.
  7. Also have a look at the space between the processor and the fan, isn't it full of dust ? Then, try removing the dust, with a toothbrush or blowing air on the dust. I had this problem last month, and removing the dust on the processor radiator solved the problem.
  8. Each computer has his set of operating systems running on it, and each computer has his set of prices.You should probably first know what you will need, for professional purposes or for gaming pruposes. Then, you should know how much money you want tu put on it.
  9. OK, folks, don't go so fast.I think some old features have to stay. Every languate will have special device names, or reserved names. So, you will always face the problem not being able to name things exactly as you want.I am currently working under linux, and I get angry because my test program cannt be named "test", because test is a reserved word.And remember the old Unix/linux thing. Remember the "dd" command, this program is named "Copy and Convert". And wy cannot the command be "cc" ? Because the "cc" word was already reserved.So, Microsoft stays sticky to the old device conventions, and I agree with them. it's sligthly disturbing that you cannot name your object "con", but we can accept that. Simply remember that the polite French language also asks you not to use that word....
  10. Of course, but only disks in a raid group can fail without loss of data. And, of course, the SATA disks you buy have to match the disks matching your raid adapter device.
  11. And, of course, I know several KDE which don't have the menus "2.)Click on "System -> YaST (Control Center)""
  12. I heard that wikis are a characteristic of our new way of handling information.What is a wiki ?I often read "I will write down a wiki", or "is there a wiki for..."So, I'm curious to know hat is really a wiki.Is this part of wikipedia ?Or is wikipedia a set of wikis ?It's probably a very obvious question, but I really would like to have the answer.
  13. So, I would say that, for your needs, a RAID5 group of 6 disks is the best one. It will provide you with a secured total disk capacity of five time the single disk capacity, and will be able to continue working in case of loss of one of the disks.In these case, the cost of security is : one disk.Also, have a look on your RAID specifications, and see if your system can provide a hot-spare.Then, you can alternatively create a five-disk RAID5 group and a hot-spare.In this case: the cost of security is : two disk.The advantage is : if you loose one disk, the missing disk is rebuilt on the hot-spare disk, and you are protected again, you could experience a second crash disk without loosing data.If you have no hot-spare disk possibility, the system continues working if a disk is missing, but you have no more protection until you repair the faulty disk.Tell me again if this is not clear enough.
  14. Maybe you could have a look here : en-US/ Also look here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=%2oogle&meta=
  15. Why not ? Concerns computers, concerns Microsoft, concerns politically corrects sentences, so it's precisely "Computer Talk".
  16. I just wanted to make the difference between hardware problems and software problems.Booting on a Live-CD, if successful, shows that there are no hardware problems. Then, we knowh that software problems have to be solved. Re-installing is one solution, not the only one, but sometimes the most efficient one. And installing from a recovery CD sometimes needs no more than half an hour for a basic install. And maybe a working basic install is more interesting than a failing system.
  17. I would use a very experemintel method. I suggest you boot on the Knoppix Live CD, and try working a couple of hours, mainly surfing the web or writing down some text files or viewing jpg pictures.If your system does not freeze, if it works perfectly during several hours, then, this means that you probably have a software issue.Then, probably, simply formatting the hard disk and re-installing windows from scratch will solve everything.
  18. Yes, that's exactly what I mean. 200 dollars for a one-day work is quite a lot of money. It's not a lot for a two-month work.Of course, this is also the money that an experienced guy can expect. A young guy still at school will not easily obtain that if it's his first paid site. A way of discussing the thing is "this work is worth $2000, how much can you pay ?"
  19. I like it, simply. I like the layout, the night picture as header, the main menu, the "last news" leftwards.Yordan
  20. OK, in Mathematical language, we name that a "paradox", where something is surprising because of the way you tell it. You tell the truth twice, but once something is not stated properly, and you cannot use a "barbara" deductive logical way for your demonstration. Here is where the problem coming from.It's not "equal to", it's "defined as". This is completely different, I will explain you why. This is a very known concept in so-called "modern" mathematics, namely in Group Theory. In group theory we study "relationship". "a=b" is a relation. Moreover, it's an equivalence relationship. An equivalence relationship is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. Reflexive : a=a. Symmetric : if a=b, then b=a. Transitive : if a=b, and b=c, then a=c. Another well known relationship is "a>b", like "4>3". This is not an equivalence relationship, it's an order relationship. It's not reflexive : 3>3 is false. It's not symmetric : 3>2 is true, but 2>3 is false. However it's transitive : if a>b and b>c, then a>c. Example : if 3>2 and 2>1, then 3>1. So, your way making your deduction is based on "273.15 which is equal to 0 C". This is badly stated, because you cannot use the "=" sign which leads you to think that the relationship is reflexive. If you say "273.15 is related to 0 C by a non-reflexive relationship" so that 0 C is not related to 273.15, your final result is completely different. By the way, I told you you used a barbara reasonment (bArbArA), my next lesson will be (not any more a Mathematical but) a philosophical topics. Remember Logics is a branch of Philosophy. The correct ways of demonstration something are not so much. They are named : Barbara Ferii Dario Celarent These are acronyms for more easily remembering a logical way of demonstrating things. The most known one is Barbara (three A-type sentences, A-A-A, "Barbara" helps for remembering). A-A-A uses three times the same logical structure. Example : I am a Human (A) A Human has to eat (A) Then I have to eat (A again). Sorry for all College young people who are currently learning that in Philosophy class, hope the other ones were interested. I love these kind of problems which look (not at all) physics, a little bit Mahtematics, and fully Philosopy because of Logics. Regards Yordan
  21. I would say, it depends from the time you spend on creating this site. If it's a one-day work, it's a lot of money. If it's a two-month work, depending from where you are living, it could not be enought for food and lodging.
  22. Depends whether you have a lot of lost paswords to manage or not.What I do for my Unix users is :I manually put a password for the user, for instance "hey_noob".I mail that password to the user, the user is then able to connect and choose a new password.It's simple, efficient, secure if you trust mail, and rather usable if you have few users. Moreover, i would say that it's the most secure way, because you personally know who forgot his password, how often this occurs, if you need to remove this account because probably frequently hacked, etc...
  23. I would rather say that "default 0" means "default boot is the boot number zero".Unfortunately you want the system to boot on partition 1, which is The "default 0" thing is rather well explained in http://www.freeos.com/articles/3482/ I would try simply changing to "default 1", but i'm not sure this will not break everything and make you need to re-install Linux.
  24. I also would like to know. that's why I don't use Grub, I use Lilo.Probably useless for you, but maybe it works rather the same way with Grub.With Lilo :edit /etc/lilo.confThen, change the default.then issue /etc/lilo.I used this, and now my system boots under Windows so unexperienced people know how to use it, and experienced people use the arrows to choose "Linux".
  25. You should better tell us the available modes on his device.I definitively say don't use raid0, because this means "no security, striping only".Raid1, raid 10, raid1+0 are not the best ones for personal or small buiseness use, because security costs 50% of the total disk space (this means that the 6-disk raid group available capacity will be the capacity of three single disks).If your disks have RAID5 mode, I suggest it's the best mode. A RAID5 group of 6 disk will will have the capacity of 5 real disks, and it will be reasonably secured because it will survive to the lost of one single disk, and will continue working (without any further security) until the faulty disk is repaired.So, first of all tell us which RAID types your device can use, mainly tell us if it can use RAID5 or RADI6.RegardsYordan
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