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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Which kind of corruption do you have ?Pure ascii English text mails should never be corrupted. National language characters have problems so should be avoided between persons not having the same Windows installation (English for UK people, greek for greece people, etc..) I also have heard about arabic characters shown as drawings and not real text. But pure English text is supposed to never have problems, so you should send all your mails as text (not html) And of course attached files can have download problems, so if the attached file is corrupted you simply have to put it again on your hard disk.
  2. yordan

    Annoying Spyware

    Reformatting is a rather weird solution. I would rather recommend restore an old ghost backup.Of course, if you have no ghost nor akronis backup of your c: disk, then the solution is format first, install and check each piece of software and create/test a backup image of your system disk. And then, as tansqrx says, restore this backup each time you see your system having a strange behavior.
  3. yordan

    Free Site

    Sorry, you are right.I see that now there is a trash can besides my jpg file, and now when you click the file disappears. Thanks a lot. Now I will stop saying bad things concerning google pages, now it works like I want it to do.
  4. It's not so simple. Just try it.A nice topic with several well-balanced topic can be worth several credits. A single-line post like your "how many posts for 1 credit" can be simply destroyed because considered as pure spam.
  5. yordan

    Php Counter

    If it's another different (though more complicated) counter, you can start a new topic.If it's some improvements on the same counter, you should add a post to the current topic, without re-saying what was already said.Of course, you guess that you can't post twice the same subject.Else, I would already have done this with my nice phpbb tutorial, with a new version at each text improvement I can imagine.Simply add an answer to the present topic for each part you want to comment, that would be the best and most coherent way doing that.
  6. Very nice trick, thanks a lot. I will try this next time I will be a non-admin user on a vista system. By the way, you posted this in the tutorial section. Please remember the first specification for a tutorial, as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ Your text is far below this 500 words threshold. That's why I moved it here, where is most probably it's place.Regards Yordan
  7. What does your question mean, ronny ? Do you mean that you do not understand how it works here ? Here at Xisto when you post on our forum (something else that a two-words sentence) you earn posting credits. When you have obtained ten credits you apply for free hosting.Unfortunately, your posts will be reviewed. So, if your contribution to our forum is only pollution to other's posts, your hosting will not be granted. Regards Yordan
  8. If you have problems with English syntax, maybe you could use FireFox as a browser ? It has an embedded spell check, this could be helpful.Of course, it is not helpful from the "what smart thing could I say today?" point of view, this is artist's daily creation problem.
  9. I was talking about a standalone distro for ClamWin, also known as portable Clamwin, you put it on an USB stick and you run it (clicking on the exe file on the stick) and ask for scanning a folder on the stick or on the hard drive. And it self-updates the virus definitions when it's on a system connected to the internet. You find it here : http://portableapps.com/apps/security/clamwin_portable a first exe is a self-expanding file, expands the whole folder on your USB stick. And then you run from the expanded folder. The self-expanding compressed file is named something*paf.exe, and the extracted executable file is named ClamWinPortable.exe
  10. The option seems to be already there, it's named "add funds" in order to raise your credit, I see that "paypal" is there, probably the safest way to put credits on your account if you have too many real dollars in your pocket.Let's first wait and see how OpaQue will implement it for Xisto, no need for more speculations today.
  11. Maybe you could simply have a look at the jobs offered section in your usual newspaper, to see if more people are wanted or not. I think that the way this crisis is running, some big companies will make more money, and some other ones will make less money. For you, both situations can occur. You can be searched by a rich company needing more people. Or you can join a poor company who wants to kick out old expensive people and replace them by young cheap people.
  12. yordan

    Php Counter

    Thanks. Your tuto is really interesting because it shows on a simple case how php and mysql interact in order to give you the info you want. Of course, you can also use the Xisto counter which is in your cpanel, in the "CGI center" part. And if you want a more sophisticated counter, you can get a nice but very complete one for free at http://statcounter.com/
  13. When I forgot the address of the portable tools, I type "portable putty" in Google. Generally speaking, the standalone applications are here : http://portableapps.com/ My favorite ones are puttyportable and FileZillaportable. When I do some Unix work on a Windows system, I also love the portable version of NotePad++ And I appreciate Pidgin Portable, because it has all my settings ready to be used, and it's able of talking both with my MSN and my gmail contacts (it asks me two passwords because of privacy when I forget my flashkey in a system). More specifically, the standalone version for gimp is here : http://portableapps.com/apps/graphics_pictures/gimp_portable I also appreciate ClamWin portable, here : http://portableapps.com/apps/security/clamwin_portable , you put it on your USB flashdisk, and you run it directly from the flashdisk, very useful for scanning the files you just put on your flashdisk from a collegue whose PC is presumably not so secure.
  14. Why not ? I love step-by-step instructions, so probably do some other people. At least when the images work, so you should at least review your tutorial in order to re-put the missing images.But I absolutely agree with FirefoxRocks on the main point : what are these .bam files ? Besides this advertisement for free videos download site ?
  15. I guess you mean "double CLICK ON the file", not "double the content of the file" ?
  16. yordan

    Free Site

    I was talking about jpg images. You can add images to your webpages. In order to do that you upload images into your google site folder. If you change your mind and don't want to use these images any more, you can remove the html pages, but you cannot remove the jpg files. You can upload pictures but you cannot delete them after uploading.
  17. Nice, that way the beginners like me will not be surprised, nor disappointed if they have problems understanding.
  18. There is a standalone version of Gimp (no need for installing, nothing in the Windows registry). I appreciate this a lot. You can put it on a USB flashdisk, so you carry on your images as well as your software and all your settings. This is very useful when you switch from one computer to another one.
  19. yordan

    Free Site

    What I particularly hate on this site is that you cannot delete a file. Once you have uploaded a file and you realize that you did not want to make this file public, there is no way to remove it from your google site.
  20. Nice tutorial.I appreciate the way you did it, posting on Xisto the link to your own blog, nice, smart and honest way for giving here an info you published somewhere else.I also appreciated the tutorial on your blog, personally I am more familiar with rpm, I never used apt-get, so your tuto is very useful for me. Just a small detail point, I am surprised by the "chmod 777" on /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer. This gives everybody permission of deleting /dev/mixer, isn't this too permissive ? I would add a "chmod o-w /dev/mixer" in order to prevent from an accidental removal.Yordan
  21. Seems that you ask if I want to read a tutorial I wold be able to understand ? My answer is yes.Maybe you could, in another section, start a topic polling this question and we would see how many people think that way. Or let's see if other people answer this post.
  22. yordan

    Annoying Spyware

    Also have a look at smitfraudfix, seems that it handles this kind of things.You can simply start it and see if it detects this rogue, if it detects it you can restart smitfraudfix in cleaning mode.
  23. Sorry, but I don't agree with this. You should at least give us a link to the way of learning that, else your whole tutorial is useless.I don't know what even the words "basics of Blender" mean, so how could I even imagine how to understand the rest of your topic ?
  24. Your post has to be posted at Xisto first. If it has already been posted somewhere else, don't post it here, or quote yourself. A topic from last year somewhere else cannot be considered as an original topic today here. Besides that, if you are able writing a ten pages tutorial last year, you can without problem write another one on another subject today. But don't wake up old news as if they are brand new infos.
  25. Are you really talking about a new software named oracel ? Or is this simply a mistyping for Oracle ?
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