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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. I'd never buy any sony software. sony computer stuff is aweful. i should know my pc is a sony. sonicstage [the music software] is horrible. Their equivant of moviemaker crash everytime it runs [just like movie maker] i do have a lite version of premier that is use and i think it is great. the full version would be even better.
  2. Michael Moore may raise valid political points. I certainly thought that Bowling For Columbine was a very interesting piece of investagative documentory journalism.But in the overall left/liberal [both rediculous terms] cause Moore is a hinderence. He is too much of a clown, he is like some kind of Micky Mouse. Farienheit 9/11 made some fairly bizarre claims, too far and too unsurported, although is also had some truths.
  3. that is a fairly astonishing article. im very sure that it is not a real transcript of a real conversation. don't get me wrong though it did raise some valid points. but that conversation is hardly a reason for war. that article was most likely writen by the kind of political person that doesn't understand rational political debate. the kind of person that believes that socialism is the same as communism and the communism is a plot to inprison the entire world population. the kind of person who uses those words as insults. That is rubbish, you dont surport mass murderers becasue they share your opinions. Although i agree that saddam was an evil dictator, i dont agree that unprovoked military action sold on the lie that he represented a real threat to the safety of people living in europe or the usa was the right decision. but now that we are there i certainly agree that we should surport them until they have a proper country. don't assume that all anti iraq war people are pro withdrawal. there were other options and other ways that saddam could have been overthrown. at the end of the first gulf war their was a popular unrising against saddam by a coalition of groups that the allies said they were going to surport. but they didnt, they left and saddam cruelly crushed these groups. maybe they backed out because some of these groups were connected to the iraq communist party, a proud tradition in iraqi politics. thats all from me for the moment.
  4. what is the canadian electoral system like? i can see that it is not proportional representation. is it first past the post? if so what are the electoral areas like, how big?who gets to vote? what is that age, and what about criminals/ ex criminals?i find it really interesting the different systems of election around the world, and yet apparently we all have democracy. but it doesnt seem very democratic that the canadian greens for 4.5% and no seats yet the Bloc Québécois get 10.5% and 51 seats.
  5. i think this is just more evidence that apple are really trying to expand at the moment. intel chips, lower prices, fashionable design stemming from ipod's, itunes on mobile phones. buyin palm will help with their expansion into business areas. good on them, apple aren't saints but they make better products than ms.
  6. i googled this and couldnt find anymore infomation. im not doubting that there is a virus but what was your source on this news.for thoses people saying that this will be the beginning of virus' and anti-virus software on mac's you must understand how osX works. osX is based on a unix operating system. that system has a very secure, but not perfect, privilage system and requires a root password before any program can be installed. it would be almost impossible to have malicious code running on a mac unless the user allowed it by mistake.and there is a very good reason not to start running anti-virus programs like norton on mac's. one of the reason mac's are faster is because their systems are jammed up with bloated software hogging valuble system resourses.
  7. they are very nice photographs. congratulations. they show you are an art student, got an eye for composition.it's impressive how good just normal non slr digitals can be, my friend has a sony from only a few years ago and it's surprizingly good.
  8. yeah flickr looks nice and there are many talented people on there. but the page i linked to is embedded into my bmx website using an iframe so it makes sence like that.
  9. could i ask what your partition table look's like? as you are a gentoo user. and especially could you tell me what sizes each parts are?also. will i need a boot partition? what atually goesin the boot partition? if i am booting from a different drive [hda] then i guess i dont need one.
  10. Paintshop pro is ok for very light work. but really it is poor software.the other day i needed to send some files to a magazine for possible publication, they have a stardard mac+adobe type office set up. they couldn't even open the files that paintshop pro had created. that possibly cost me publication [they didnt print my piece] dont think that i hate psp becasue of that. i dont hate it, it is just not worth losing out over having the wrong software for the job.
  11. i am personally an advocate of free speech but i have no problems with laws that limit slightly that freedom, for example the hatred laws in England that make is illegal to incite hatred against a particular race. these laws illegalise blatantly wrong ideals like racism. i also agree with the law in Germany [i believe, but might be Austria] that illegalises holocaust denials. These laws allow voices of evil to be incarcerated and hopefully educated in their wrongs, and that is a good thing But i also think it is a bad situation in which you cannot be satirical about any subject you wish without a real threat to your life. The concept of killing someone who offends you is mad, imagine a world in which you just shoot someone if they wear horrifically dis tasteful clothes or live in a disgustingly kitsch house. You might say that is a stupid comparison but i care deeply about design and aesthetic [i am an designer/artist/photographer so that is fair] and why don't i have the right to feel religious about that [i don't, but why not?] but the main point i feel in this debate is that i have not seen these cartoons, i have not read transcripts, only vague descriptions from varying newspapers. And have any of you seen them? and have any of those protesting in London? Have any of the hamas members? I think you will find the answer in 99.9% of cases is no. there has been no possibility because they are to controversial to be printed, so how can anyone formulate an opinion of a subject they have never seen?
  12. maybe bush could get some people finding practice by digging out some "where's wally/waldo" books. from there he could possibly start making some progress.
  13. here are too pages with the best of normal photos in 2005: to be found here and the best cameraphone photo's of 2005: over here comments and critic very welcome how about some other photographers collate their best of 2005? we could even try to find the Xisto best photograph of 2005.
  14. i'm with image shack. i think its a very good service indeed. i hosted a load of holiday photos on it and they hardly needed to be compressed and for random images for myspace and suchlike it's bandwidth is good.
  15. some really good photographs there. favouites being:* Sky at Enoc Station 1* Sky at Jabel ali 1* Sky at Jabel Ali 2* Sky at Khorfakkan 4* Sunrise Sky on Highwayso quite afew favourites. some of them would look even better with a bit of tweeking. i use google's picasia to organise my photos and it has a 'im feeling lucky' button that 'fixes' the images in one click. i dont know if you have windows but it's a good program if you do.
  16. that is astonishing. i use css as much as i can but i really didnt know that it was that powerful.even more astonishing, they all work fine in IE.the website that it comes from is really good aswell.
  17. well no-one replied to this. im not sure why. i'll try again. the main things i want to know is what linux users recormend about partitioning. i guess my drive will be roughly like this: hdb1 drive j ntfs 180 gig hdb2 linux root / ext3 [here i need to know what size i would need for a / mount point on a gentoo system running possible large video software] [then i need to decide how and what extended partitions here for the rest of gentoo. i have heard that is is good to have a seperate /tmp and /home mounts to make the system faster. and i need to know what sized they will be] hdb3 drive k fat32 40gig free space for expansion later. [skyos/bsd?] thanks in advance.
  18. i'm in firefox and the uk, and i dont seem to have a delete button. i never use the webmail as i use pop3 but i logged in just to check. in the spam folder i have a button called 'delete forever'. i find that pretty funny. gmail have to emphasize that it's being deleted because even the people who use the service dont trust google to atually delete. still im a user and i dont mind.
  19. in all honesty what else could they do other than copy firefox. there is now way they could have made it a near match for firefox without thsoe features.but really m$ could have saved time and money if they just bundled firfox, what real difference would it make?
  20. 2011 is 5 years away. imagine how good linux and hardware will be by then. hardware prices will have gone down massively by then as well.i think m$' fortunes rest on vista, if vista is really bad and full of bugs and security flaws i really think that x86 mac's and linux will take over
  21. oh dear. i just sent an email from my gmail to my friend's gmail that could be a bit illegal. oh well.it is interesting though becasue do you really think that terrorists are going to use gmail. i mean gmail in generally a 'elite' only service because of the invites needed. do you really think that someone sent a gmail invite to osama@hotmail.com or whatever. i also doubt that these guys are going to talk in plain language considering that amount of secret service money being poured into preventing these kinds of crime. i think its probabal they will talk in code.as for my emails i dont really have much to hide from the law. and what i have, the law in england dont really care much about.so now im expecting guns at dawn from the MI5 just to set an example
  22. At first i thought "no way can 1/5 of people in europe use firefox, becasue very few people in england do". but after some further reading i can acept that, it's just england is dragging the average down with only 1 in 10[unsurprizing really from such a slow, conservative country]. the main reason stated for this level of use being so high is that it was taken at the weekend so that it represented home usage rather than corporate use [at companies that wont allow their staff to change software. this is amazing, the internet must be changing, these are the raw stats for a website called boing boing. i dont know much about it but it seams fairly normal, it certainly isnt a open source website.
  23. I could quite reasonlby see a google operating system. but i think it would probably be a very unix like system or a linux distro packaged with some closed source google features.correct me if im wrong but it would be fairly easy for google to make their own linux os [some people on this forum have/want to]. And then make a few programs and adapt ones they already own, intergrate these as closed source programs owned by them into their linux distro. they would create some kind of indexing search thing, intergrate gmail with the os, make their own simple browser with all google features built in, make picasia into a image and video browser/editor, etc.i can see them doing this and then using their exceptionally famous name and trying to get a manufactuer onboard and providing a very google ready, cheap pc for anyone.in my mind that could work, but im not sure if they are going to do it but all the hype recently about google surposedly announcing a pc then it not happening suggests they might be looking into that field.i think google and linux, togeather or seperate, will continue to make a big difference to computing in the next few years, so who knows?
  24. I really dont understand why everyone on here hates paypal. i think it's great. it is safe and offers good buyer protection upto amounts that normally cover my needs. it is supported by loads of people. it's fast and easy.what do other people want from paypal?
  25. i dont know if you have heard of them but here in england there is a long standing political party called the monster raving looney party. they often stand for seats and regulary come last, but alot of people have voted for them over the years.they also have a shadow cabinet to be reconed with! examples being: Johnny Wood and his Sock (Shadow Minister of Vampires), King Eddy Vee the Yorkshire Elvis (Shadow Minister of Yorkshire Tea, puddings & Elvis), Baron Von Thunderclap (Shadow Minister for Transport, Saving The Dodo & Decimal Time) etc
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