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Everything posted by yordan

  1. My C: disk is currently taking my own physical disk.This is not optimal, because I love having a small system disk and a big data disk ; in case of a huge system crash, this would allow me to recover from my last ghost image.Now vista allows me to shrink the c: volume.Unfortunately, vista allowed me to shrink only by 40 gigs. Then it allows me 0, due to cache and snapshots activated.How can I manage shrinking my C: disk down to 50 gigs ? This would mean remove 200 gigs ?Please tell me. Yordan
  2. Thanks a lot. Next time I go back to solaris (probably next month) I will remember "sysdef |grep -i shmseg".Of course, my problem was very urgent, and I worked with probably false values (Oracle documentation says "change this value if it's smaller than xxx", and at this moment I had no idea if the value was smaller than yyy).
  3. I also vote for PPC for professional use, for all servers like database servers or web servers.Small blade PPC AIX systems for small applications, rack-mounted high-end AIX servers.Remember that AIX PPC systems are the only computers having up to 64 processors on the same motherboard, accessing the same disks and memory. For Oracle databases this is priceless, sharing data between processes is a memory-to-memory interchange. These system are the biggest in the world today, and they use exactly the same operating system as the small desktops the developers use.
  4. I thought that Skype is free for pc-to-pc only, and you have to give money for pc-to-phone.Do you mean that Sype pc-to-phone is also free today ? Their website (https://www.skype.com/en/ ) still says :
  5. Thanks for the info, Tom. Nicely said, very efficient, short but precise. You simply forgot to say that this info is coming from wikipedia, namely from here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database You know, it is not really forbidden in our forum to post text copied from somewhere else. Simply, honesty as well as politeness ask that you mention your source, and put the copied text between quote tags. I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I expect you to do it by yourself. Regards Yordan
  6. Ouch ! Where do you see the current cost of your hosting plan ? You see it before ordering, but one week after, where do you see it ?
  7. The guy who had a look had less than 20 posts, so he is not affected by the ">100" feature.
  8. Nice, this means that all the negative values have no real influence on the Credit Balance, which is the only thing important for the payment of the hosting options ordered.
  9. If it works, while connected as Quatrux, you should see my TextLink Ads in the uploadingit.com topic : because I am the starter, as a registered user you should see it.Else I am still sleeping, or I need to understand something.
  10. yordan

    C++ & Vista

    And did you try them with vista ?
  11. Is this feature already active ?In order to see how the TextLink Ads are displayed, I asked another member to have a look at my today's topic, and we saw nothing special, no TextLink in the topic page, nothing different with the Forum Index. Where is this TextLink supposed to be located ?
  12. I used to trust uploadingit.com for holding some useful files, like forum sigs, so that I can use the same ones on several forums. And yesterday I just noticed that all my files had disappeared. All the folders were there, but each of them was empty. However there was no timestamp on holding duration on their TOS, they claim And, yes, I put my files there knowing they are safe and secure, and when I needed them they were absent !Now I know, next time the images I want to share will be stored in my Xisto account !
  13. Maybe the posts in a display was a temporary problem. When I have a look at your profile, looking for posts, it's now 17 pages long, the first one "Posted on: Oct 12 2006, 09:33 PM"And I see that your myCENTs is positive again, so probably everything has been fixed.
  14. Sorry replying so late. Yes, this is perfectly possible. Simply be careful, if you want to use two different network adapters (your wireless and your wireline) they must be on different logical networks. I guess that your wireless adapter's IP settings are in DHCP mode, and if you type "ipconfig" in a CMD window you will probably see that your IP address is something like So, you can use your wired connexion with a crossed cable between your PC and your laptop for faster file transfers. Simply, manually set your IP address of your wired NIC's on a different network, I would choose for the first laptop and for the second laptop. And no gateway on the 192.168.110.* network, the default gateway will be on the wireless network. I hope that this was clear enough, else do not hesitate asking more info. Regards Yordan
  15. Seems that your file really does not exist.Does this happen with any picture in your account, or does it occur with the pictures on which you add a render ?
  16. Hi, Mark,You posted this four times ! Remember that when you post in the "tutorial" forum, your topic will remain invisible until it is approved.So, no need to post it several times, simply wait until it is approved and becomes visible.Nevertheless, your topic should never have been in the tutorial forum, because it's not a tutorial. That's why I moved it here.
  17. You won't have credits for the current post, nor for any post in the current forum. If you want to earn credits you have to post anywhere except in the forums mentioning "no post count", like this one.
  18. The best way is to use a ftp client, I suggest portable FileZilla, you find it here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/filezilla_portable Using Filezilla, you connect to yoursite.astahost.com with your cpanel name and password. You will see two boxes, the right one shows your PC disks, the left one shows the Xisto disks. You navigate to the Xisto folder where your scripts are, and you right click "download" and it will bring all the files in the folder, including sub folders. You can also use FileZilla in order to upload new scripts to a new folder on Xisto server, when creating new programs. Hope this helped. Yordan =========== P.S. By the way, you can also use Xisto cpanel in order to do smart things. Start the cpanel file manager. Select the folder containing all your files at Xisto, and choose "Compress". This will create a zip file which has all your scripts. Then use the select the just created .zip file, and click "Download" (do not click "Delete"...)
  19. Does that mean that your problem is now solved ?Or does your question mean that you ask how to download all your scripts from your website on Xisto to your new computer ?
  20. Please explain something. Where are the scripts currently ? On a computer in a single folder ? On your website ?
  21. You have to write down more than five quality topics (not the present one for instance). Then, register at Xisto - Support and with the same email as the one you used to register at Xisto forum, and order the logic plan. Your posts will be reviewed and you will start earning myCENTS. Each time you reach 100 myCENTS myou will credited $1.00 in your balance. Your balance will pay your logic plan at Xisto. Also, please, next time, when you have a question, open your own topic, do not spoil somebody else's topic with a quite different subject. That explains why I moved your question here, off it's initial location. Regards Yordan
  22. OK, this is only for lazy users or for non-root users.Standard Linux users work in a command-line window, and if they type "ls -l" they will not see your dot-something folders or files. But if the same user types "ls -al", the "a" standind for "all" he will see all the files, including the files and folder whose name start with a "." From a philosophical point of view, this hides files to non-experienced users, you cannot hide files from experienced users. And you don't really need to hide folders from Linux newbies. When I create a stander folder named "/usr/lib/useles_things", very few people are able to simply see that this folder exist, is a non-standard folder and would go and see what is inside it. That's why I never need to hide my Unix private folders, nobody would have idea to go and look inside them.
  23. OK, sorry for the timeframe error. Nevertheless, I'm glad you agree that your next topic should be written at Xisto first, or should be quoted.
  24. Please read the forum rules. We want you to write down correctly balanced English sentences, without sms-like shortcuts. One-line posts are also considered as spam and will be deleted.Remember that your posts are reviewed, so if you want to be hosted here you should change your way of expressing yourself.
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