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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Mark, avoid using CAPITAL letters in your posts, they appear rather agressive so nobody will answer your questions.
  2. Can you connect to your cpanel ? Does the file manager in the cpanel do the job ?By the way, were you successful using ftp on your computer ? Or is it the first time you use ftp with Xisto ?Remember the old stupid way still works :In the Windows or Linux command line window, typeftp yourname.astahost.comuser: your cpanel userpassword : your cpanel passwordIf this does not work, there is probably a network problem between your PC and the gamma server at Xisto corp. And the problem is most probably your PC's firewall settings.
  3. Your post ist copied from here : http://forum.notebookreview.com/ No problem for posting copied information, as long as the info is useful for us. However, politeness as well as well as our forum rules want that you put the copied part within quotes. I put the quotes for you this time, next time I expect that YOU will put the quotes on the copied parts of your topic. I would like to warn you that, if you continue posting copied text without putting it withing quotes, the mods here will think that you are cheating, and they will start deleting your copied posts. By the way, the current info here is interesting, but we want something more from you. Here is the opportunity for you to be really useful to our communitiy. Please tell us why did you post about this tool. Do you use it for your own purpose ? Do you appreciate the tool ? Did you notice a performance increase (for instance while compressing a video) ? Is this tool free, or will it stick into your computer asking for money after the end of the trial period ? You see, there is a lot ot things to be said about the subject, I would like YOU write down, with your own words, and of course if possible in decent English sentences.
  4. OK, it seems that you definitively need a user status column in a table. With a value like "3065" if the user is at level 3 and has 65 lifehalth points. Or value 4100 if level 4 with 100 points. You change this value only once (when he goes to level 5) and you read the value each time the player logs in.
  5. He was explaining that your code does not test that the userlevel is 5.Your code is forcing userlevel to be level 5, which is probably not what you want.
  6. Xisto also gives you abolutely no ads.I also like qupis.com which gives a small one-line ads at the bottom of your webpage, which is quite acceptable. However asta remains the best solution. And, frankly speaking, I thing that yourname.uni.cc is not so shorter than yourname.astahost.com
  7. Now I understand my own problem. In french language we have two separate words."Le prestidigitateur" is the guy whose hands are very fast, and sometimes he also use powders and mirrors in order to make you believe things."Le magicien" is the guy who calls the supernatural powers around here, in order to obtain effects which are impossible by human standard means (like making rain fall without shipping rockets in the clouds). Sorcerers do that kind of things, but they use some artifacts which are not purely magics.
  8. Correct. You are offering the files for download, you have to be sure that you have the copyright. Else, you are guilty. Even if you are not the only one, you are the easily catchable guy.
  9. congrats for the self-repairing. I slightly touched the topic title in order to make it reflect the facts.
  10. Their mail seems rather clear. Your control panel is here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I tried to connect to it, it works. I could not connect because I don't have your password, but I see that the link is functionnal. So, seems that everything they told you is correct. Of course the 4-days delay is not very professionnal, hopefully it's their single evidence of lack of professinalism.
  11. Nice pictures, but...You posted in the Computers and Tech, Designing section. So, you are supposed to explain us something concerning your techniques, the designing tips you learned at school which lead to the effect obtained here.If you did this for your photography course, this should mean that they are not simply lucky strokes, that you wanted to obtain an effect and used some techniques to get that.I think I could guess some of them, but could you explain a little bit about it ? For instance I'm pretty sure that for sky900/P251207_1608 you had to use a tripod, with an aperture closed at F11 or F22 and at least five seconds shoot time. Am I right ? Please explain us.Yordan
  12. yordan


    Hi, overkiller, welcome aboard. I hope that, despite your alias name, you will be helpful toward us.Yordan
  13. Or maybe your site is hosted on Zeta or on Mu ? Personnally, I was sleeping all the evening long, so i didn't notice if gamma was down.@Opaque : thanks for the corrective action you started. I feel very sad seeing that this means expending a lot of money. And thanks for working so hard for our pure pleasure.
  14. Wich Apache PHP Mysql environment are you using ? Personnally I use easyphp : very easy to install, it sets up anything, works fine each time I install it. I use for testing my phpbb3 sites, whether with the local mysql database or with a remote Oracle database. It's free, get it from here : http://www.easyphp.org/ I tried other distros like XAMP, did not work or simply crashed my windows.
  15. Gosh ! Exactly the domain name I was looking for ! Damned ! And it's in use now ! Aaargh ! Really nice ! knowinator.com is a really great domain name. I should have imaginated it before you !
  16. We should have a more careful look at MSN defaults, but here is how I understand the thing.The first time you sign-in and then you connect, your image is the default ones, the first in the list of images stored in the server.then, you choose yor personal image, the Microsoft server associates your sig with the file in your local PC.next time you connect from that PC, the image displayed is stille the one on your local PC.If you connect from another PC, the info's concerning the location of the image on the local PC are false, so back to the defaults.I don't really know what happens if you go back to your very first PC.
  17. Forget about this, hyperterminal cannot. Hyperminal will emulate an ascii terminal, you cannot use it for file transfers. if you really wanted file transfers, you would have to use kermit : kermit client at client side, kermit server at server side. By the way, the topic title is "without modem" and you explain how to use two modems. But, yes, it will work, but the modem-to-modem cable is not a standard one, it's a home-made cross-cable. However, of course, the best way for connecting two computers is using a direct cable between the two Ethernet adapters, because Crosoft windows has everything necessaray for that already embedded.
  18. It's local to your computer. Do you always connect from the same computer, or do you connect from different computers ?
  19. You could also imagine having a look at some free fileservers. Simply have a look at google, "free file hosting" for instance.Of course, like all the "free" servers, a lot of them are not really reliable, but, in the beginning of your site you could survive with these, and go to paid fileservers if your site experiences increasing success and lack of bandwidth.By the way, remember you must own the copiright licence and distribution rights for each file you offer for downloading, else you are against our rules and your Xisto site cannot host your project.
  20. habbowhacked : this is not what we name a tutorial.A tutorial is a more complete text, with several paragraphs, each one several sentences long, with real english sentences, that's why it's place is not in the "coputers & techs - tutorial" section.However, it's still interesting, giving useful advices. that's why I moved it here, where it's more logically it's place.
  21. You are right, uni.cc adds nothing to your web pages.They even allow you a few space for puting and index.html page, which is very useful if you simply want to have a simple webpage showing your e-mail, a link to your curriculum-vitae (at mycv.info) and a link to your Xisto page as a hobby example.
  22. No problem. However, you must know something. If a stupid guy does something stupid (like googling for doing forbidden things) this guy is guilty.If you push him to do something stupid, YOU are guilty as well.
  23. If you are in DHCP mode, you need to ipconfig/release.release tells the server that this address is not in use any more, it's released. then you click "renew" and the dhcp server gives you a new address. this is the correct way to do this, and it's necessary when you switch networks : at home you are on your own network, you release. then you go to your girl-friend home, and you renew. if you don't do that way, you could have your home network address which will be refused by the gateway at your girl-friend home. Sorry if I did a mistake, you could also read "boy-friend" if you are a girl, of course.
  24. Please use full english sentences here, "bc" is for lazy people and not for asta forummers, and I even cannot guess what "<3 lol" means.
  25. Yes, I several times had my site down due to negative credits, but my site came up automatically as soon as my credits came back to positive values.This the politics of this site : you have to post in order to keep your site alive.Another alternative is switching to paid hosting, but you will have to get a job in order to have money to pay for your site.If you often have to go away for several tens of days, maybe you could consider switching to our partner site qupis.com, which is slightly less nicely ads-free but does not have this posting constraint.Yordan
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