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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Here is a portable anti-virus for your USB flashdisk : http://portableapps.com/apps/security/clamwin_portable It's free, and it's really powerful. when you are on your own computer, it tells you that your virus definitions files are not up-to-date and asks you if you want to update them, say yes. And, when you are on your friend's computer, say "no, no update please" and it will do the job. Of course, the rest of your tutorial is useful, but having a working antivirus is also a good point. Regards Yordan
  2. You are comparing two free softwares toward a very expensive professional one, they are not really comparable.
  3. MySQL is a good choice. Simply, the menu you have seen states that PHPBB3 has detected three possible database systems effectively installed on your host. However, remember that you have to create a database and a database user before starting up your installation. For instance, if you choose to create a PostgreSQL database, you choose postre in the database type. Because you seem more familiar with standard MySQL, simply choose MySQL the next time you install your database. And, of course, perform a backup before destroying your current forum ; so, if you happen to change your mind, you will be able to restore your data and bring your old forum up again. Regards Yordan
  4. I think that WinBlows is included in the "Other" option. So, because of the score of this "other" option, I think that there is no need to split the "other" option into sub-options like "WinBose", "AIX", Sun-OS and HP-UX.
  5. Really nice trick. And nicely expressed too.You know, I have a lot of tricks like that one. For instance, do you know the trick for quickly obtaining one million dollars ? I knew this trick but I unfortunately forgot how to do this.
  6. Is your hardware in the list of hardware having a backdoor password ? Seems not. Else, it seems that the new hardware chips don't have these security weaknesses any more, at least for your manufacturer. Good news from the security point of view. Bad news for these who lost their password.
  7. mysql should work with openoffice base. Have a look at their website here : http://www.openoffice.org/product/base.html They claim that : So, I would like to say that the best thing to do is to test it by yourself.First go to your Xisto control panel and create your database, name it for instance "mytesting". Then, try to use the openoffice.base menus to create your forms. As database name, use the "mytesting" name of the database you created. openoffice will probably ask you the name of the database server, give yoursitename.astashost.com Tell us if this worked. Regards Yordan
  8. is "poweroff" safe ? I don't know this command. Does poweroff sync the filesystem cache ?I usually don't use poweroff, I "shutdown -g 0 -h"
  9. I never tried Linux on a machine having so few memory. This would be a nice test case for Damn Small Linux, what about testhing this ? The very old Mandrake versions should also work, (Mandrake 7 for instance), even in graphic mode, but veryyyy sloooooowly.
  10. Usually the old Windows 98 machines are small machines with very few memory, so almost only windows 98 can run on them.
  11. So, it seems that you lost one day off your paid hosting time. I hope that Xisto - Web Hosting will give correct this, and give you one day service more as a matter of apologizing.Glad to see that, nevertheless, the paid service is nice and fast as expected.RegardsYordan
  12. Hi, all !where are the hiscores in Safari Island de Luxe (Gamehouse) ?I cannot reach again my past hiscores, so I would like to erase the hiscores, no way ! I tried de-installing the game and re-installing it, the old socres are still there. Tried to also removed the gamhouse things in the windows registry during advanced de-install, the old hi-scores are still there. They are not in a file in "my documents" either, where are they hidden ?Did someone already have this problem ? How did you solve it ?RegardsYordan
  13. I love the phpbb2 forum system. I used it to create my family forum. I really appreciated how easy the installation was, using the âFantasticoâ menu of my Xisto cpanel. And I appreciate the one-click backup facility provided by the forum. Making a backup is really easy, and you have to do it often. So, in case of trouble of your forum, for instance if the forum was spoiled by some spammers, you can easily go back to a point in time where your forum worked correctly. Also, a backup is necessary in case of a big mistake (âdo you really want to destroy your forum, answer yes or noâ â oops sorry !) Now comes the reason of this topic. This reason is twofold. First of all, a backup is useful only if you are sure that itâs valid. As long as you did not test your backup, you donât know if really everything is there. Secondly, the version of phpbb on Xisto forum is 2.0.22, which is a rather old version. The forecomming version is phpbb3, currently RC7. So, you must get ready to switch from phpbb2 to phpbb3, in order to take full benefit from the new release features. Thatâs why I suggest you to make a full backup of your current phpbb2 forum here at Xisto, and check your backup by means of perforuming a fresh installation on another machine, and switching your fresh install to phpbb3. The whole operation is completely harmless : you donât touch your current installation, you only perform a backup. And, as you perform a fresh installation of a completely new machine, if you donât like your installation you simply remove everything on the new machine. 1. FIRST STEP : BACKUP YOUR CURRENT FORUM. Log in to your forum using the forum administrator name and password. Then, click âGo to the Administration pannelâ. Confirmation of your password will be asked, and you will be connected to the administration page. In the left-side pannel, go to the âGeneral Adminâ section and click âBackup Databaseâ. You will be asked for the place on your PC where to download the database backup. This file, which has a name like something.sql, is the backup we will test by mean of restoring and testing it. Put this file in a safe place, itâs your security in case of huge catastrophy experienced by your current forum. Please perform now a copy of this file, and name this copy âmodified.sqlâ. Now we will feel free to modify this âmodified.sqlâ file because the modifications will not affect the original file. 2. DOWNLOAD A FRESH COPY OF THE PHPBB2 AND PHPBB3 SOFTWARE. In order to master everything, even in case of a big catastrophy, you need to have all the necessary building elements. You already have tha data in your âmodified.sqlâ file, now you need the basic forum software. You need to download the phpbb2 forum sofware from http://forums.xisto.com/forum/199-forum/ , and especially here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88637-topic/?findpost=1064337390 . 4. INSTALL PHPBB2 ON YOUR NEW WEBSITE. After having created your site, and verified that this site works by mean of using a browser in order to go to yourname.yoursubdomain.com , create two folders, the first one named âoldforumâ and the second one name ânewforumâ on your hosted account root directory. Locally on your pc, unpack the two files XXXgz you previously downloaded. Then, use a ftp client in order to upload the content of the PHPBB2 subfolder to the folder you named âoldforumâ and the content of the PHPBB3 subfolder to the folder you named ânewforumâ. Now, use the tools provided by your website provider in order to create a database and a database user. Give them names you can easily remember, like âmyname_myforumâ. Using your favourite web browser, go to the subfolder name oldforum of your hosting account, itâs name is probably something like yourname.yoursubdomain.com/oldforum/. You will see the main screen of the phpbb2 installer. You will be asked for the database name, give the database name you decided when creating the database, the database manager you also decided, and choose the forum administrator name and password for your forum. Continue the installation until you see that your forum is open and that people can connect and read the standard welcome messages. Now your new phpbb2 forum is ready. Itâs empty, so itâs ready for receiving your modified backup. 5. MODIFY YOUR âMODIFIED.SQLâ FILE. We are going to midify your backup, in order to remove unwanted informations. As a matter of fact, the backup of your current phpbb2 forum at Xisto has some infos concerning the way to connect to the database, as well as the exact URL of your forum programs at your current Xisto forum. These values are useless for the new forum, because you just replaced them for the values concerning the new location at the empty freshly installed phpbb2 forum. Use your favourite word processor in order to edit the âmodified.sqlâ backup file. Personally, I use microsoft Word, but you can use any other word processor. You will have to remove eveything concerning the phpbb_config table. Locate the line starting with â# TABLE: phpbb_configâ Remove everything between this line and the line just before â# TABLE: phpbb_forumsâ. Do not remove the line with phpbb_forums. By the way, this name âphpbb_configâ is the name with the default prefix name. This is subject to change to something slightly different if you happened to choose another prefix, like âmyforum_â instead of âphpbb_â, you can see it easily when looking for the word âconfigâ in the sql file. Now you have a backup which has everything except the forum server, database and cookie informations. 6. RELOAD YOUR MODIFIED BACKUP. These infos are the only ones currently in your new forum location. Log in to the new phpbb2 forum administration panel, and click on âRestore databaseâ. As backup file to be restored, choose the modified.sql file. Thatâs all, all the infos of your live forum are now in your new site ! You can go to the forum index and see that all your posts are there. 7. INSTALL PHPBB3 ON YOUR NEW WEBSITE. Open your browser and give the url of the newforum where you downloaded the phpbb3 software. Answer all the questions, including the name of the database, the name of the database administrator and itâs password, the name of the forum admin and his password, as well as the table prefix. Choose phpbb3_ as prefix instead of the standard value of phpbb_ suggested by the install, in order not to have the âtable already existsâ error message during the table creation. 8. MIGRATE YOUR RESTORED DATABASE. At the end of the phpbb3 standard installation, you will be asked if you want to go live, or if you want to migrate a previous phpbb2 database. Choose the migration option, you will be asked for the location of the phpbb2 forum to be converted, give the path ../oldforum. 9. THATâS ALL. At the end of the migration process, you will be able to see all your forums in the phpbb3 format. Connect to your new phpbb3 forum, and you will be able to see all the posts from your current phpbb2 forum. 10. CONCLUSION. As you can verify it now, all your data from your current phpbb2 forum have been migrated to the new site with a phpbb3 forum format. You have been able to backup your forum, test your backup and update it to the newest version. This is a very important part of the Open world philosophy. The only precious thing is your set of data, the content of the backup. You see that you are able to move it anywhere at any time. Now you do not depend from any hardware, software or hosting provider, you can put your forum on any platform, hosted by any provider on any kind of hardware or operating system, for instance you can move it to your own PC with your own web server. Because you are free, you will be able to freely choose your hardware and software provider ; and of course you will freely choose to keep going with Xisto because it has the best price/perforcance available today !
  14. Nice. I even didn't know that mods for phpbb3 were already available.
  15. I think that powerpoint progames are, basically, "basic" programs. So, i guess that you should learn how to use microsoft basic programming, and then include your program as a powerpoint macro.RegardsYordan
  16. Depends from where and what for.At Xisto, all filetypes are allowed. On some other servers, some filetypes are forbidden (like .htaccess or .htdocs). However, remember that usually sql is reserved for sql files, so a forum environment could refuse names like .sql Also remember that some conventions give special treatment for .html, .avi, .php or .zip extnsions.
  17. this is probably due to the fact that your ubuntu Linux did not start up properly. i'm pretty sure that the menu you choose in order to startup was something like "starting without network".And the network settings were probably the reason why the desktop could not start properly. I would suggest you to simply boot on the "Mandriva One" livecd, and see if it works correctly. Booting from a CD will last a little bit more, and you will have to answer some stupid questions like "english keyboard or not?" but you will see if all your screen and ethernet drivers are present and if the whole thing agrees with your way of thinking. Booting from a liveCD is a way of testing Mandriva without installing it on your hard disk : if you like it you install it, if you don't like it simply forget about it. But the way I see you hating command line and security things tells me that you definitively should choose Mandriva.
  18. Making your USB stick read-only is valid if you want to give a picture to somebody.If you want to pick a text from your friend's computer, you must set your USB stick back to read-write, and then the viruses can come back. A nice way is to scan your stick just after having written your file. I have ClamWind portable on my usb stick, so I use my own antivirus for scanning the new files, it's a very safe way. You update your ClamWin on the USB stick using your home computer, so it's always up-to-date, and you use it in order to test while picking files from your friend's computer. If Portable ClamWin says that your USB files are infected, then probably your friend's computer has a problem, and you are advised as soon as you load+scan your file. Regards Yordan
  19. I wanted to have a single avatar hosted on a web server. And I wanted to use it on each phpbb3 forum I install somewhere, simply adding my profile URL in my user settings.I got it running with PHPBB3 RC7. It could have worked with previous versions, but only today I found the trick.The trick is really simple. The avatar settings failed with the message "unable to obtain the remote image size". And the message is rather self-explanatory : this meant that, probably for security reasons, the webhost refused the query asking for the image size. So, the trick is simple, remove the avatar size "0" (meaning automatic size) and give the real size you want for your avatar, for instance 100pixels*100pixels.And it works. So, now, I can proudly use the same avatar on each phpbb3 forum I subscribe. Isn't this great ?
  20. I see some people sending themselves their last pictures in case of system failure. If you send yourself all the pictures you took with your digital camera, 2 to 4 gigs come rather fast.
  21. I love the portable version of 7zip because it does not need to be installed on the Windows machine.So, I have on my USB flashdisk, and I use it in order to unrar on computers which don't have winrar installed, or in order to zip on computer which don't have winzip installed.
  22. Wow ! I simply didn't notice that ! I simply never looked at the bottom of the Gmail screen, so I didn't see that my quota is now 4 gigs! Great! Thanks Tavox for the info ! And thanks Gmail for that huge space !
  23. I would like to express myself concerning a little semantic point.The title of the present topic is "which Email Address do you like the best ?"There are several ways interpreting this question, an answer has been directed to each of these interpretation.1) The first way of thinking is mine : how should your e-mail addrress be labelled in order that you like it ?For instance, my personal beloved addres is yordan@yordan.com.2) The second way concerns the provider, the question seems to have been translated to "which provider do you prefer ?": some people said "yahoo", some other ones said "gmail", these answers concerned mainly the security and megabites hosted.3) A third way this question has been interpreted looked like "which graphical interface is the most agreeable for you", which is meaningless for people using POP servers, they have the outlook look and feel for each provider.So, a single post, but three ways of interpreting the questions, so three kinds of answers. And each answer was correct, simply different from the previous ones because concerning another way of interpreting the question.
  24. Personnally, I love Mandrake and Mandriva, it's free version.Definitively I would say that, if you are a real beginner and if you don't want to use command line instructions, use Mandriva. You simply have to boot on the install CD. It's fully graphic and you simply have to accept the default answer to each question, and it will install a standard and fully usable system.Of course, if you are really unlucky, you can have drivers problem. Then, sorry, try another distro, you only waste time because the Mandriva release is free.
  25. You're welcome, Grafitti. Please keep us informed. I would be really proud if you could perform your migration using my harmless method.Yordan
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